Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 103:Mother Come

While glancing on the display of the elevator, Takeshi wears his shades to cover his tired eyes due to lack of sleep. Actually, due to unable to sleep. When the number on the display turns to one number less than his floor, Takeshi steps closer to the door. With a 'ding' sound, the door is opened, showing a figure that immediately widens his eyes.

"お母さん (Okasan - Mom)," Takeshi muffled shouts. His hand automatically takes off his shades, to make sure he sight is right. The middle-age woman softly smiles to see the surprised Takeshi. "Where are you going ? To the company ?" Takeshi's mother asks. "R..right," Takeshi is stammered. "Good. I'm coming with you," she replies. With shifting to the right, she signals Takeshi to enter the elevator. "M.. mother, why do you suddenly come here ?" Takeshi asks in confusion, but his hand still swiftly takes over her bag. The bag is eventually quite heavy.

The elevator door is closed. Mrs. Hasegawa is about to press the LG button. "Wait a minute, Mom," Takeshi prevents her, covering the button with his other hand. Takeshi stares at his mother with a probing sight. "I want to meet Mr. Hamada," Mrs. Hasegawa answers the sight. "What's for ?" Mrs. Hasegawa sighs before answering, "To pay your debt."

Takeshi's eyes nearly pull out of their places. "P.. paying my debt ?" he hisses in a daze.. He can't even feel a soft stroke of his mother's hand on his cheek. "I have sold our farm to Watanabe-san. It is lower than market price, but it is more than enough to cover your debt," she explains while glancing at the bag that is held by Takeshi. Her explanation even makes Takeshi more surprised and panic. "B.. but, Mom.. why selling the farm ? Mom.." Takeshi can only continue his words with a long sigh.

"Listen to me, Takeshi," Mrs. Hasegawa says with a tone that forces her son to turn his head to her. "I don't want you to be slaved, even more by money," she firmly explains, making Takeshi helpless, "Now, let's meet your boss."

"Hamada-san is in meeting with a client. It may take another couple of hours," Mr. Hamada's secretary explains. Takeshi reflexively sighs in relieved. His mother glances at him in curios then speaks to the secretary, "Then I will wait." Takeshi turns to his mother. "But, Mom.. I have to work soon," he gives excuse. "It's okay, Dear.. I can wait alone," Mrs. Hasegawa says softly but irrefutable. As a proof that she is serious with her words, Mrs. Hasegawa steps toward the couch across the secretary desk and sits there elegantly.

Takeshi sighs. Overwhelmed with his mother's stubbornness, he finally also sits on the couch, putting the bag that had been on his grip since in the elevator down on the floor. With elbows on his thighs, he supports his chin with his fists. Minutes passes in silent.

"How about this, Mom.. Let me hand the money to Hamada-san. It is best for you to go back to my apartment to get some rest," Takeshi offers her a 'help'. Instead of answering, Mrs. Hasegawa stares at her son suspiciously.

"What are you really hiding from me ?" Mrs. Hasegawa asks while searching the answer from Takeshi's eyes. "Nothing," Takeshi answers, doesn't avoid his mother's stare. For him it is an easy job to hide lies from his eyes. "I'm just being practical," he makes a reasoning, "There is no use for you to wait here for hours. You must be very tired after traveling, so it is best for you to rest in my apartment."

Mrs. Hasegawa straightens her back and answers, "I'm not tired." the woman who is still beautiful on her age does fail to find lie in her son's eyes, but she can definitely sense something is hidden from her. And she is right. Takeshi doesn't want her mother hand the money to Mr. Hamada. His boss will not be that easy to give in. Debt is only a way for him to set Takeshi up to obey his will. Takeshi realizes that. Mr. Hamada will definitely ask her reason, and his mother will definitely answer the truth. Then.. there will be uncovered all things that Takeshi doesn't want to be discovered. The fact that he is in relationship with Xiao Ping, which means he broke his exclusive contract. The content of exclusive contract that 100% will not be approved by his mother. Takeshi's head is pulsing again.


"Why does a bright idea always come late," Li Wei says while taking his helmet off. "If only we searched on the internet since the beginning, we wouldn't have to wait and chase him for hours," he adds. "ごめん (Gomen - Sorry)," Yu Jin says regretfully, thinking that his friend is grumbling.

After chasing the white SUV for almost two hours, they finally lost it on the high way. They then went back to Li Wei's apartment to execute Yu Jin's new idea, searching on the internet. Well, even IT people in a panic condition can forget the power of internet. Only with a phrase "Takeshi Hasegawa office" typed on the search engine, they found the address of Kin Momoji, Inc, where they are now.

Li Wei waves his hand as a refusal. "I don't blame you," he says. "Beside, I just knew that a fan can be that crazy to make that kind of website," he adds then giggling.

A website was on the third place of the search engine's result. It is made by Takeshi Hasegawa's fan. She made a Hasegawa's stalker community that always updating the exact position of their idol. When a member knows where Takeshi is, he/she will update in the website and it is then automatically send message to other members. Li Wei voluntary assigned to be the member of the community and the last information said that Takeshi is in his office.

"Now.. how would we get in ?" Li Wei asks rhetorically while staring at the building.

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