Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 13:Night of the Concert

The lights on the stage suddenly on, preceded by a loud fireworks. Simultaneously a fast beat of music comes out of the gigantic sound systems that are all over the building. A guy raises up from under the stage. His coat flutters in the artificial wind that blows from below. Takeshi Hasegawa. In unison, over 30 thousands people in the building scream hysterically and pushing toward the stage.

"Hi, how are you tonight ?!" Takeshi greets after singing his two first songs. His question is replied with hysteric screams, which make Takeshi laugh. "我也愛你 (wo ye ai ni - I love you, too)," he says when he heard someone shout 'Aishiteru'. Of course his sentence triggers a loud scream from the audiences.

A guy comes on the stage and Takeshi asks him to get closer then hugs him on the shoulder. "He is my translator, Mr. Li," Takeshi introduces the man. Mr. Li bows to the audiences. Takeshi throws a smile to the audience which immediately is responded with some small screams. With the help of his translator, Takeshi tells to the audiences that this is the first time he comes to Taipei and pleasantly surprises to know that he has a lot of Taiwanese fans. Before comes, Takeshi was afraid that no one would know him and no body would watch his concert. That is why he is so grateful and thankful to all the audiences who care to come to the concert to night.

After that, Takeshi sings four songs continually. They are in slow beats thus make the audiences carried away. Some audiences hold their phosphor lights and wave them in rhythm with the tempo. In a waltz song, Takeshi dances with one of background dancer. Some audiences let an unwilling screams. Hearing those screams, Takeshi instead turns the girl and hugs her close on his chest then teasingly winks to the audiences before he sings with the girl still in his embrace.

"I wish I were the one in his embrace," Xiao Ping tells Er Hua who stands next to her. She said it loudly to beat the music. Xiao Ping's eyes are still fixed on the scenery on the stage. "What ?" The one beside her asks in wonder. Xiao Ping shocks and turns to the person. She is not Er Hua. Xiao Ping looks around to find her friend. Er Hua is now standing two rows before her. Barely can move, Xiao Ping decides to stay at where she is. In no time, she is once again drowned by Takeshi's charm.

Takeshi wipes his sweat with a towel. He leans his body toward to be able to hear what the crowd shouts about. He then turns to his translator. "They want you to throw that towel," Mr. Li says in Japanese holding his smile. Takeshi turns his head back to the audiences with a surprised face. "You want this towel ?" he asks that answered with a scream, "Yeaaahh!!"

Takeshi looks at the towel then shows it to the audiences. "This one is dirty. I will give you the clean one, " Takeshi says in tease. The audiences scream their rejection. Takeshi shakes his head. "It is unhealthy, my sweat is all over it. Better the clean one," he says and yet again responded by rejection scream, louder then before.

Takeshi laughs. He throws the towel he used to the left-side audiences. Then he takes another towel and wipes his remaining sweat before throwing it to the right-side audience. They snatch the towel hence makes the small Xiao Ping pressed back behind. She screams in pain. The little chaotic is subsided once the next music is heard. All audiences are hypnotized again by Takeshi's singing.

"This is my last song for tonight," Takeshi says it soft but clear. It has been more than two hours and he had sung dozen of song. A romantic music is heard. Takeshi sits in the edge of the stage and sings the song heartily. Xiao Ping hasn't been let her sight off from Takeshi. Her tears are dripping on her cheek. Takeshi's tender voice is so beautiful in her ear. With trembled lips, Xiao Ping sings along the song. A song about separation of a couple that promise to see each other again in the future.

Suddenly, about twenty pigeons fly across the stage. Takeshi sees the pigeons and stops singing. "可愛い (Kawaii - adorable)" he says softly with a moved sight. A pigeon lands on the edge of the stage right beside him. Takeshi slowly touches the bird and gently strokes its head. The pigeon seems to enjoy his strokes, but soon it decides to fly.

The last song is replayed instrumentally. Fireworks burst. balloons and colorful paper pieces enlivens the closing of the concert tonight. "謝謝. 我愛你 (Xie xie. Wo ai ni - Thank you. I love you)," Takeshi stammering speaks in Chinese then continues in English, "Please go home carefully. Boyfriend takes care of your girlfriend. Friends, take care of each other," Takeshi gives advise while waving his left hand to the audience. "我愛你們 !! (Wo ai ni men !! - I love you all !!)" he shouts and responded by claps and screams calling his name. Takeshi puts his hand on his lips then once again waves it to the audience. Accompanied by dancers, Takeshi disappears behind the stage.

The audiences are still screaming to call him, though they know Takeshi will not reappear. He had his encore, thus he will not do it again. Xiao Ping is still clapping and whipping her tears in turn. she is still drowned to the event that has just ended.

Suddenly Xiao Ping's body is pushed behind, bringing her back to reality with a muffed scream. In scare, she widens up her eyes, looking for Er Hua. But in the middle of that huge crowd, Xiao Ping can do nothing except shouting out her name while her body forcefully is following the crowd, heading herself to the east exit door.

Xiao Pin can only be separated from the pressure after few meters outside the door. She stands closely to the wall and tries to manage her breathing. People walks across her so fast. In panic, Xiao Ping stares at every person, hoping to see Er Hua's face. But, until an officer closing that door, Xiao Ping has not met her friend. Xiao Ping tries her best not to cry. She really is frightened.

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