Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 149:Man to Man Conversation

"乾杯 ! (Kanpai ! - Cheers !)," Two small ceramic bowls are lightly hit in the mid-air. One is quickly goes to Mr. Waseda's lips, the content is finished in one gulp. The other one goes to Takeshi's lips only to have it being sipped a little.

"Relax a bit, will you ? You look so tense," Mr. Waseda rebukes Takeshi in light. Takeshi politely smiles before he gives an excuse, "I'm just a little bit tired." Of course he lies. His body is definitely tense due to suppressing his suspicious thought. He won't let him self loose, preparing himself for a scheme that might be thrown by Mr. Waseda tonight. Takeshi has been used to have this kind of gathering as to have a 'surprising' news before. Drinking with boss is never a good one.

Apparently, Mr. Waseda can read his body language. He sighs before intends to pours himself another shot of sake. Takeshi quickly grabs the sake bottle and pours for him. Mr. Waseda drinks it. "You can relax your mind, Hasegawa-san. I don't scheme people," he says to have Takeshi's wide eyes stare at him. Mr. Waseda gives him a gentle smile. "I invited you to celebrate privately because i want to know you better, and.. I want you to know me better. I like your working attitude, Hasegawa-san.. "

"Please, call me Takeshi," Takeshi cuts him politely. "Okay," Mr. Waseda agrees. "I like your working attitude, Takeshi, and I can see that you have great talent. It is unfortunate that you were with that cunning man once," Mr. Waseda definitely refers to Mr. Hamada. "He was the one who brought me until this state. So no matter what he has done to me, I can't do bad talk about him," Takeshi says in firm. Mr. Waseda laughs lightly. "Good.. very good. Another positive list to be checked," he says in between his laughter. Takeshi frowns his forehead a little bit. "Is this a fit and proper test ?" he asks. Mr. Waseda waves his hand. He then pours sake on Takeshi's bowl.

"I told you, I don't scheme people," he says before drinks his sake. Takeshi drinks his slowly. "Not anymore at least. I was a very cunning man. Long time ago," Mr. Waseda sighs, then gulps down his sake. "I finally quitted after I lost my wife and almost lost my daughter." There is still sadness in his eyes even though it must be happened ages ago.

"She died 15 years ago on a stupid accident. I was driving my car with my wife and Aiko while phoning to my subordinate, planning a big scheme. Then I lost focus for a second when suddenly my car was already off track and being hit by a truck. I believe my wife death was a punishment of God to me. God is still kind to spare the life of Aiko for me. Aiko is the only reason I keep on living until today. I promised my self to be a good person after that.. to make sure my wife's sacrifice wouldn't be lost in vain." Mr. Waseda is letting Takeshi pours him another bowl of sake before he continues,

"That is why I don't like Hamada-san. We once worked together until one day I knew his plan on scheming another party. So I just backed out and never want to involve with him or his company anymore. But when I met Hayashi-san, and he told me about your story, I felt pity on you. Even more when I knew that apparently you are the man that my daughter loved."

Takeshi nods, "She is my fan." Mr. Waseda shakes his head. "Aiko has been loving you even before you started to enter this industry," his revelation surprises Takeshi. "How.. ?" Mr. Waseda chuckles, "As she expected, you must never noticed about her." Another gulps of sake enters his throat. "We lived at Kyoto before my wife died. I remember one day Aiko, she was 5 years old, came home with a dirty dress and bruised all over her hands and feet. She told me that she was almost hit by a car, but she was saved by a boy that suddenly pushed him off the road. That boy was you."

Mr. Waseda's story makes Takeshi digs deep into his own memory. After some times he finally vaguely remembers that moment. He was seven at that time. He was on his way home with his friends after playing soccer when he saw a girl carelessly crossing the road, chasing a wild kitten while a car on the other side was approaching fast. He doesn't remember what caused him or how he did it, all he remembers he was already on top of her on the side of the road. She was then crying due to shock and he had to bribe her with candies to calm her down. After that, they went separate way. He never knew her name and never met her again. How could.. ?

"As you know now, Aiko is a very shy girl, she has always been. She secretly searched you and somehow found you, but she never had a bravery to talk to you, not even to thank you," Mr. Waseda continues his story with a chuckle and amusement in his eyes, "Then, after my wife died, I took her move to Tokyo. Never knew that she was broken heart by that separation. She just told me this few months ago."

"Aiko is a very kind girl. She is a little bit lack of intelligence, but she is very naive and loving person. Unfortunately, naive and loving are a bad combination to run a business. So, I decided to legate my position to her cousin once I'm too old to run it." Mr. Waseda utters. He then sighs. "But I'm worry of her future. Even more right now.. Do you know that she just had operation to clear her breast cancer ?" Takeshi is surprised to hear it and reflexively shakes his head. "She.. she told me that she went abroad," Takeshi says. Mr. Waseda chuckles. "She lied to you. She's still in Japan. She's in chemotherapy right now. She is not in her best condition, maybe that is why she doesn't want to tell you. She really loves you."

"I can make you great again, Takeshi. Even greater than before, you know. I have international connections that will definitely help boosting your career. Money has never been a problem for me. And my daughter's happiness has no price tag. I can give you my whole world, if you ..."

"I have a girlfriend, Sir," Takeshi cuts him, "And I love her with all my heart. ごめんなさい (Gomen'nasai - I'm Sorry)." Takeshi drinks up his bowl. "You should have known it from Hayashi-san. The main reason I quitted from Kin Momoji was because they wanted me to break up with my girlfriend. I preferred to have a hold back in my career than to lose her. And my decision hasn't changed," Takeshi explains as polite as possible.

Mr Waseda is stunned for a couple of seconds before he is nodding in understanding. "わかった (Wakatta- I understand)," he says, then sighs heavily before grows a smile on his face. "That's a bad news for Aiko. But I praise your honesty and I hope the best on your relationship. Don't worry, nothing is gonna change on our agreement." Mr. Waseda then pours sake on both bowls and hands one of the bowl to Takeshi. "Let's cheer and wish the best for your career a head," he invites Takeshi to follow him raising his bowl. Another cheer is taken to end their conversation.

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