Chasing My Dream Lover
Chapter 31:Blessing in Disguise
"Takeshi, how are you ? I'm so worried about you … please, if you can, write to me so I can be sure that you're OK."
Takeshi gently smiles to read the short email that fully filled with sad and worry emoticons. His fingers then starts typing on keyboard of a laptop that sits on top of his lap.
When Takeshi's hand clicking a Send button, at Taiwan Xiao Ping is staring blankly at the monitor in front of her while twisting her blue t-shirt with her finger. That is all she has been doing since yesterday. It only disrupted when customers come to her.
A notification pop up shows up on screen, disturbed her thought. Xiao Ping clicks the OK button then a free mail sites shows up. In a second the gloom in Xiao Ping's face disappeared when she sees a new email from lostboy2000.
Xiao Ping knits her brows reading the email. She then quickly replies, "You're not lying, right ? from what I saw that night, they didn't blow anything up. Saw you suddenly fainted in that show really made me worry. These couple of days, I barely could sleep, kept thinking about your condition. How are you now ? What the doctor said ?"
Still half lying down on the bed, Takeshi lets his mom feed him a spoonful of porridge. He gently digests it to make sure it is completely subtle before swallows it. He restrains the food's desire to come out by swallowing it back.
Takeshi's mother gives him the last spoon when she saw Takeshi has successfully swallowed the food. Takeshi opens his mouth and does the same ritual while his mother is leaving him to the kitchen to clean up.
Takeshi takes a small bowl that contains some pills. He swallows all the pills with the help of a glass of water. While finishing the water, Takeshi reads an email form Xiao Ping that has just arrived. He is a bit surprise to know that Xiao Ping saw him fainted that night. His fingers are a bit stumbled, but he then writes,
"No, I'm not lying. I really am OK now. So sorry to make you can't sleep. Doctor said I'm just overwrought and need more rest. So, my company said that I can take few days off. You know what, this is really a blessing in disguise. My mom comes to take care of me. Having a chance to be together with her is a rare opportunity. Also …"
Xiao Ping turn to Yu Jin who is writing something on his desk. "Yu Jin, what is 'overwrought' ?" she asks. Yu Jin frowns for a moment to think then answers, "It's similar as too tiring because of too much work."
Xiao Ping smiles while thanking him, but she again frowning to read the unfinished sentence of Takeshi.
"Also … what ? I'm so happy to hear your mom comes. I can't imagine how hard go through your life. I've never separate with my parents more than 3 days. I hope you can use those days to recover your self. I love your hard working personality, but please pay attention to your health also. Here in Taiwan, all of your fans worry about you, and I'm sure your fans all over the world feel the same way too."
Takeshi stretches his body. It becomes a little stiff since all he does is lying down on bed all day. But he smiles to read Xiao Ping's email and soon replies it. "Nothing," he lies. The true sentence he wants to write is 'also I can get to know you better'. But he thought it was too cheesy, better to keep it for himself.
He continues his email, "It's quite hard, especially at the beginning, but slowly I get use to it, even there are sometimes I really miss her. She's the only woman in my heart now. Thank you for your attention, it's really touched me." This time he is not lying. He really is touched to read Xiao Ping asked him to take care of his health. "Please forgive me if I acted so cold to you and all my friends. I realize that a lot of my friends think that I'm arrogant and careless to their feelings and attentions, and now they might regret to be my friends."
Xiao Ping closes her mouth with her hand while slowly shaking his head as she can feel Takeshi's sadness. Actually there are some fans saying bad things about Takeshi. They accuse Takeshi is now changing and become arrogant. It surprises Xiao Ping that Takeshi is taking it in his heart.
"Don't thank me, I thank you. You've touched me ever since I knew you for the first time. I'm sure you've never realized, but you have changed my life, made it more meaningful. I can't dare to think how my life would be if I didn't know you. So please … don't torture yourself with that kind of feeling. We all understand you, understand your business. I'm sure no one who claims to be your friend accuses you like that."
Takeshi stares at his laptop. He really is touched to read Xiao Ping's words. He often receives similar words, but he has never felt so touch as when he read Xiao Ping's. Her words are simple yet feel so sincere. His fingers slowly move on the keyboard.
"Now … I'm speechless. I wish we can really be friend from now on. Knowing that I have a friend such as nice as you are, I don't care if I have no other friend. Thank you. No word can describe my happiness now…"
Just like what she did to Takeshi, Xiao Ping is also stunned to read her idol's reply. There is so much happiness in her heart now that she can barely hold tears.
