Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 58:Happy.. ?

Minute hand of a clock that hangs on the wall moves to a twelve when Xiao Ping blinks her eyes. Soon the clock chimes two times. The sound is not too loud but able to conquers the silence of the night, leaving a long echo trail for a couple minutes.

Xiao Ping turns her body to face the ceiling. There is nothing on the ceiling except a turned off lamp. But the dull ceiling can make Xiao Ping grows the same smile that she brought home six hours a go. The smile that made her forgot to greet her mother and went straight to her room.

For the umpteenth times Xiao Ping turns her head to the poster, and for the umpteenth times she blushes. While closing her eyes, Xiao Ping puts her hand on her chest to feel her fast-beaten heart. "God, is it true ?" she asks inwardly, "is the one who confess his love is ..."


Takeshi Hasegawa. The name is said along with a lump of smoke out of Yu Jin's lips, the lips that unconsciously turns in to a bitter crooked smile. Sitting on the floor of his apartment's small balcony, Yu Jin throws his sight to the night that is decorated with lights of buildings all over Taipei.

You should be happy, his mind rebukes. I know, his heart replies. But you are not happy, are you? Even though you clearly said you were happy to her! his thought snaps. His heart turns to silent.

Yu Jin's hand thrusts a cigarette to his thin lips which then sucks it deeply until it caused a rattling sound. He enjoys the smoke filling his lung for moments. Little liar ! his mind mocks again, then what if she decides to date Takeshi ? What about the promise to support her no matter what ? Will you disavow it too ?


"Xiao Ping !" Mrs. Yuan rebukes with a high tone. "Eh.. yes, mom ?" Xiao Ping is stammered. "The porridge was almost burnt," her mother says after turned off the stove. Xiao Ping is immediately shocked and shouts, "Aiyo.. I'm sorry, Mom!" Her sight is on the pan in front of her. The porridge inside of it is now very thick and slightly brown.

Mrs. Yuan shakes her hand in wonder. "What's wrong with you this morning ?" she asks. Xiao Ping does not say a word, instead she seriously twirls the porridge in the pan.

"Mom, I'm starving !" shouts Xiao Lan who was just running enter the house. "It's almost ready. Wash your hands and legs first," Mrs. Yuan responds while sprinkles some chopped leeks on the porridge. "Take it to the table, Xiao Ping. Be careful. It's still hot," she says to her daughter while opening the water faucet to clean the kitchen wares.

Once Xiao Ping puts the porridge pan on to the table, her father comes out of the room together with her brother is out from the bathroom. Xiao Ping sits on one of the four chairs around the table. The rack she was used to restrain the pan's heat is now tucked under her left thigh.

"Let's eat !" Mr. Yuan says while his hand is busy to fill his bowl with porridge. Once having the ladle on his hand, Xiao Lan does the similar thing as his father. "Here are your milks," Mrs. Yuan handing two glasses of milk each in front of Xiao Ping and Xiao Lan.

"Eh, Xiao Ping.. why haven't you eaten ?" Xiao Ping's mother asks to see her clean bowl. Xiao Ping is about to say 'she's not having appetite" but she knows it will definitely makes her parents worry. Thus, she moves to take the ladle and pours two spoons of porridge to her bowl.

"It's good, Sis. A little bit scorch but delicious," Xiao Lan makes a comment while keeps eating. Xiao Ping thinly smiles then starts to feed the porridge to her mouth. She was just about to take her second spoon when she feels her stomach reacts. Xiao Ping tries to hold the porridge inside for not coming out.

"What's wrong, Darling ?" Mr. Yuan caught her. "Nothing," Xiao Ping answers with teary eyes. "Are you sick ?" her mother asks. Xiao Ping shakes her head, then the porridge comes out, soiling her clothe and tablecloth.

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