Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 109:Is It Worth It ?

The cellular only rings twice when Takeshi awaken from his sleep and reflexively accepts it. He stands and walks away from the bench. "Tell me you have a good news," he urges. One on the other line doesn't answer immediately. "Hiroshi ?" he calls his assistant's name impatiently. Hiroshi sighs.

"Well.. if you consider not going to jail nor pay a hundred millions yen is a good news.. yeah, I have a good news for you," Hiroshi says calmly. Takeshi lets a small relieved exclaim while his fist punches the air.

"Now, don't get too excited. That is the only good news you have," Hiroshi waits until has Takeshi's full attention again. "You must know what will be the consequences if you decides to reveal her although your exclusive contract has actually been invalid since half year ago."

"You are just one d*mn lucky bas*ard. There is a footnote on the contract that saying it must be revalidated and renewed every year. Since you did stupid boycotting act at your 1st anniversary, boss must forgot to renew it," Hiroshi explains the loophole he meant previously.

Takeshi grins. "I am one lucky bas*ard, aren't I ?" he can't believe his stupid act gave him advantage.

"Now.. al though company can't charge you for breaking the contract, it also means that you must be ready to kiss good bye to Kin Momoji Inc. .. or worse, your whole career," Hiroshi continues in calm and careful tone.

As he has expected, Takeshi is stunned, realizing the true horror of the consequences. He knows by his heart how Mr. Hamada is. There is no way his boss would forgive him. Mr. Hamada doesn't like to lose. So he will definitely find a way to destroy Takeshi. Kin Momoji inc. is one of top company in Japan entertainment industry, and Mr. Hamada has very wide connections to all parts of the industry.

"I still.. gonna do it," Takeshi hisses. Hiroshi tsk. "Think about it again, twice, triple times.. Is it worth it ? Is your love that deep ? Does she love you big en.."

"I can not afford to lose my love again," Takeshi hisses again, cutting Hiroshi's words. "I once sacrificed my love over career. I won't do it again."

"Do you have a guarantee that she will accept you when you do it ? Will you be together after your announcement ?"

Takeshi sighs and weakly sits on the bench. "No." He pinches skin between his eyebrows. His headache hits him strong.

"Look.. think about it carefully. I will be on your side no matter what your decision is," Hiroshi says, "I promise."

Takeshi bitterly smiles to hear the word "promise". "Thanks, bro."


Yu Jin enters the room, distracting Xiao Ping's attention to the muted television. "Hi," Yu Jin greets her cheerfully, curving his lips as well as his eyes to make a smile. Xiao Ping replies him with a weak smile. Yu Jin approaches her, glancing at the bedside table. There is a tray with an untouched food on it. "Why you still haven't eaten yet ?" he asks gathering his eyebrows on the center. Xiao Ping looks away from him. Yu Jin sits beside the bed. "The hospital won't let you go if you are still weak," Yu Jin says while moving the tray from the bedside to his lap. One by one he opens the cling wraps that cover the food, then spooning a spoonful of rice with some vegetable and fish on top. He handing the spoon right in front of Xiao Ping's mouth. She doesn't open her mouth.

"Do you know how much it costs for staying here per night ?" Yu Jin asks her in rebuke tone. Xiao Ping sighs. She then turns her head facing upward and opens her mouth. Yu Jin smirks a little. He knows that way will work. Xiao Ping is still Xiao Ping. She knows her family's financial condition well, and she realizes what happens to her is burdening her family. She slowly munches the food that now is inside her mouth.

"May I ask you something ?" Yu Jin asks again. Xiao Ping just nods due to her full mouth. Her third spoon. "What are you planning to do ?" Xiao Ping looks at him with a question mark clearly written in her sight. "Tell me, are you going to forgive him and give your relationship another chance ? Or this is really the end of it ?" Yu Jin explains his previous question.

Xiao Ping squints her eyes. Before she can say anything, Yu Jin continues his words, "You know what is he going to do ? He is going to announce your relationship to the media. That stupid guy. He ignores all the consequences he will have ..."

"Why are you on his side ?" Xiao Ping asks in protest. "What ?" Yu Jin is stuttered to receive such a sudden question. "Why are you helping him ?" Xiao Ping asks again. Yu Jin thinly smile. "I am not helping him," he answers, handing another spoonful of rice. Xiao Ping pouts, refuse to receive it. "I really am not," he confirms, hands the spoon further to touch her lips. Xiao Ping reluctantly opens her mouth. "I did offered him my help," Yu Jin continues his explanation...

Once again, Yu Jin caught Takeshi sat on the bench, eyes blankly stared at the floor. Even when Yu Jin approached and sat beside him, Takeshi didn't give any response. He looked very focus on his own mind. It was when Yu Jin sighed loudly that disturbed Takeshi's attention. "I will help you," Yu Jin said. Takeshi looked at him. "I will try to convince her to give you another chance," Yu Jin stated then returned Takeshi's look. "But promise me, you will make her happy and never hurt her again." Takeshi sneered. "I don't need your help," he refused, "But, yes.. I will never hurt her again, even if it take my life. You can assure that."

"So.. I am not in a motive to help him here," Yu Jin says again, "I'm telling you what he is going to do, so you can prepare yourself." Xiao Ping stares at him while her mouth opens for her last spoon of food. "I don't know what the consequences he will have to face, and to be honest.. I don't care," Yu Jin bluntly states, glancing at Xiao Ping while he brings the now-empty plates-full of tray back to the bedside. "But you need to be prepared about what you're going to face.."

"What are you talking about ?" Xiao Ping asks in confused.

Takeshi slowly but steadily walks toward the hospital's terrace. It is still full of reporters. He knows exactly who they're waiting for.

"When the world knows that you are his girlfriend.. there will be lots of challenge to both of you. Your life might be changing, if not.. hopefully not.. ruining," Xiao Ping frowns. "Ruin ?"

Takeshi puts his shades on and tidies up his coat before he approaches the door that opens automatically.

"You will enter the spotlight. Everyone will watch over you, your every move. Watch you to make mistake, even the slightest one," Yu Jin continue while deeply staring at Xiao Ping's eyes.

As Takeshi expected, the reporters quickly go after and surround him once he came out to the terrace.

"Also.. when the world knows about you as his girlfriend, well.. not all can accept it well," Yu Jin carefully adds. He hesitates to continue for a moment. But he decides it is better for Xiao Ping to knows it all. "There will be some fans.. well, a lot of them.. and some other parties that will hate you. So you must be ready for some awful acts."

"Yes, I've been here since yesterday," Takeshi confirms a reporter 's question. Another reporter asks who is been hospitalized. Takeshi sighs deeply then gives them a sad smile. "My girlfriend."

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