Chasing King

Chapter 31

Feng Ye opened a strong crossbow and tamed a fierce horse in spring hunting. He made the show and got a rare good horse, which made people envious. The name of "little wolf king" resounded throughout the capital. Even if he didn't like him any more, he had to sigh that "tiger father has no dog son".

However, Fengye is still my old friend. He doesn't make friends with others. He's even like a lady. He's so arrogant and perverse that people who want to talk to him give up.

After that day, Yan Sikong stopped thinking of meeting Feng Ye. This little wolf king is a beast that is hard to control. He thinks carefully every step he takes. If he gets too close to such a person full of variables, he will inevitably become self defeating.

Moreover, Fengye is the last remaining thought in his heart, which he would rather only exist in his memory.


after one month, Emperor Zhaowu couldn't stand the admonition of the officials and held another Sutra feast. In this way, under mutual compromise, there was a tacit agreement between the monarch and his officials.

During the banquet, Yan Zilian changed two lecturers, both of whom were new imperial scholars, and his performance was remarkable. However, compared with Shen Hexuan and Yan Sikong, Yan Zilian was superior. Even emperor Zhaowu asked, "where is Yan Sikong who can tell anecdotes about unofficial history?".

They see a bright future, and stand out among a group of gifted scholars and editors in the Imperial Academy. Yan Sikong is closer, so there are wine companies from time to time. But who asked to go, who asked to excuse declined, he thought clearly.

The two major factions in the court, one is the eunuch Party headed by Xie Zhongren, and the other is the aristocratic family headed by Yan Zilian. They have been fighting openly and secretly for more than ten years. Under the invisible light of the sword, they are spilling the blood and ideals of countless people. Finally, the unarmed people will suffer, and this is far from the end.

Although he is a student of Yan Zilian, he is too small to stand in line, and no one pays attention to him. However, when he is likely to become a servant of the emperor or the prince, it is not the same. He must carefully choose who to associate with, neither let Yan Zilian worry, nor let the eunuch party feel obvious threat. These days, he has to think twice about even saying a word in the Imperial Academy, because there are many people here who are eunuchs and have many ears and eyes.

Recently, under the leadership of Huo Li, a Bachelor of LongTuge, they compiled a new Sheng history. In order to finish it before the emperor's birthday, they stayed up late into the night day by day, sleepy.

After finishing a volume, Yan Sikong said goodbye to his colleagues and planned to go home to have a sleep.

His salary was so meager that he could not afford to hire a coachman, so he had to go home on foot. Fortunately, the house he rented was not far from the imperial city. If he had a fast journey, he would be home in half an hour.

It was dark in the capital, and there were almost no pedestrians on the streets. Sometimes there were guards patrolling the capital.

Yan Si walked across the street, turned into the alley, didn't go too far, felt that someone was following him.

He sank down and went on quietly. It had just rained in the city, and there were many puddles on the road. He glanced at it carelessly. On the surface of the water, there was a waning moon hanging high, and a dark shadow flashed behind.

Yan Sikong frowned, suddenly stopped and said in a high voice, "who is your honor? It's too unfair to hide. "

As soon as the words came to an end, he felt the air behind him tremble. Without thinking about it, he suddenly turned back, swung the oil lamp and hit the man behind him. At the same time, he stepped forward and punched the man in the chest.

The man was covered in black. In the dark, he could not distinguish between men and women, but he was supposed to be a man. Two people in the dark lane quietly played a move.

Yan Sikong finds out that this person is not a robber and doesn't want his life. He has some reservation in his moves, so he can't find out the details of the other person. He just wants to tear off the mask to find out. But he even tries several moves to avoid them. This person has great skill, so he's not an opponent.

All of a sudden, they heard a group of footsteps coming from across the street, which should be the night patrol guards.

Yan Si is about to shout, but the other party suddenly unfolds his arm and throws a strange smell on his nose and mouth without warning.

Yan Sikong suddenly opened the ball of things, but it was too late. He took a big breath, his tongue became numb and dizzy, and he began to spin around in the same place. Finally, his legs softened and fell to the ground.


a ray of sunlight just hit Yan Sikong's face. His eyelids trembled and his eyes were stimulated. He opened his eyes with difficulty.

Unconsciously, he covered his eyes with his hand and turned over. After a moment of silence, he suddenly turned over in horror and looked around warily.

This is a rather spacious and elegant bedroom. Just from the expensive wood, we can see that the master is rich in wealth. Needless to say, the basins placed casually beside the bed are all made of thick red copper.

Where is this?

Yan Sikong couldn't figure out what was going on. Was his identity discovered? It's impossible. He spent a lot of money to forge his identity, even to learn strange dialects and change his accent. Even if he sent someone to check it, it would be perfect. What's the value of being investigated?

Yan Sikong got out of bed, picked up the sword on the table, and looked out of its sheath. It was true that it had not been cut, but it was better than nothing. He pushed the door open with a knife, intending to go out to find out.As soon as he opened the door, he backed back.

Outside the door, in the courtyard, there is a huge beast!

It was a gray black wolf. Yan Sikong had never seen a wolf before, but the wolf shouldn't be so huge. In front of him, the fur was rich, the body was strong and fierce as a tiger. Lying under the tree seemed to be sleeping, which was bigger than the stone table beside him!

Yan Sikong only felt that his heart would come out of his throat. He quietly stepped back and wanted to cover the door silently.

But as soon as the door was closed, the wolf suddenly raised his head. It turned out to be a one eyed wolf. One eye was covered with a gold mask. The next moment, it stood up.

Yan Si didn't dare to move.

The wolf shook his hair. One of his eyes was pale blue and white, full of chilling sense of killing. When he got up, he was even more majestic. He was afraid that an adult would be as tall as his chest. He was as powerful as a hell!

Yan Sikong is really afraid. He has not been afraid of anything for a long time. He is not afraid of death, but he really doesn't want to try the taste of being torn up by sharp teeth. He didn't dare to close the door. Let alone the distance, if he could close it or not, even if he closed it, how could he stop such a beast.

One man and one wolf looked at each other for a moment. The wolf shook off his claws and walked slowly towards Yan Sikong.

Yan Sikong didn't dare to run, for fear of provoking him, so he had to step back into the room.

The wolf followed him into the house.

Yan Sikong kept retreating until his back was against the wall in despair, but the wolf stopped at a distance of less than one foot away from him and looked at him with his terrible one eye.

Yan Sikong closed his eyes and held the dagger tightly, thinking that if it came up, he would break it first.

Damn, this knife doesn't cut!

The wolf looked at the prey that had no place to escape, but it didn't seem to plan to come forward, just staring at it, which was creepy.

One man and one wolf continued to stare at each other in the room. The atmosphere was strange and unspeakable.

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