"Xiao Ping," someone calls her from behind. Xiao Ping turns to the voice and smiles wide to know it was Yu Jin. "Will you not go home ?' he asks. Xiao Ping glances to the clock and slowly nods. Time flies so fast. She is actually hesitate to leave as she wants to keep talking to Takeshi, but of course her parents will be worry if she comes home late.
"Why don't you go first, I'm going to reply just this one email," she says to Yu Jin. The guy glances to the monitor. "I will wait for you outside then," he says then walks out.
Xiao Ping stares at the monitor before she starts typing, ""I'm really flattered, I would love to be your truly friend. Believe me, I'll always be your friend … and you're always be my happiness. It's 7.30 pm, I hate to but I must go now. Hope tomorrow I still be able to chat with you like today. Today is the happiest day, and it's because of you. Good night, sleep well. Your friend, Xiao Ping."
Takeshi rises a smile to read that email, then closes off his laptop while staring far away. His heart is very colorful right now. Happy, touch, proud, sadness.. no word can describe the exact feeling he feels right now.
A shadow near the door catches his attention. "Mom," he calls while smiling. His mother smiles back then approaching him.
"I thought you're already asleep," she says glancing at the alarm clock on the table. 8.30 PM.
"Nope, not yet," Takeshi replies. He puts his laptop beside the clock.
"Get rest. You need to have plenty of rest so you can recover soon," his mother advises.
"I'm waiting for your kiss," Takeshi says spoiled. The middle age woman chuckles. Takeshi shifts his body to a fully lay down while his mother fixes his blanket and strokes his hair gentle.She then kisses Takeshi's forehead tenderly as Takeshi closes his eyes to enjoy it warmths.
"おやすみ (Oyasumii - Good night)," Takeshi's mother says and once again strokes his hair.
"おやすみなさい (Oyasuminasi - Good night)," Takeshi replies. He stares to his mother in full in love while she stands up, turns off the light before goes out of the room.
Takeshi stares at the ceiling and smiles. "Your friend, Xiao Ping" The words is vividly pictured on the ceiling. He doesn't understand why, that short and simple words can make his heart so happy.
Xiao Ping turns her body facing Takeshi poster. "I wish we can really be friend from now," a sentence that was written by Takeshi on the email is still lingering in her mind.
"Friend.. I can't believe I am friend with Takeshi Hasegawa," Xiao Ping screams inside her heart. She smiles so wide until she loses her eyes.
Takeshi gently smiles to read the short email that fully filled with sad and worry emoticons. His fingers then starts typing on keyboard of a laptop that sits on top of his lap.
When Takeshi's hand clicking a Send button, at Taiwan Xiao Ping is staring blankly at the monitor in front of her while twisting her blue t-shirt with her finger. That is all she has been doing since yesterday. It only disrupted when customers come to her.
A notification pop up shows up on screen, disturbed her thought. Xiao Ping clicks the OK button then a free mail sites shows up. In a second the gloom in Xiao Ping's face disappeared when she sees a new email from lostboy2000.
Xiao Ping knits her brows reading the email. She then quickly replies, "You're not lying, right ? from what I saw that night, they didn't blow anything up. Saw you suddenly fainted in that show really made me worry. These couple of days, I barely could sleep, kept thinking about your condition. How are you now ? What the doctor said ?"
Still half lying down on the bed, Takeshi lets his mom feed him a spoonful of porridge. He gently digests it to make sure it is completely subtle before swallows it. He restrains the food's desire to come out by swallowing it back.
Takeshi's mother gives him the last spoon when she saw Takeshi has successfully swallowed the food. Takeshi opens his mouth and does the same ritual while his mother is leaving him to the kitchen to clean up.
Takeshi takes a small bowl that contains some pills. He swallows all the pills with the help of a glass of water. While finishing the water, Takeshi reads an email form Xiao Ping that has just arrived. He is a bit surprise to know that Xiao Ping saw him fainted that night. His fingers are a bit stumbled, but he then writes,
"No, I'm not lying. I really am OK now. So sorry to make you can't sleep. Doctor said I'm just overwrought and need more rest. So, my company said that I can take few days off. You know what, this is really a blessing in disguise. My mom comes to take care of me. Having a chance to be together with her is a rare opportunity. Also …"
Xiao Ping turn to Yu Jin who is writing something on his desk. "Yu Jin, what is 'overwrought' ?" she asks. Yu Jin frowns for a moment to think then answers, "It's similar as too tiring because of too much work."
Xiao Ping smiles while thanking him, but she again frowning to read the unfinished sentence of Takeshi.
