Chasing After My Wife


Even though she was tired and was in pain from the previous night's activities, Jillyanna tried her best to get out of the bed.

She noticed that Travis was hugging her waist from behind and his chest went up and down whenever he inhaled and exhaled to breath. Jillyanna held his hand carefully before pushing them away from her.

'Thanks God I didn't wake him up.' she sighed in her heart from the success of her escape. She climbed down from the bed with a glaring eyes.

"I didn't know it would be this painful!" she spat out the words in whisper, rubbing her waist and back in the process of grabbing her clothings one by one.

She put on them as careful as she could to avoid waking him up. She picked up her bag and left the room like nothing happened. It was still five in the morning so she expected her best friend to be asleep. However, that wasn't the case.

She paid the hotel first for a full night and day of accommodation since she didn't know when the guy would wake up.

"Wasn't it Travis Madrigal who came in with her? Why was she paying for their room?" the youngest receptionist asked in curiosity.

"Well, we don't really know what's their relationship. Just go back to work. We'll let him know later." the other woman responded before going back to her work.

When Jillyanna successfully left the hotel and was out of sight, she stopped pretending being 'okay'. She wasn't okay at all! Her body hurts so much that she wanted to tear that man apart!

"That beast! How come he lasted that long?! Shouldn't men be satisfied after letting it out?! Damn it!" Jillyanna was cursing while waiting for a taxi to pass.

Lucian's phone made a beeping sound twice. He checked on it and found that the red dot, indicating Jillyanna's whereabout, was moving away from the hotel.

"Darling, Jillyanna left the hotel already. Let's pick her up." He motioned his girlfriend or wife rather, to stand. They were currently at the park, Cielo was swinging while Lucian was pushing the swing gently.

Jillyanna stood under the waiting shed while waiting for a bus or taxi. She didn't stop massaging her back to relieve herself from the pain.

"Jillyanna!" Cielo waved her hand out of the window when she spotted her friend and Lucian stopped the car right in front of her so she could get inside.

She was shocked at first to see them at that moment, then came the realization that she made them worry about her.

"Don't just stand there. Get inside. I know how painful it is." Cielo stated a matter of fact but it made her blush deeply.

She smiled awkwardly at Lucian before sitting herself at the backseat. "This is kinda awkward, you know." She scratched the tip of her nose while looking out of the window, admiring the city lights which will be turned off in an hour or so as the morning come.

"It doesn't matter if you feel awkward. Lovers really do that." Lucian stated while driving the car to Jillyanna's house.

"That's the reason why. You guys have the reason to do it because you are lovers. In my case, I just hooked up with a man I didn't even know. But, it's not the reason why I feel awkward." She looked down on her hand which she had been playing all this while out of nervousness. "I feel awkward that, after doing it with someone, somewhere, you had to pick me up and drive me home."

Lucian and Cielo laughed at her while she felt agitated and embarrassed by herself. "Enough of that. We were worried about you. Even though you can defend yourself, you are still a woman. We don't even know if that guy was good or bad." Cielo stated while reaching out her hand to hold it.

"Thank you. But you know what, I can feel if someone is going to harm me or not and somehow that man seemed nice. Well, I got what I want. Hopefully, things would turn out great after this." Jillyanna responded with a light smile hanging on her lips.

She was sent home first before Lucian brought Cielo to their apartment. Cielo and Lucian have been in a relationship since High School. Both family knew and they approved of their relationship as long as their grades won't drop.

Even Jillyanna, who wasn't in relationship, was no exception at all. She had to keep her grades as promise to her late mother. It wasn't a problem for her though, she's always the top of her class.

She's the same age as Cielo but she was behind her with one level due to her mother's death. She moved from one place to another since no one was actually willing to take care of her after finding out that they couldn't get anything from her mother's wealth.

Cielo's father was once her mother's patient. They had nothing to pay for his hospital bills and was refused of the operation if they couldn't pay at least half of the amount. Jillyanna's mother paid for it and scheduled him for surgery.

They knew she had a child since Jillyanna had visited her mother often times. Taking her in to their family was their way of repaying her kindness.

When they graduated from University, Lucian asked for permission to register his marriage with Cielo at the Civil's Affair's Bureau. Both families agreed.

The day after their wedding, Jillyanna left the country to go overseas and study further with the help of her mother's friend. She's a graduate of Business Management so handling business matters were easy for her. However, that's not where her passion lies. So Cielo helped her run their business when she felt tired.

Jillyanna slumped her tired body on the soft bed when she got home. It didn't take long before she fell into a deep slumber without any worries.

How Jillyanna felt was contrary to how Savannah felt at that same moment. She was so worried since it's morning already and Travis wasn't home yet.

"Relax. Trust me, he will be fine. Did you forget that he was trained in the military, too before taking over his father's business?" Brown asked with a raised eyebrow.

He was getting dizzy already from seeing her walk back 'n forth in the living room. Savannah wasn't listening at all and Hawk wasn't convincing her either.

Hawk knew that if he would tell her to stop, she'd flare up and they might end up fighting. He didn't want that to happen.

Valkyrie was eating some French fries that they got from a drive thru earlier while watching everyone doing their thing. He moved closer to Brown and handed him a burger.

Brown didn't take the food or even give him a glance. He stood up and walked to his room saying, "I'll go to sleep. He'll be back before noon for sure. You can keep waiting if you want." Then, his door was opened and slammed shut, leaving them in confuse state.

Savannah switched her attention to Valkyrie, with her hands on her hips, eyes glaring and clear frustration reflecting her face.

"Hey Matt! What did you do this time? Why is he mad at you again?" Savannah asked using a part of his name. Valkyrie knew that using his name indicates a serious matter at hand.

"I don't know. I...I didn't even play last night. I was doing the mission alright...I don't remember anything that could've upset him." He pulled his hair, feeling frustrated as well.

Hawk stood up when he could no longer take what was happening. "I really suggest we all go to sleep. We need to cool down. I'm pretty sure Travis is fine."

"Yeah let's do that. I'll go ahead." she walked away from them without waiting for Hawk.

Valkyrie followed then came Hawk behind him. Rest was what they need after a long night.

Back at the hotel...

Travis woke up and found the empty space beside him. 'It's cold.' He thought.

"She left over an hour ago." He whispered to himself while covering one of his eyes using the back of his hand.

"I'll find you for sure." He left out of the room and went to the reception to check on her details.

The youngest maid who was left alone while the other went to get coffee for them, saw him walking towards her direction.

"Sir, the room has been paid." she told him since she thought he would pay for the room.

Travis leaned on the desk while his fingers were tapping on the surface with a distinct rhythm. "So my fiancee ran away again."

His statement stunned the receptionist before smiling at him without saying anything. 'So that was his fiancee. This rich people really have mysterious relationship.' That's what she thought.

"Sir Travis, is there anything you need?" the young receptionist asked when she saw that he wasn't leaving.

"Mind if I check where my fiancee is living? She's been avoiding me lately. I want to give her a surprise." Travis responded with a complete lie, but the receptionist actually believed him.

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