Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 40:Temporary Closed

"I want to ask you a favor.. Please make a time to visit uncle. I know he is strong, but he lives alone. He has no one to talk to.. In time like this, I think it is important for him to have someone to talk to, so he can ease his mind," Yu Jin said as he patted both of Xiao Ping's shoulders.

Xiao Ping nodded. "I'm going to his house after this," Xiao Ping said to agree. Yu Jin smiled then gently meshed her hair. From the loud speaker was heard an announcement for the passenger of a flight to Indonesia to board.

"I have to go," Yu Jin farewelled after staring Xiao Ping's face for a while.

"Come back soon," Xiao Ping asked. "I will. I'm a bit concern of how my uncle as well," Yu Jin said.

"Don't worry. I will visit him often," Xiao Ping promised and smiled. Yu Jin returned a smile as well.


The wheel of a bicycle rotates faster as the increases of the pedaling. The wind from front hits Xiao Ping's face, dishevels her bang. The bicycle turns right then after few blocks stops in front of an apartment.

"Mr. Bai is quite strong," Xiao Ping thinks while stepping up the stairs. She herself needs to manage her breath, over more Mr. Bai who is more than twice her age.

Arrived at fifth floor, Xiao Ping walks through the aisle searching for Mr. Bai's apartment. Once found, she rings the bell door. The door is opened a slight, showing Mr. Bai's face. The man closes the door to unchain it then opens it wide.

"Xiao Ping, come on in," he says while giving a friendly smile. Xiao Ping nods then enters his apartment. It is quite comfortable and neat. She wonders whether every single man lives as neat since she has seen Yu Jin's and Mr. Bai's neat apartments.

"I'm happy you can make it. Have a seat.. other will come soon," Mr. Bai says while taking news paper that lies on his brown sofa. Xiao Ping sits on the sofa and smiles, "I just accompanied Yu Jin to the airport, that's why I come early."

"That's right.. Yu Jin's departure is today. I forgot," Mr. Bai pats his forehead. Xiao Ping stares at him. His face is rumpled. With a lot of wrinkles and black circles surround his eyes, Mr. Bai looks ten years older than his age. But that impression is gone when he smiles.

"I better make you a drink. What do you want ?" Mr. Bai asks. "Plain water just fine, Boss," Xiao Ping answers. Mr. Bai nods his head then walks to the kitchen.


"So.. the explosion was from the chemist store next door ?" Xiao Ping asks with a wide eyes. Tian Tian nods. "The sound was so loud. I thought there was a nuclear bomb attack," he speaks then drink from the glass he holds. "The fire spread quickly into the cafe. Fortunately I urged A Lin to come out. Less than a second later, there was explosion inside the cafe. Looked like the fire stroke the LPG tank," Tian Tian continues his story. He can not hide fear in his voice.

Xiao Ping shudders in horror imagining the accident that almost took both of her friends. She sees A Lin's hand is also shaking. Xiao Ping takes her hands then gently pats them while giving a soft smile.

Mr. Bai inhales his cigarette then slowly exhales it. "What most important is, both of you are safe," Mr. Bai says with a smile on his face. Xiao Png nods to agree what her boss said.

Tian Tian sighs then leaning to the sofa. "Then.. how about the cafe repairmen, Boss ?" he asks.

"Fortunately, I insurance the store including what are inside. So all losses are borne by the insurance," Mr. Bai explains while smoking his cigarette, "But.. it will still take time to be fixed. Maybe around 4 until 5 months." Mr. Bai stares at his employees one by one. "Thus.. I can understand if you decides to work at other place."

A Lin and Xiao Ping look at each other with gloomy eyes. Then both of them stare at Tian Tian who returns their stare.

The young man then turns to Mr. Bai. "Boss.. to be honest, I do need to keep on working. I have two brothers to be feed. So.. maybe when the cafe is still being repaired, I will work at some other place. But when the cafe is ready to be opened and you don't have anyone to replace me, I will be more than happy to join you," Tian Tian tells the truth. Mr. Bai smiles, "I understand. Thank you," he says.

"I will just wait until the cafe reopen, Boss," A Lin says followed by Xiao Ping's nod. "Me, too. If you need my help, don't hesitate to let me know," Xiao Ping adds. Mr. Bai stares at the two girls in moved. "Thank you. Now I can rest my mind," he says his gratitude.

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