Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 126:Just Another (Boring ?) Day

Takeshi was not lying when he said that he can be calm because of having Xiao Ping's love. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care about losing his fans. Even before Xiao Ping told him about Er Hua, he knew it already that his fans are decreasing. He doesn't put a blame on Xiao Ping at all. He knew it wasn't because of her.

Since he was not with Kin Momoji, inc. anymore, he rarely showed up on television. His two doramas' ratings are also drop, especially the one he casted with Miyu Saeki since he has not done any promotion on it. This situation maybe is used by his haters to blow gossip that his star is extinguished, that his career is over.

Al though it is not totally wrong, since Takeshi does has obstacle to get jobs, but that doesn't mean he gives up. To counter the gossip, he explains in his website that he is currently working on his song demos for his second album, thus he rarely shows up in public. It really is what he has been doing. He is lucky to keep a good relation with the boss of a small studio he once worked in. The boss lets him use his studio to make demo after its operation hours on a very small price. Takeshi goes there at 11 PM and will only come out when the sun has risen. He has done it for more than a week now and his demo is almost finish.

Hiroshi enters Takeshi's apartment. From his listless face Takeshi can tell that today is also fruitless. "Have you eaten ?" Takeshi asks him Hiroshi nods his head before sits on the arm chair.

"He really threatened them," Hiroshi speaks with lethargic. "All of them ?" Takeshi asks in disbelief. "All of them," Hiroshi confirms. "I have sought to every TV stations and production houses. Once they heard your name, they immediately refuse, as if you are an infectious diseases. I didn't even have a chance to utter my offer to them. They just bluntly refused," Hiroshi explains with a scowl. "I think you might have a better chance abroad," he adds half-jokingly.

Takeshi stares at him while taping his index finger to his lips. "You think so ?" Surprisingly, he takes Hiroshi's words in mind. "I was joking. It won't be that easy, man," Hiroshi brings him back to reality. Takeshi nods his head understand. "Though moving to Taiwan will be perfect," he utters with a daze gaze. Hiroshi chuckles. "You have only visited it thrice. You even can only say 'wo ai ni'. Yet you dare to say it's a perfect place for you. You mad cow," Hiroshi scoffs him in joking manner.

"I think I'm going there next week," Takeshi informs Hiroshi, "It's her birthday." Hiroshi widens his eyes. "You know you can't afford any VVIP service, don't you ?" he asks to make sure. Takeshi sighs. "I knooow..," he reluctantly answers. "It is very dangerous to go abroad with no service, especially to Taiwan " Hiroshi reminds him. Takeshi moans in upset. "I will find a way. It's her birthday. And I really miss her," Takeshi speaks as to persuade his mother. "You chat with her daily, how can you still miss her," Hiroshi argues while rolling his eyes. "It's different," Takeshi pouts. Hiroshi sighs to see Takeshi's sulky face. "I can't forbid you. Just make sure you will be safe and not spending too much money," Hiroshi finally says. Takeshi grins so wide to hear Hiroshi's approval. He then stands up and goes to his room to change. "Going to the studio again ?" Hiroshi asks after moving his seat to the couch. "Yeah. Hopefully today I will finish the demo so you can start searching for labels," Takeshi answers him from his room. "はい, がんばれ ! (Hai, Ganbare ! - Yes, Do your best!)," Hiroshi murmurs with a closing eyes already.


Xiao Ping sighs. She doesn't mind to not have a birthday celebration as her family has never celebrated birthday more than eating noodles together. Actually, early in the morning Yu Jin called to congratulate her. He planned to go to Taipei and celebrate her birthday, but she refused it. Xiao Ping told him about how their simple kisses turned into scandal, and she didn't want to make any more scene. She knew Yu Jin was disappointed, but she could not take any risk to give trouble to Takeshi. Xiao Ping sighs again. She misses him. It is her unfortunate to have birthday on Sunday so she can't go online.

A knock on her front door makes her frown. She doesn't expect anyone. Is it possible her friends coming over ? The knock is getting harder and rash. Eventually Xiao Ping stands to open the door. A man in hoodie with a masker covers his half bottom face and a shades covers his eyes. Before she can ask anything to the guest, he in hurry pushes her shoulders to force entering the house, then close the door. Xiao Ping is so surprised and scared. She is about to scream when the man quickly muffles her mouth, with his hand tightly.

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