"Also … what ? I'm so happy to hear your mom comes. I can't imagine how hard go through your life. I've never separate with my parents more than 3 days. I hope you can use those days to recover your self. I love your hard working personality, but please pay attention to your health also. Here in Taiwan, all of your fans worry about you, and I'm sure your fans all over the world feel the same way too."
Takeshi stretches his body. It becomes a little stiff since all he does is lying down on bed all day. But he smiles to read Xiao Ping's email and soon replies it. "Nothing," he lies. The true sentence he wants to write is 'also I can get to know you better'. But he thought it was too cheesy, better to keep it for himself.
He continues his email, "It's quite hard, especially at the beginning, but slowly I get use to it, even there are sometimes I really miss her. She's the only woman in my heart now. Thank you for your attention, it's really touched me." This time he is not lying. He really is touched to read Xiao Ping asked him to take care of his health. "Please forgive me if I acted so cold to you and all my friends. I realize that a lot of my friends think that I'm arrogant and careless to their feelings and attentions, and now they might regret to be my friends."
Xiao Ping closes her mouth with her hand while slowly shaking his head as she can feel Takeshi's sadness. Actually there are some fans saying bad things about Takeshi. They accuse Takeshi is now changing and become arrogant. It surprises Xiao Ping that Takeshi is taking it in his heart.
"Don't thank me, I thank you. You've touched me ever since I knew you for the first time. I'm sure you've never realized, but you have changed my life, made it more meaningful. I can't dare to think how my life would be if I didn't know you. So please … don't torture yourself with that kind of feeling. We all understand you, understand your business. I'm sure no one who claims to be your friend accuses you like that."
Takeshi stares at his laptop. He really is touched to read Xiao Ping's words. He often receives similar words, but he has never felt so touch as when he read Xiao Ping's. Her words are simple yet feel so sincere. His fingers slowly move on the keyboard.
"Now … I'm speechless. I wish we can really be friend from now on. Knowing that I have a friend such as nice as you are, I don't care if I have no other friend. Thank you. No word can describe my happiness now…"
Just like what she did to Takeshi, Xiao Ping is also stunned to read her idol's reply. There is so much happiness in her heart now that she can barely hold tears.
"Xiao Ping," someone calls her from behind. Xiao Ping turns to the voice and smiles wide to know it was Yu Jin. "Will you not go home ?' he asks. Xiao Ping glances to the clock and slowly nods. Time flies so fast. She is actually hesitate to leave as she wants to keep talking to Takeshi, but of course her parents will be worry if she comes home late.
"Why don't you go first, I'm going to reply just this one email," she says to Yu Jin. The guy glances to the monitor. "I will wait for you outside then," he says then walks out.
Xiao Ping stares at the monitor before she starts typing, ""I'm really flattered, I would love to be your truly friend. Believe me, I'll always be your friend … and you're always be my happiness. It's 7.30 pm, I hate to but I must go now. Hope tomorrow I still be able to chat with you like today. Today is the happiest day, and it's because of you. Good night, sleep well. Your friend, Xiao Ping."
Takeshi rises a smile to read that email, then closes off his laptop while staring far away. His heart is very colorful right now. Happy, touch, proud, sadness.. no word can describe the exact feeling he feels right now.
A shadow near the door catches his attention. "Mom," he calls while smiling. His mother smiles back then approaching him.
"I thought you're already asleep," she says glancing at the alarm clock on the table. 8.30 PM.
"Nope, not yet," Takeshi replies. He puts his laptop beside the clock.
"Get rest. You need to have plenty of rest so you can recover soon," his mother advises.
"I'm waiting for your kiss," Takeshi says spoiled. The middle age woman chuckles. Takeshi shifts his body to a fully lay down while his mother fixes his blanket and strokes his hair gentle.She then kisses Takeshi's forehead tenderly as Takeshi closes his eyes to enjoy it warmths.
"おやすみ (Oyasumii - Good night)," Takeshi's mother says and once again strokes his hair.
"おやすみなさい (Oyasuminasi - Good night)," Takeshi replies. He stares to his mother in full in love while she stands up, turns off the light before goes out of the room.
Takeshi stares at the ceiling and smiles. "Your friend, Xiao Ping" The words is vividly pictured on the ceiling. He doesn't understand why, that short and simple words can make his heart so happy.
Xiao Ping turns her body facing Takeshi poster. "I wish we can really be friend from now," a sentence that was written by Takeshi on the email is still lingering in her mind.
"Friend.. I can't believe I am friend with Takeshi Hasegawa," Xiao Ping screams inside her heart. She smiles so wide until she loses her eyes.
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