Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 169:Drunken Proposal


"Ugh.. Hmm.. ? You're back ?" Aiko asks with eyes half open. Alcohol scent is bursting from her mouth.

"How can you go in here ?" Takeshi asks softly but still can't hide his wonder. He doesn't give her his key and Hiroshi would definitely not giving her. The girl rubs her eyes with palms to dispel her sleepiness.

"Your security recognized me as your girlfriend. So he finally let me in after failed calling you several times," Aiko answers still with laziness in her voice. Takeshi sighs. He will definitely make a complain about the security to the building management. The securities should not let anyone in to any apartment room without the permission of its owner whatever the reason is.

"What were you doing here ? I thought you were sick ?" Takeshi asks. Aiko shakes her head. "I lied," she said with a head hanging low. "I wanted to surprise you," she continues, then taking the cake from the coffee table. "Happy 1st Monthversary!" she says it with a wide smile.

Takeshi gasps in surprised. "Today is our 1st month ? I'm sorry I forgot," he says with a bit of apologethic tone. Aiko shakes her head. "It's okay. It's actually tomorrow. But you're going to another world tour tomorrow, so I thought I would celebrate it a night before," she explains. "そうか (So ka-I see)," Takeshi nods to understand. He takes the cake and puts it back on the coffee table before embracing the girl in front of her.

"Thank you so much," he says then kisses her gently. Aiko responds his kiss, wilder than usual. It is obvious that the half bottle of wine has taken her shyness away.

Soon, Aiko is already on Takeshi's lap, kissing his neck aggresively while unbuttoning Takeshi's shirt. Takeshi takes her kisses to focus back on his lips. Aiko obeys, but her hand goes south, rubbing his manhood that makes Takeshi lets go the kiss and moans while closing his eyes. Aiko is now trying to take off Takeshi's belt.

"No.. No.. No!" Takeshi who finally comes to his sense holds her hands and takes them away from his belt. "No, Aiko," he turns her intention down. "It's okay. I don't mind you take me," Aiko insists then bombards Takeshi with kisses. "No. I mind," Takeshi rejects her again. Aiko lets go her kiss. "But why ?" she asks in pout. "I won't .. I won't have sex with you until we're married," Takeshi utters his reason. Still on Takeshi's lap, Aiko is stunned for a second then says in light, "Let's get married then." before she continues her kisses.

"What ?!!" Takeshi is shocked hearing her responds. He pulls Aiko from his lap and throws her on couch. "Let's get married," Aiko says, trying to get back on him. "Are you crazy ?!" Takeshi shouts on her and pushes her away.

"Why not ? We love each other. Why should we wait .."

"I don't love you!"

Both Aiko and Takeshi are stuttered. "You.. you don't ??"

"No.. no.. no.. that's not what I meant," Takeshi is panicking to see Aiko is about to cry. "I love you but it is too fast," Takeshi tries to explain.

"No! You don't love me, don't you ?! You still love that ex of yours," Aiko says it with a loud cry.

"No! Aiko.. Aiko.. calm down. I love you, okay? I really do. But.. but to marry you..? Come on, it's too fast," Takeshi tries to coax her.

"No.. you lie! You love her! That's why you're going to go to Taiwan and you forbid me to come! You want to meet her!! You're going to cheat on me!" Aiko accuses him while wailing like a child having tantrum.

"No.. Sssshhh.. Aiko.. listen to me. It's over between me and her, okay? I promise you, I won't cheat on you, okay ? I love you."

"Then, let's get married. Tonight!"

"You're not on your right mind, right now. You're drunk."

"But my love to you is big. It's so biiig!! That's why I want to marry you."

"You lie. You only want to marry me so you can have sex with me!"

Aiko is silent for a second before smiling shamelessly. "That's also true," she admits.

"That's why I don't want to marry you."

Aiko looks at him with hurtful feeling. "You don't want to have sex with me ?"

"No! I don't want to marry someone only because of sex!"

"You don't wanna have sex with me.. you don't love me.. you don't find me interesting!!" Aiko starts wailing again. Takeshi grunts. He almost loses his temper.

"Aiko, listen to me! stop crying! stop telling no sense!"

Aiko's cry decreases into sobs, but she still murmurs, "You don't love me. You don't want to marry me.."

"Now, tell me.. if you can tell me right now another reason why you want to marry me beside to have sex with me. I will marry you tonight !" Takeshi challenges her. He has no other idea how to take her right mind back.

Aiko is stunned. She doesn't say a word. Clearly her mind is blank.Takeshi takes this opportunity to snap her, "See!! You only want to have sex with me!! What do you think I am ? Your sex toy ?! Your gigolo ?!"

In anger, Takeshi leaves her alone and goes to his bathroom to calm himself. "No.. Takeshi.. don't leave mee.." Aiko begs. "Stay right there!!" Takeshi orders her before he closes his bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Takeshi releases his emotion by hitting the wall and screams. He feels disgust to himself. When he yelled at Aiko it came to his sense that he is actually what he said to her. When he marry her, he won't be more than her servant, her toy, her.. gigolo. What she accused was actually also true. He doesn't want to marry her because he doen't love her. He planned to have Taiwan as one of his concert place because he intended to meet Xiao Ping. Not to get back to her, of course. But just to see her, to make sure she is okay, she is happy. Takeshi leans agaisnt the wall in front of him. He muffles his sob with covering his lower arm onto his mouth.

When Takeshi gets back to his living room, he sees Aiko is drinking from her wine glass again. "No.. nooo.." Takeshi in hurry comes closer to her and takes the wine glass away from her.

"You had more than your limit. You should not have another drink, okay ?" he rebukes her in gentle. "I love you, Takeshi.. Don't leave me.." Aiko murmurs in between her weak sobs. "I won't leave you," Takeshi says to her. "I love you.." she cries even though her eyes are closing. "I know.. Let's get you sleep on my bed," Takeshi says then lifts her in his arms, carry her to his bed.

"I'm sorry.. I won't force you to marry me again.. I'm sorry.."

Takeshi gently puts her on his bed. But when he is about to let her go, she clings on him. "Don't leave me please," she murmurs in her sleep. Her breath is hot and full of alcohol scent. Takeshi puts his hand on her forehead. Warm. Takeshi sighs. She has fever. "Don't leave me.." Aiko murmurs again, tightens her clingy arms to his neck. "I won't. Just sleep, okay. I'm by your side," Takeshi finally gives in. He shifts Aiko to the center of the bed a bit to make room for himself before lies down beside her. He lets his chest becomes Aiko's pillow while his waist to be her booster. "I love you, Takeshi.."

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