Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 79 - ARGUED AND LEFT

As planned, Travis had a scheduled flight that night. He needed to deal with his problem as soon as possible so he could spend more time with Jillyanna.

"Are you feeling better?" Travis asked while packing his personal things inside a single suitcase.

"I'd be totally fine once you left." Jillyanna answered with a sarcastic smile in her lips.

Travis put down his things and walked to her bed where Jillyanna was sitting with a glass of water. "Can you pretend to be sweet sometimes? You don't have to be so honest, you know."

"Sad to say, I wasn't raised to lie. I am not like you who's good in pretending." she responded with a cold gaze before placing the glass on her bed side table.

Travis sighed and turned around to finish packing his things. "Do you have to hate me so much?"

"I do." she was swaying her feet back and forth while watching him pack "It would've been better if we didn't meet."

"Then who was it that hooked up with me?" Travis snapped at her which made Jillyanna frowned.

Her eyes were dark and her face was red as she tried to contain her anger. "I didn't ask you to find me. That was supposed to be a one night affair! I didn't ask you to come to me. Is it my fault? How many times did I tell you to stop? Don't you dare come and snap at me! I didn't tell you to do anything!"

"You and the baby are my responsibility." Travis spoke in a soft voice, trying to calm down.

"I never asked you to take responsibility! I don't want to be anyone's responsibility! If I wanted to, I would've been calling you, clinging to you, asking you to father my child!" she yelled at him, not able to contain her anger anymore.

Travis pulled her and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to come out as a negative statement. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." he whispered and kissed the top of her head again and again.

Jillyanna didn't move in his arms. She was breathing in and out to calm down. She had been reminded not to feel any extreme emotions or she will be dead. Now, she got so angry she really wanted to kick him.

"I am really sorry." Travis spoke again but she still remained silent.

When she had calmed down, she pushed him away and walked out of her room. "Don't follow me."

Travis who wanted to chase after her, stopped on his track and watched her left. They both needed space.

"What happened?" Savannah came and asked Travis about the commotion.

"Just a small argument." he answered, heaving a sigh and sat on her bed.

"RV, don't stress her so much. It's not good for her and the baby. You should be indulgent to her not to argue with her." she reminded him and left to find Jillyanna.

They couldn't find her inside the house but Valkyrie who was at the porch didn't notice her come out of the house.

Jillyanna was actually staying in her parents' room. She didn't want to see anyone at the moment so she was hiding there.

After half an hour, Travis came knocking on the door. It was also the only place he knew that she'd be staying.

"Wifey, I'm really sorry." he mumbled outside the door. "It's my fault. I'm sorry."

Jillyanna didn't speak. She covered herself with a very thick blanket to muffled the noise.

"I will be leaving now." Travis mentioned. He waited for another second. Seconds turned to minutes but there was no response from her at all.

Jillyanna had climbed down from the bed and saw his shadow from the slit of the door but she didn't open it.

When Travis was about to leave, a faint voice from the room can be heard. "Take care of yourself."

"Can I see you before I leave?" he asked tentatively.

After a minute of silence, the door was opened slowly. Travis pushed it open and hugged her. Inhaling her scent and kissed her forehead.

"Valkyrie will be asking some of his friends to guard you and keep you safe. During these days that I am not around, don't go out alone." he reminded her.

"Just go already. No need to add more people. I trust Savannah." she responded since she got a plan on her head already.

Travis didn't know what she's thinking and thought that they have made up already. She can't let anyone know about her plan. Not Cielo or Lucian either.

Travis kissed her forehead for the last time before pulling his suitcase and left with Hawk, who would drive him to the airport.

Jillyanna went to the living room as soon as he left and dialed a number using the home telephone.

After the second ring, Sky's voice rang from the other end of the line. "Yanna, how are you?"

"I am doing fine. I was told that you would be visiting tomorrow?" she confirmed with them to make sure that her plan would be going well.

Sky admitted that they will be visiting in the morning to see her. "I just remembered that I would be going somewhere tomorrow. I won't be home."

"Then, we'll visit you some other time. Make sure that you take care of yourself." Sky reminded her. They talked for a while more before Jillyanna ended the call.

Savannah and Brown just watched her from the living room. They could tell that she's planning something base on the look in her eyes.

Jillyanna dialed another number and this time, she looked excited while talking. "Uncle, it's me."

"Yanna! It's been a while since you called using this number. How are you?" It was Thomas Madrigal who answered the phone.

"Can I visit you tomorrow, uncle? I need your help." Jillyanna admitted. There's no point in lying to him. He's the last hope she got who could help her escape the country.

"Of course. It's not everyday that you would ask a favor from me. I am still in the mansion so you can come here anytime you want." Thomas responded from the other end of the line.

"Alright. I'll be there before lunch." Jillyanna stated excitedly. She said few more courteous words before hanging up.

Savannah and Brown looked at each other before shifting their eyes at her. Jillyanna looked so happy and relieved under their watch and monitoring.

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