Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 111:Facing The Consequences [1]

"So.. what's going to happen to you ?" Xiao Ping asks with hoarse voice, head still resting on Takeshi's chest. She has stopped crying a while ago, but she decides to stay in his embrace, taking all warmth and love Takeshi offers. "Nothing's bad gonna happen," Takeshi murmurs while petting her back gently.

Xiao Ping parting her head away from his chest, to look him in the eye. "Don't start lying to me.." Takeshi looks back at her and shakes his head.

"I'm not lying. As long as I have you, nothing is bad," Takeshi confirms. "But Yu Jin said you will be facing consequences because revealing our relationship."

Takeshi stares at her deeply with a gentle smile then nods. "It's true. There will be consequences. I can't tell you much as I myself don't know what they are exactly. But, I don't want you to worry about it. It won't be worse than losing you," he says then pulling her head back to rest on his chest.


Yu Jin steps into the room. He forces a thin smile seeing Takeshi is chatting lightly with Xiao Ping. A small chuckles comes out of Xiao Ping's lips along with a blush on her cheek as Takeshi is lovingly tidying her bang up.

"Yu Jin," Xiao Ping is finally aware of Yu Jin's existence. The young man stands right in front of the door, green T-shirt, army pants, a backpack on his shoulder, and an army jacket hangs on his arm.

"Are you leaving ?" Xiao Ping asks to see his appearance. Yu Jin nods then walks slowly, almost hesitantly, closer to her bed. "Unless.. you don't want me to," he adds. He is now standing at the end of her bed, near where her feet are.

"This..," He lifts his both arms sightly, his eyes go around the room and stops at Xiao Ping, "would not be happened if I were on your side. So.. if you needs me to stay, I will have my way to out from the conscription."

Xiao Ping stares at Yu Jin with a warm feeling. Her eyes are already all teary again. Takeshi gently and silently stands up and walks out of the room to give them a more private conversation.

"Thank you," Xiao Ping hisses. She then wipes her tears and smile. "I know I can always count on you." Xiao Ping stretches her arm, a signal for Yu Jin to reach it. Yu Jin walks to the side of the bed to reaches it, holds it gently. "As happy and secure I'm now with him, I always need you. You are as important as he is in my life."

"So you want me to stay ?" Yu Jin asks. Xiao Ping smiles and shakes her head. "I can't be that selfish. You said it your self, It is your obligation. It is important for you," she says. Yu Jin smiles to her and nods, "It is." Tears are trailing down her face again. "Tsk.. I'm such a cry baby," she scoffs her self. She chuckles when Yu Jin puts his arms around her neck and head then softly kisses her hair. "Only 20 months to go," he says in light, "you bare yourself without me, okay?" Xiao Ping is nodding while her tears keep on running.


It is dawn when a midnight bus stops at an isolated bus stop. Yu Jin walks down from the bus then heading up the hill by feet, around 3 more kilometers to his basecamp. He walks to the officer that is on duty in front of the gate. "1104039 is reporting," he says indifferently, making the officer looks at him deeply before sighing.

As the troop continues their morning routine, Yu Jin finally finishes his 100 times circling the field. Without wasting time to catch his breath, he continues to do his 1000 burpees as the next punishment. He still considers himself lucky. After being scolded by the top superior in their basecamp for an hour, his punishment merely a physical. Due to his good previous behavior, his superior decides not to report him which mean he still has a clear record. The record is important for his task placement after this basic training ends.

Unfortunately, even though his superior has mercy on him, the weather seems not that kind. It is already early November but the weather suddenly becomes so hot today. While the sun shines so bright and strong, Yu Jin still needs to finish his punishment which is to clean up the trash and revoke the wild grass all around the basecamp. Sweats are dropping from his nose and jaw as he pulling the grass by hands, makes sure he plucks them to their roots.

It is already half past ten PM when Yu Jin finally back to his barrack after finish cleaning up the toilets and bathrooms, his final punishment. The kitchen has closed, so he literally skipped both lunch and dinner today. He doesn't mind, since all he needs is sleeping right now. His barrack is already dark. No light after ten rule. So he cautiously walks to his bed, avoiding to make an unnecessary noise. Though he can't see, he can feel some eyes are watching his shadow moving. "Don't mind me, I'm not a tooth fairy," he hisses jokingly to lightens up the atmosphere. Some chuckle in respond.

Yu Jin finally gets to his bed. It is rattling when he sits on it. "You're finally back. man.. haha," a voice whispers from above him. A full grinned head then appears from above following with a hand that holds a paper wrapped something.

"Here.. I snuck you some bread," his friend whispers again. Yu Jin accepts it with a full grimace. "Thanks, man. I owe you a lot," Yu Jin whispers back. He gently opens the wrap with as little sound as possible.

"Don't mention it. Al though, you might actually can introduce me to that girl," his friend whispers again. Yu Jin who is about to munch the bread is stunned. "Why do you want to know her ?"

"I'm just curious who is the girl that can make you do this outrages act. I mean.. Man, she must be amazing in bed to be able to capture you in her arms for this long. Four days! Tell me, is her performance worth every punishment you receive ?" Yu Jin's friend obviously just teases him around. But Yu Jin takes it by his heart. While munching his bread, he lies his exhausted body down. His bruised and callous fingers stroking his own face, causing a little sting. "Yeah.. she is worth it," Yu Jin says then smiles.

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