Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 118:True Friends

The sky is already dark when the bus ridden by Xiao Ping, Han Han, A Lin, and Mr. Bai is arrived at the bus station. Soon, along with other passengers, they come down from the bus with a stiff bodies and sleepy faces. It was three hours ride, so no wonder they all are tired.

"We better split here. I will be taking a taxi to go home. A Lin, you can go with me since your home is in the same direction," Mr. Bai says after stretching his body. "That's a good idea. While I will ride Xiao Ping home," Han Han responds in relief. Earlier, he was confused on how to take both A Lin and Xiao Ping home. A Lin sees his relief face for a second then turns away her head. "I can go home by my self," Xiao Ping rejects his idea. As far as she knows, Han Han lives in the opposite area from her house, "It's already late and you must be tired.."

"Precisely because it is late then you girls are not supposed to go home alone," Han Han cuts Xiao Ping's words in a firm voice. A Lin just shrugs. "Let'a go, Boss," she asks Mr. Bai in calm almost cold tone before walking ahead.

"Eh.. Take care. See you Monday, A Lin," Han Han immediately says goodbye while waving enthusiastically. A Lin only replies his wave, not even bother to look at him. That reaction drops Han Han's spirit drastically.

"Let's go," Han Han invites Xiao Ping gloomily. They walk to the parking lot. "You do not have to do this," Xiao Ping says full of guilty feeling. Han Han smiles. "In time like this, you need to be protected. I'm your friend, of course I have to protect you," he explains. Xiao Ping wants to discuss about A Lin's reaction earlier, but she sees Han Han is already occupied with his own thought. Finally Xiao Ping only murmurs a thank you to Han Han.


Monday morning, Xiao Ping is taking her breakfast with her father and her brother when her mother enters the house while talking, "Finally. Those rascals stop their wicked act." Mr. Yuan moves down his newspaper. "Really ? No more eggs and poops ?" He asks in disbelief. "Well.. at least for these couple of days," Mrs. Yuan answers. "Hopefully for good. If not, I really have to install CCTV and electric wire on the.fence," Mr. Yuan speaks out his plan. He is really reluctant to do his plan since it will cost him money and time. "Hopefully so," Mrs. Yuan agrees. Xiao Ping also nods in agreement.

When Xiao Ping gets off from Xiao Lan's bike, she can see Xu Qian is already in front of the gate. Since her bicycle was being a victim of mischievous acts, numerous times of flatten tires, locked tires, and plugged off break cables which almost caused her an accident, Xiao Ping decided not to take her bicycle to school. Xu Qian also voluntarily comes to school much earlier in the morning to inspect any prank installments at the school. She also guards Xiao Ping in school, inspecting all things she receives from other schoolmates. So far, Xu Qian has failed water balloon, glued chair, frog in the drawer, and inked towel pranks. Xu Qian really is a talented intelligent.

"Morning !" Xiao Ping greets Xu Qian cheerfully. "Hi.. Morning, Xiao Ping!" Xu Qian returns her greet as cheerful. She then tucks her hand in Xiao Ping's armpit. "Today is a good day. I found no prank installment," Xu Qian reports while they are walking toward the school. "Really ?" Xiao Ping asks in surprised. Xu Qian nods. "Maybe they finally get bore," Xu Qian says. Xiao Ping really hopes it is true.


It's been a week since Xiao Ping stopped receiving the mischievous acts. She had kept wondering the reason behind the sudden stop. Was it really because they had gotten bore already ? Or maybe because they were planning to give her a massive prank ? When she told Takeshi about it, her boyfriend replied gratefully and asked her to not overthought about it.

It was only until this day, after she overheard Er Hua's argument with other girls when she finally understood. She was just entered the school cafeteria when she heard Er Hua's shrill voice talking to few girls in one of the table, "So you really obey what he asked ?!" A girl responded her, "It's not just about obeying. He really had a point. It was not her fault that he fell in love to her. And as his true friends, we must support them." Another girl adde, "Takeshi has a hard time already by quitting from the company. We should not making him even sadder by bullying his girlfriend."

At that time Xiao Ping decided to get out from the cafeteria secretly to avoid any bigger problem. Once she got to the internet cafe, she immediately went to Takeshi's website. As she expected there was a message from Takeshi, dated 10 days ago.

"Dear my true friends,

Thank you for your supports and loves all along. They are one of most important thing that keep me going strong in this time of trouble. This few weeks really has been hard for me. Actually, it's been also hard for my girlfriend. Apparently, ever since she bravely announced her identity to public, she has been bullied. Al though she has taken it strong, knowing this makes me sad. She doesn't deserve it. She does nothing wrong. All she does is loving me, and I loves her, too, dearly. I am really sorry if that fact broke some of your hearts, but I hope I can mend it a little by saying that we are really loving one another, and we are happy together. I believe, when we love someone all we want is to see them happy. So, yes. I am happy with her. That's why I really hope you, my true friends, especially ones in Taiwan, to stop bullying her and support us instead. Much love to you, Takeshi."

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