Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 106:I Hate Him


From within her sleep Xiao Ping can hear the call. The voice that calls, it's Takeshi's voice. Ah, it's only a dream, that's what Xiao Ping's mind says.

"Shiawase," that voice is calling again, this time is followed by a touch on her lower arm. Stupid! Why do you still dream that he would come ? Xiao Ping scolds her self. She then tries to deafen her ears against the voice that keeps on calling.

Go away!! Be vanished!! Xiao Ping tries hard to dispel it but the voice getting even louder to call her. "Go!!" Xiao Ping shouts and opens her tears-flooded eyes. Her blur sight can not clearly catch the figure who sits next to her, holding tight -almost squeezing- her hand. "Shiawase," the voice calls again. Xiao Ping blinks her eyes, releasing the tears that block her sight.

Xiao Ping has a clear sight now. But she is blinking her eyes repeatedly, still disbelief on her sight. The voice once again calls her, this time with a relieved smile. "Takeshi," Xiao Ping hisses still disbelief. "Forgive me," Takeshi asks. Xiao Ping is stunned.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, emotion storm hits Xiao Ping. Her tears burst uncontrollably with a loud sob. She releases her hand from his grip then backing on him. "Go away!!," Xiao Ping says while pointing at the door with her infused hand.

"ほんと.. ほんと.. ごめんなさい (Honto.. honto.. gomennasai - Really.. really.. sorry)," Takeshi pleads in stammered. Xiao Ping shakes her head hard. "Go!! Go !! Gooo!!!" Xiao Ping screams hysterically. Yu Jin and Mr. Yuan pull Takeshi to stand and force him to exit the room while Mrs. Yuan is trying to calm her daughter down.


With both hands cover his face, Takeshi sits in front of Xiao Ping's room across the door. His heart is tremendously in pain. It is not because he was outcasted by Xiao Ping, but to see what have he done to Xiao Ping. His hand unconsciously touches bruises on his left jaw. Yu Jin's punch was merely a punishment for him. He deserves way heavier punishments. A thought crosses his mind, making Takeshi squints his closing eyes with horrified. No.. Not that, he pleads terrified. But he realizes he deserves that punishment. What should I do ? I don't want to lose Xiao Ping. He says in panic.

Just few seats distant from Takeshi, Mr. Yuan also sits down. Half an hour ago he still believed that his daughter was crazy, that she hallucinated to be a girlfriend of the Japanese idol. He had planned to take Xiao Ping to psychiatric for therapy, even to isolate her for temporary for her recovery. Then the Japanese idol showed up, asking for his forgiveness, then went to see Xiao Ping.

Turns out, his daughter is not crazy! Mr. Yuan sighs. He should be relieved. He should be happy. But he feels very sad now. He remembers when Xiao Ping weakly tried to convince him that she's not crazy, also when she tried to explain her relationship with Takeshi. But he didn't believe her. He even thought his daughter was crazy. What kind of father doubts his own daughter's sanity ? Mr. Yuan deeply sighs, trying to rid some of his guilty with it.


Al though her sob is calming down, tears keep trailing down on Xiao Ping"s cheek. Her heart and mind rumble abysmally. Takeshi is here. At Taiwan. Meeting with her parents. That proves that she is not crazy, she really is dating Takeshi. But.. Takeshi is the one who caused her like this. Takeshi is having an affair. No.. it's worse. Takeshi negated their relationship. He announced to the world that he has a relationship with Miyu Saeki. In other words, he denied that their relationship is exist. That fact makes her heart so painful.

A shadow comes close to her slowly. Xiao Ping closes her eyes to release a tear so she can see clearly. Yu Jin.

"Hi," he greets with a tired smile. His face is also sore. Xiao Ping tries to reply but her voice is chocked in her throat.

"May I sit ?" Yu Jin asks. Xiao Ping weakly nods. Yu Jin sits next to her bed. "Have you eaten ?" Yu Jin asks answered by a head shake. Disappointment comes to his face, but he doesn't try to persuade. They let a thread of silence is strung between them.

"You know.. he come here not without a risk," Yu Jin starts a conversation. "Then he should not come at all," Xiao Ping cusses. "He seems so regretful," Yu Jin says again. "It's too late," Xiao Ping asserts. Can not bare to hide her tears, Xiao Ping turns her head away from Yu Jin.

"Is it really late? Is he really that .."

"Why do you defense him ?" Xiao Ping snaps, turning to Yu Jin. She is no longer ashamed to show her pain in front of him. "Don't you know what he did ? He lied to me. He played me. He.. he.." Instead of finishing her sentence, Xiao Ping sobs. Yu Jin stretches his hand to stroke her hair. "Yu Jin...," Xiao Ping whines to him, "My heart is painful. It is really painful here"

If only to follow his emotion, right now Yu Jin definitely will be going outside and hit Takeshi one more time. But this problem can not be solved that way. Then Yu Jin can only stroking Xiao Ping's hair waits for her cry subsided.

"I didn't mean to defense him," Yu Jin says with a very soft voice, "It's just ... don't you wanna know his reason ? I mean.. except he is a real j*rk, he must have a strong reason to hurt you like this."

"Even if he had a strong reason, does it mean it is okay to hurt me ?"

"No. It will never be okay to hurt you. But, at least you will know why."

Xiao Ping cries harder. "I.. this moment.. I even disgust to see his face," she is stammered. "I hate him, Yu Jin.. I really hate him!!" she adds then pulls her blanket to cover her head.

"That's not true," Yu Jin says. "You.. you love.. him," Yu Jin is struggling to suppress the piercing pulse in his bleeding heart, then continuos, "If you don't love him.. you won't be this miserable."

Xiao Ping's cry is getting intense. "I.. I hope.. I don't.. don't.. love him," she heartbreakingly says inside the blanket.

Behind the door, Takeshi is trying all his power for not crying nor to break in. From the small gap of the opened door he saw Xiao Ping and Yu Jin's conversation. Al though he didn't understand their words, but their body languages said them clear enough. Xiao Ping didn't want to forgive him. She really is hurt by his stupid decision. What should he do ?

His cellular rings. Without saying a greeting, Takeshi accepts it. "Boss is asking for you," Hiroshi on the other end reports. Takeshi just snorts. "I've handled it. How is she ?" Hiroshi answers and ask simultaneously. "良くない(Yokunai - Not good). She hates me," Takeshi answers in withered. He walks out from the aisle, looking for some fresh air.

"Give her sometime," Hiroshi suggests. Takeshi shakes his head weakly. "できない (Dekinai - Cannot). I have to do something to fix this."

"Don't do anymore stupid act!!" Hiroshi reminds him. Takeshi steps back to realize a group of people has gathered on the front yard of the hospital. From their appearances he recognizes them. "Reporters," Takeshi hisses. "何 ? (Nani ? - What ?)"

"Some local reporters have smelled my attendance here," Takeshi explains while hiding behind a pillar. "How could they know ?" Hiroshi asks rhetorically. "わからない (Wakaranai - I don't know) Hiroshi, I .." Takeshi's sentence is cut by a pet on his shoulder. A little surprised, Takeshi turns around. "She's waiting for you," Yu Jin says with a thin smile.

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