Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 171:A Heart That Totally Mine

"Are you okay ?" Yu Jin asks Xiao Ping who walks beside him. "Yeah.. I'm just saving my breath," Xiao Ping replies and gives him a smile. Her reasoning is not far-fetched as they, along with Han Han and A Lin, are trecking uphill, on their way to the camp area of national park. But her smile, this time her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

"Let me carry your backpack," Yu Jin says while his hand skillfully takes Xiao Ping's backpack before she can even reject. "No, you don't need to.." Still, she tries to forbid him. Her backpack is already on Yu Jin's chest while his back is carrying the tent equipments and his own things. "It's okay. I used to carry a lot heavier than these at training," Yu Jin says in light then smiles at her widely. "Let's go," he invites Xiao Ping to walk again.

"Don't you even think to imitate his heroic act," A Lin hisses to Han Han that about to take her backpack. A Lin tightens her grip to her backpack. "You are barely able to manage your breath already," A Lin continues then gently wipes Han Han's sweat on his forehead. Han Han smiles and kisses her hand. "Let's go," he whispers then walks side by side with A Lin while holding hands.

The four walk in silent again for sometime. "Are you thinking about the blame they put on you ?" Yu jin asks to Xiao Ping in low tone. Xiao Ping is stunned. "How could you know about the blame ?" she asks. Despite the official announcement that Takeshi had on cancelling his concert at Taiwan due to the typhoon, there are some fans spreading gossips that the concert is cancelled because Takeshi's girlfriend is jealous and Takeshi didn't want to meet her. Thus, a lot of Taiwanese fans put the blame on her.

"I just knew. Afterall, I'm an IT guy, you know.. I have my magic fingers," Yu Jin answers her with a little joke, but he doesn't give her a hinch of how he knew.

Xiao Ping lets a thin smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm already used to those gossips and accusations," she says to confirm him that she is okay.

Those gossips really don't bother her. She is actually more affectuated by a picture of Takeshi and Aiko came out of his apartment together in the morning. Aiko's outfit was a bit off, an oversized T-shirt that was wore as a mini dress. It was obvious that the T-shirt was Takeshi's. She noticed it, and so was the reporters. They quickly assumed that the couple just spent a romantic night at Takeshi's place. It was so romantic that she couldn't wear her own dress in the morning. Everyone can easily fill up the dots, including Xiao Ping. She doesn't blame him. She blames her self for being sad over his happy news.

Xiao Ping can feel Yu Jin holds her hand and pulls her a little. "Come on, we almost there," Yu Jin tells her, not forgetting to put a wide smile on his face.The smile makes his face more handsome. The smile is also very contagious as Xiao Ping reflexively smiles as wide and fastens her steps.


In less than an hour, two tents are already standing strong. While Xiao Ping and A Lin are busy organize their things inside the tents, Yu Jin invites Han Han to collect dry woods. They are quite lucky there wasn't any rain for the last three days so there are enough dry woods to be collected. They then come back and make a fireplace so the girls can cook their meals and hot water. The four then sit together to see a beautiful sunset while drinking hot chocolates and coffees.


It is late at night when Xiao Ping is about to go back to her tent after doing her thing in the toilet. The toilet is only less than 50 meters from her tent and the national park actually gives some lights on the path so it is not totally dark and safe for the camper. When she goes back to her tent, she accidentally hears conversation. Both voices are familiar to her. It is Yu Jin and Han Han. At first she wants to join them, but she finds out that they are talking about her. She decides to hide and eavesdropping.

"How could you know that she is sad about the girl slept over at Takeshi's place ?" Han Han asks. Yu Jin smokes his cigarette before answering, "I know her too well. Al though she tries to pretend to be cheerful, she couldn't hide her gloom. At first, I thought she was sad because of the blaming of his fans, but she was not. So only that reason is left."

"How could you even know about those news anyway ?" Han Han asks again. Yu Jin chuckles. "I registered my self as one of his fan, using fake email of course. I need to know what upset her or making her sad, since she tries not to let me know," Yu Jin answers. "Whoah.. you went that far.." Han Han responds in disbelief. "I need to protect her, make sure I will always be there for her," Yu Jin says in light before smokes his cigarette again. Han Han is silent. He gulps his beer and looks at the night view.

"Brother..," Han Han calls Yu Jin. "Why you still don't want to make her your girlfriend ? I mean, I've seen a significant progress of her feeling toward you.."

"She still loves him."

"Yeah.. but it will take her a long time to totally get rid of her feeling to him. Also.. you love her that much, why don't you take the chance and replace him ? You need to be more selfish some times.."

"I am being selfish. I am a super selfish person. When a woman is mine, I want to have her alone, the whole her, body and soul. I don't want any other man's name in her heart. It's either me or that man," Yu Jin explains his principle.

Han Han clicks his tongue to sound his disapproval. "It's gonna be hard for you to have her then." Yu Jin nods. "I know.."

"What if.. she will never 100% love you ? What if.. turns out, she will find other man that she love ?" Han Han asks again.

Yu Jin shrugs. "It's okay. As long as she's happy, I'm okay with it," he answers. He smokes his cigarette one more time before throws it on the ground and steps on it to turns it off.

Yu Jin feels arms rounding his waist then a body presses onto his back. "Thank you," Xiao Ping's voice whispers on his jacket. Yu Jin turns his head around. Han Han is sneakily leaving him when he noticed Xiao Ping came from Yu Jin's behind. Now there are only the two of them. Yu Jin turns his body to face Xiao Ping who still embracing him. "Why are you aw.."

Xiao Ping kisses his lips softly. "I'm sorry I still can't get rid of him from my heart. But believe me.. I am starting to love you. Would you wait for that day when my heart is totally yours ?"

Yu Jin smiles. "Sure." Xiao Ping is snaking her arms on Yu Jin's neck then kissing him again. This time, Yu Jin returns the kiss passionately.

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