Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 183:Perfect Wedding [1]

"You are ?? But.. you said you didn't ready earlier.. why all of the sudden.. "

"It was only our first month. Beside, you were drunk. You obviously didn't mean it back then. But now, I'm very sober and I had thought about this seriously. Let's get marry," Takeshi says then takes the ring out of its box. It's a simple rose gold ring. The only attraction of the ring is the big diamond on top of it. Takeshi grabs Aiko's left hand gently then place the ring in front of her ring finger. "What do you say ?" Once again Takeshi asks. He looks Aiko in the eyes, demanding her answer.

Aiko puts her free hand over her mouth. She is repeatedly nodding while her tears start trailing on her cheeks.

"Is it a yes ?" Takeshi asks for a confirmation. Aiko nods again. "Y.. yes.. Yes..!!" she confirms with chocked voice.

"よかった (Yokatta - Thank Goodness)," Takeshi murmurs in relieved. He puts the ring through her finger then kisses her. Aiko kisses him back.

After the kissing, Aiko is admirinhlg the ring on her finger. "It's beautiful," she says. Takeshi brings her in his embrace. "Let's marry within a week," he says.

"What ?! NO !" Aiko quickly refuses.

"Why not ? The sooner the better, right ?" Takeshi asks.

"No, it's not. How could we prepare a wedding within a week ?"

"We don't need a big party. What matter is we are legally.."

"But I want a big wedding. I only experience one wedding, so I want..."

"Why do you think you will only experience it once ?" Takeshi cuts her in worry, he thought she already knows that she is dying.

"Why ? Do you hope that we will divorce ?" Aiko asks him back then pouts.

"No.. no.. that's not what I meant," Takeshi quickly denies.

"So what did you mean ?"

"Nothing. You were right, you.. we.. we will only marry once in this life," Takeshi quickly dodges. "So.. when will it be the perfect time ? A month ?"

"First we need to book the place. I also need to search for the dress, the food, decoration, photographer, not to mention the perfect cake. Hmm.. maybe one and a half year .."


"What ?!?!"

"お父さん (Otosan - Father), why are you yelling at me ?" Aiko pouts while putting away her cellular from her ear.. She is now already back on her bed at the hospital. She called her father to tell him about the proposal. Mr. Waseda asked her about the date of the wedding and she just told him like what she told Takeshi in the cart.

"Why do you need that many times to prepare a wedding ? I think a month will be.."

"A Month ?!?! No Way!!" Aiko cuts and refuses her father's suggestion. She glances at Takeshi who sits on the couch, listening to her argument. He also thought a month would do. Men. Do they think it is simple to prepare a wedding ?

"You can hire the best EO and they surely can prepare everything within a month," her father tries to convinces her.

"No! They won't understand what I want. I will do it all by my self."

"No, you may not!"

"Why not ?"

"Because... because it will take you forever."

"That's why I said one and a half year will be perfect."

"That's.. that's too long!"

"Takeshi doesn't mind." Takeshi instantly becomes panic and waves his hand to object her words, but she doesn't pay attention.

"No. I don't agree. I made up my mind. You will marry next month," Mr. Waseda says his decision.

"No! One and a half year or there will be no wedding!!" She refuses and threats her father in one line.


Aiko ends the call with sour face. Takeshi covers his face with both hands while deeply exhales then pulls back his hands in frustration. How only setting up a date can be a huge fight? Yes, right.. it's because the death penalty. If only not because of her death penalty, one and a half year won't be a problem. Actually, he would not even have to propose to her.

Takeshi looks at Aiko who is still sulking. "Were you serious when you said that ?" he asks in calm tone. Aiko turns her head to see him, but says nothing.

"Do you really prefer not to marry me if the time doesn't suit your will ?" Takeshi asks her again. Aiko lows down her head and twirling the blanket. "No," she murmurs. Takeshi sighs then walks to approach her. He sits on the edge of the bed then embraces her.

"Why did you insist to have it one and a half year later ? It's too long you know. What if.. something happens ? Maybe I got an accident and.. die ?"

"No.. don't say that!" Aiko says then hugs Takeshi tight. "I want it to be perfect," she says, "I have dreamed about our wedding since I was a little."

"Our ?" Takeshi asks in surprised.

"Yes. I imagine it clearly. You, with a three pieces white suit. I clearly imagine the place. The ceremony will be in a shrine, but surrounded by a secret garden. We walk to the shrine through a full blossom sakura." Aiko aparts her head a bit from Takeshi's chest so she can see Takeshi's eyes, "I want our wedding to be held on Spring. I hate Autumn, it's so gloomy."

Takeshi nods. "What else have you imagined ?" he asks her to continue.

"I found the perfect place already, Heian Jingu. But we need to make advance reservation, at least a year before. And it is not too spacious, so we need to break down the reception into multi sessions," Aiko continues.

"It will be exhausting, but I don't mind. What else ?"

"The cake will be five-tier cakes with sakuras. They should be matchas and red velvets. Matcha is your favorite, right ?" Takeshi nods.

"Then.. ?"

"Then..," Aiko shakes her head. "There are too many details, but I can't find words to describe it. That's why I want to do it by my self."

"You still have to do chemo sessions. Those will halt your move a lot," Takeshi says, stroking her shoulder.

"That's why I need one and a half year.."

"It's too long.."


"How about we meet in the middle. Six months from now. We will hire the best EO to help you. You're the master planner, they only execute what you say. You will need to work hard to describe all the details on your mind. and they will do all the hardwork for you. What do you say ?" Takeshi tries to negotiate with her..

"But the shrine may already fully booked," Aiko utters her worry, but she doesn't completely objects Takeshi's offer.

"You are the daughter of the great Waseda-sama. I think your father will be able to make the shrine to spare a date for us," Takeshi convinces her.

"You think so ?" Aiko asks. Takeshi nods.

"So.. what do you think ? I really want to marry you as soon as possible," Takeshi coaxes her by kissing her cheeks repeatedly then looks her in the eyes.

"Okay, then. Six months it is. Bur only if the shrine is available," she finally agrees. Takeshi widely smiles then kisses her forehead.

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