Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 35:My Happiness

Xiao Ping slowly walks around a clothes rack while her hand lightly touches the clothes. At the other side, Er Hua takes a shirt and carefully watches it. "How about this ?" Er Hua asks Xiao Ping's opinion. "That's also great," Xiao Ping answers right away. For her, every man clothe in the department store will be great once is wore by Takeshi.

Er Hua thinks for a while then plunges. "Should I buy him another shirt ? I gave him one last time he was here," Er Hua says to her self.

"If only I live at Japan, I definitely will give him a big cake," Er Hua wishful thinking. Xiao Ping turns to her. "There must be a lot of people give him cake. Though the news said Takeshi loves to eat foods given by fans, but it would be impossible for him to eat them all," Xiao Ping says, she can not imagine Takeshi eats all the cakes.

"You're right. My gift must be unique and luxurious to be seen between other gifts," Er Hua speaks. Xiao Ping does not reply anything about it.

"Haven't you bought anything yet ?" Er Hua asks with a curious look while her hand inserts her wallet in her bag. She then carries the shopping bag out from cashier desk. Xiao Ping shakes her head weak. Her eyes glances at the big box that comes out of Er Hua's shopping bag. Er Hua bought a miniature of Harley motorcycle for Takeshi. She once read from mailing list that their idol really wants to have a big motorbike, but only when he already bought a house for his mother.

Xiao Ping knows her feeling right now is wrong. She is being envy to Er Hua who just easily spent 800 NT for Takeshi's birthday gift. 800 NT ! that is more than her salary.

"Xiao Ping, I need to go to toilet," Er Hua speaks brings Xiao Ping back from her own thought. Xiao Ping nods and accepts the shopping bag that handed by Er Hua.

Waiting for Er Hua, Xiao Ping approaches a counter near the toilet. It is an accessories shop. In front of the shop there is a big metal basket with a 50% sign stands above it. In fad, Xiao Ping seeing stuffs in the basket. But her hand halts when she sees a necklace.

Its chain made from a black rubber-like fabric which is nearly break in the middle. That is probably why it is being 50% discount. What catches Xiao Ping's eyes is its pendant. The pendant is a glass tube, around an inch height. Inside the tube there are two letters seemingly floating on the ocean due to the effect of the blue water inside the tube. Xiao Ping opens its package and holds the necklace in front of her eyes. Her hand twists the pendant slow. Even though the side of the tube is changing because of her twist, but the two letters remain toward her. 幸福 (Xing Fu - Happiness). Xiao Ping reads the two letters.


"Dear, Xiao Ping … how are you ? Today is your last examination day, right ? I hope it turn out great ☺ I need to hear that at least one of us is having a great day, and I'm sure that person isn't me. I'm sorry for being a bit sentimental. It might because I've through a hard day. All of my colleagues ignore me. No one reply my greetings, and they act like I have made them angry. But I don't know my mistake, and no one told me. Really makes me down."

Reading the sentence makes Xiao Ping sad. She really wants to call Takeshi and tells him that she is happy today, that she successful in her exam, or saying other comforting words to make that guy smile.

"Xiao Ping … you know, I have a friend who learn Chinese, and he said that your name means 'peaceful'," Xiao Ping postpones her read. She is a bit surprise to know Takeshi cares enough to find out the meaning of her name. Even though both Japanese and Chinese use similar letter, but some have different meaning.

"It's a very suitable name for you. I can imagine, people who near you will be surrounded by peaceful feeling which come from you. But for me … for me you aren't just giving me peaceful feeling, but also happiness. Shiawase. Can I call you that ? Cause ever since I knew you, that's what I feel most of the time, especially every time we 'meet' via email like this. Anyway, I will go to Ueda these few days with all crews to filming. I don't know when I will be back home. It means I can't write you for those few days cause my assistant might caught me, and I'll be in big trouble ☺ See you soon, My Happiness."

Xiao Ping frowns as she does not understand. But she must hold back her curiosity because Takeshi did not explain the reason while she is too shy to ask.

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