Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 18:Is The Past Still The Present ?

It is still early in the morning, but Takeshi has sat on his old motorcycle waiting for his mother to show up. The lady comes and rides on his back right away, then holds his waist. "Ready ?" he asks. His mother says yes.

With a gentle jolt, Takeshi lets go the clutch and starts cruising on the small street. Takeshi really enjoys taking his mother to the market early in the morning. It used to be his routine before he went to entertainment world. The fresh morning wind is dashing his face, playing with hair. The market is only a mile away, so they never use helmet.

"おはよう (Ohayou - Good morning)," Takeshi greets a woman who walks on the sideways. The woman turns to him. "Eh, Takeshi.. you are home already ?" she asks in surprise. Takeshi nods and smiles. His mother also greets her before they separated.

Takeshi slowly walks behind his mother. Both of his hands are now holding on some bags. "Takeshi, you are finally home," a woman greets him when she sees him. "Yes, Mam. I have a week off," he replies with big smile. "You look more handsome," another woman says then touches his mother's arm. "You are so lucky to have him a son, Yoshiko." Takeshi's mother smiles so bright. She can not hide how proud she is. "I am the lucky one to have her as my mother," Takeshi responds. The women in aww.

"How is Ken, Aunty ?" Takeshi asks to a chubby woman beside his mother. "Oh, he helps his father managing the convenient store now," the woman answers. "I'm going to visit him this afternoon. I will call him first," Takeshi says. The aunt agrees and pets his cheeks in admire. "I have never thought that you will be a star," she says.

Takeshi only smiles in return. Most of the women are mothers of his childhood friends. So it is strange to see their admiration to him now, as he still the same Takeshi. Takeshi who often asked for salt, and also one who broke their windows when he played soccer.

Accidentally Takeshi's sight catches a familiar figure. He focuses on the person who has her back on him just to be sure. He then says good bye to the women and approaches her. When he is right behind her, his hand hangs in the air as he has doubt to touch her shoulder. He instead just calls, "Ayumi."

The woman turns around and surprises to see Takeshi is behind her. "Takeshi ?" she asks disbelief, then joyfully smiles. "You.. haven't changed a bit," she says as staring at him head to toes. "Except.. you become more handsome," she adds.

Takeshi shyly smiles and drops his head. It is when he realizes a change on the woman's body. "You..." Takeshi looks at Ayumi's bumpy belly. Ayumi nods. "I'm expecting," she says awkwardly. Takeshi can only soundlessly say "oo". He has a blank stare for a second. But then he recalls himself and smiles. "Congratulation," he congrats her as sincere as he can. Ayumi thanks him.

"When did you home ?" Ayumi asks to change topic. "Oh.. a couple days a go," Takeshi answers. Trying hard to not look at her belly, Takeshi sights is wandering around. "Why didn't you tell me ?" Ayumi asks as if she's protesting. Takeshi glares at her. "Do I still have the right ?" he bitterly asks. Ayumi gives him a stiff smile. "Aren't we still friends ?" Ayumi reminds him. Takeshi stretch his lips. "Right," he says then drops his head.

"Takeshi," his mother's voice calls from his behind. "Aunty," Ayumi greets and bends her body. Takeshi's mother only glances at her then says to her son, "Let's go home." Takeshi nods and says goodbye to Ayumi.

"If you had time, come to our house," Ayumi invites him. "He has no time for you," Takeshi's mother replies before her son has a chance. "お母さん (Okasan - Mom)," Takeshi warns her then he turns to Ayumi, "Please give my regard to Tanaka." Ayumi smiles and nods.

When they are on the parking lot, Takeshi rebukes to his mother, "Mom, why were you so tense toward her ?" Takeshi's mother snuffles. "You are the one who always have soft spot on her. No matter how deep and painfully she has hurt you..," she is complaining.


