Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 144:Chocolate Gift [1]

"Tadaima (I'm home)," Takeshi types to the chat windows as he lies his body on the bed. "Okaerinasai (welcome home)," Xiao Ping replies. Takeshi glances at the clock on his bedroom wall. Twenty minutes past 1 AM. "Can't sleep ?" he asks. "No. I was waiting for you to come home." Xiao Ping's answers melts his heart. "Thank you," he types, ends it with a heart emoji.

"How's your day ?" Takeshi asks. "Han Han and A Li are offociallybdating," Xiao Ping reports to him. "That's great for them," Takeshi replies. "Yeah.. after such s dra a, finally thwy made ip," Xiao Ping types. She then yawns before she could hold it.

"Babe.. you're sleepy," Takeshi types with a small smile on his face. "How can you tell ?" Xiao Ping asks. "You made a lot of typos," Takeshi answers her after lets a chuckle. Xiao Ping rereads her message. There are typos everywhere. She blushes to her clumsiness.

"Let's sleep," Takeshi suggests. He himself is barely able to open his eyes. The pillow and the bed are hugging him tight, coaxing him to drive away from reality.

"But.. I still miss you," Xiao Ping tells him. Takeshi chuckles. "I miss you, too," he replies and sends a kiss emoji. "Are you going to make another recording tomorrow ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Yes. The schedule is tight," Takeshi answers. "Working late again ?" She asks again. "Probably," he answers. "Why ?" he asks back. "Nothing," Xiao Ping replies. "Tomorrow is still Wednesday, right ? Aren't you going to go to school ?" Takeshi asks her again. "Yes, I am," Xiao Ping answers. Somehow Takeshi can feel her being gloomy. But he thought that it is because she is sleepy. "You sound very sleepy. Are you sure you don't want to sleep, Babe ?' Takeshi asks her. "Alright," she answers. "Oyasuminasai (Good Night)," Takeshi types. "Oyasuminasai," Xiao Ping replies, "I love you." Takeshi smiles. His girl is being sentimental now. "Love you, too, Babe," he replies before turning off his chat.


It is already 2.35 PM when Takeshi is finally able to have lunch break. To efficient time, he eats in the studio, having a bento that brought by Hiroshi. He only has 30 minutes break, so he needs to be fast.

While he's eating the door is opened. Aiko Waseda's head pops from the opening gap. "こんにちは (Konnichiwa-Hello," she greets and bows down her body. Despite of his activity, Takeshi stands and bows back to her. Aiko then approaches him.

"I.. I'm sorry to disturb you," Aiko says with a little stammer. Takeshi waves his hand. "It's okay," he says after manage to swallow the food inside his mouth. Aiko stretches out both of her arms in front if Takeshi. On her hand there is a medium size box. "Happy Valentine's day. I.. I made you a chocolate," she says with a red face. Takeshi's eyes are widened to be surprised. "For me ? Thank you very much," he says, quickly putting down his bento box on the table to receive the chocolate.

"I.. I made for everyone here, too," she says then putting out a big paper box from her bag. and opens it. All men are surrounding her to receive her chocolate. Takeshi opens the chocolate box. His is definitely more special than ones she made for others. The box itself looks expensive. Inside the box there are about twenty praline chocolates. Dusted with edible gold glitter on top, each is diligently made by hand. When Aiko returns to him, Takeshi smiles in full appreciation. "They are beautiful," he flatters. "I will eat it after I have my lunch," he says it out of politeness. Yet, Aiko blushes tremendously to hear it.


"It's definitely a honmei*," Takeshi tells him with a razz tone while sneakily takes one praline and quickly puts it in his mouth. "It's so goooood," Hiroshi closes his eyes as he enjoying the chocolate melts inside his mouth. "Watch your belly," Takeshi warns him. Hiroshi has eaten four pralines since they are in the taxi on the way to go home. It is 12 AM so the subway no longer operates.

"Remind me to go to your PO Box tomorrow. I bet your box will be drowned by chocolate just like last year," Hiroshi asks him. Since they no longer have an office, Takeshi rents a PO Box to accept his fans' mails and gifts. Last year on Valentine's day, Takeshi's locker was full of chocolate. It literally could not be closed as it was too full.

Takeshi frowns his forehead. He likes to receive gifts from his fans, except for Valentine's gifts. Firstly, there are just too many chocolates. Secondly, as a tradition he is supposed to return the gifts a month from now, but he can't since they are too many. Returning one means he has to return all. He sighs. Then this chocolate from Aiko. It is not the first time he received a honmei chocolate from fans. But, it is from Aiko, daughter of Mr. Waseda. He can not casually return it. It will be impolite and may affect his relationship with her father. But to return it in proper way may mislead the girl to think he returns her feeling. "Don't think about it now. You still have a month," Hiroshi carelessly advises him, makes Takeshi glares a dagger stare at him. Such a helpful advice!


* As a tradition, girls at Japan gives chocolate to every men in their life. There are 2 kinds of chocolate: 1) Giri/Tomo chocolate that gives to friends/colleague/or obligated men. Usually it is cheap store bought one. 2) Honmei chocolate that gives to someone special. It is usually home made and more expensive.

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