Ayumi Kensho is Takeshi's first love. They met at their junior high school. Nothing was special. They were classmate and soon be friends. Ayumi helped him with Math while he taught her English. Ayumi had a soft white skin with chubby cheeks back then. Her hair was black, long, and straight. Ayumi was an outspoken girl, she dared to speak her mind and her mind is full with beautiful ideas. That what made Takeshi deeply loved her. (should it be.. 'loves' instead 'loved'?).

They began their relationship in the first year of high school. Takeshi couldn't restrain his jealousy to see her about to go on a movie with a guy. The shy Takeshi, knocked her house's door right before she was picked up by the guy and committed his love. She was only saying, "It's about time," then kissed him on the lips then she smiled. She was always so adorable when she smiled. The smiled she has had was the type that could make a man gave her the world. And that exactly what Takeshi would do for her, giving her the world. After high school, Takeshi went to Tokyo to pursue in the entertainment world. To give her the world he promised. He promised to himself he would not marry her when he had not been famous yet.

But it was a hard rocky road. He had no money nor any connection. He started it of as a waiter, then a back up singer of a band when their singer could not make it. He went to dozens of TV stations and agencies to pursue his carrier. All were rejected. But he was too stubborn to give up. He tried one talent show after another until he finally was one of a finalist of a national talent show. It was after that an agent company, who once rejected him, was interested in him.

It was like receiving a Pandora box. Takeshi became too obsess with his work, that he subconsciously abandoned his lover. After the agreement with the company, he went back to Kyoto, to tell his family and Ayumi the good news. To his surprise, Ayumi gave him a news first. She wanted to break up with Takeshi. She said it with a smile. The same smile that made Takeshi wanted to give the world. So of course, he gave her what she wanted to, ignoring his own broken heart and shattered dream. After all, Ayumi is his only love.


In the kitchen, Takeshi is helping his mother when suddenly the cellular in his pocket rings. He cleans his hands then reaches his pocket. "もしもし!(Moshimoshi ! - Hello!)," he greets to Hiroshi, one who calls him. He walks out from the kitchen.

"What ? Aren't I supposed to have a week off ?" Takeshi asks in surprise. "Right, I've told him already," Hiroshi answers while he is wondering around the office's aisle, "but boss insisted. He said there was a miscommunication with the product company. They had not receive the pending request we had sent, thus they already set up the location for tomorrow."

Takeshi chuckles in disappointment. "How can it be ? It is only my third day. My jet lag hasn't even gone, yet I'm supposed to work already ?" Takeshi is complaining, but he knows it is no use. Hiroshi is not the one who makes decision. But he really wants to hear him pleading. Just for fun.

"I beg you, Takeshi. Boss was already nervous. Do you really want me to be scolded until I'm doomed? Can you imagine I would be drowned by his saliva ?" Hiroshi finally pleads. Takeshi lets a small laugh. "It's a fortune since you rarely take a shower," Takeshi jokes on him. Hiroshi pouts. "Haha, not funny!" he says but he knows his plead works. "So ?" he asks full of hope.

Takeshi scratches his head and sighs. "Okay.. okay," he says hardly, then furthering his cellular once he heard Hiroshi screamed in joy. Takeshi lets his assistant celebrates it for a while. "You had it enough ?"he asks, answered by a yes.

"But.. that means..," Takeshi hangs his sentences purposely, awaits for Hiroshi to fulfill it. "Right.. right.. I know. An extra day off on the next Christmas and Mother's day ..," Hiroshi answers. "And ?" Takeshi pursues. Hiroshi snuffles. "Massaging your stinky feet for a week," Hiroshi hardly adds.

Takeshi laughs. "You're the best," he praises his assistant. "For sure," Hiroshi replies in sissy. "Alright then, Do you prefer a flight or a bullet ?" Hiroshi asks. "I'll take care of it for my self," Takeshi refuses. "You really are the best, Takeshi," Hiroshi flatters him. Takeshi chuckles. "I know."

After the conversation has ended, Takeshi lets a long sigh. He needs to tell this bad news to her mother and prepares to get back to reality.

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