Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 62:Birthday Party

"Xiao Ping !" someone calls across the street. Xiao Ping breaks her bike to stop then wanders her sight to find who called. "Hi," someone pets her shoulder from behind.

"A Dao!" Xiao Ping greets him. Her smile widens to reply the awkward smile of A Dao. The dispute between A Dao and her several days ago has been forgotten by Xiao Ping. A Dao seems to notice it, thus his awkwardness slowly disappears.

"Where were you from ?" A Dao asks. "My mom's customer's," Xiao Ping answers then grins. "It's been a while since the last time we met."

A Dao nods. "You've never come to my stall again," A Dao says a bit grumble. "Right, sorry," Xiao Ping says. A Dao grins to signal that his grumble was only fake.

"You don't like Takeshi Hasegawa anymore ?" A Dao asks. Xiao Ping's eyes wides open then her head quickly shakes. "No way. I forever will love Takeshi," she says on fire.

A Dao laughs, amused to see Xiao Ping's excitement. "Where are you going now ?" he asks. "Home," Xiao Ping shortly answers. A Dao looks at her closely. So close until it makes Xiao Ping uncomfortable. "Why are you looking at me like that ?" she asks.

A Dai slowly shakes his head. "Do you have plan for tonight ?" A Dao asks. Xiao Ping shakes her head a bit. "Tonight there will be a little party," A Dao informs. "Party ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Today is my birthday," A Dao explains.

Xiao Ping's eyes are wide open. But before she's able to greet him, A Dao's cellular rings. A Dao takes the cellular. Before he receives the call he looks at Xiao Ping. "Please, come," he asks then steps away while half shouting, "You must come. No need to bring anything, just come !" Xiao Ping nods to undertake.


In doubt, Xiao Ping with her bicycle come close to a construction that seems like used to be a warehouse. From a far it is already heard the frenetic that comes from inside the construction. The closer Xiao Ping is to the constructor, the more doubt she feels. The noise received by her ears is not equal with the excitement saw by her eyes.

The construction has a rolling door that is half opened up. The lighting inside is dim. Perhaps only illuminated by a few low-watt lamps and the twinkling christmas lights. Is this the place ? Xiao Ping asks inwardly. But it is the address A Dao gave on the phone.

When her feet stand in front of the building and her bike has leaned on the wall, Xiao Ping sees A Dao who happens to turn facing her.

"Xiao Ping !" A Dao hails to welcome her. Xiao Ping gives him a gift that she has held for so long. "Thank you for coming," A Dao says while receiving the gift. "Come on, let me introduce you to my friends," A Dao invites her in. In A Dao's light embrace, Xiao Ping follows him.


"Here," A Dao speaks with a loud voice to overcome the music. He hands a plastic glass in front of Xiao Ping's nose. "What's this ?" Xiao Ping asks. "Just try it," A Dao answers short. Xiao Ping takes the glass then takes a sip. It is similar to coke, but something sting her throat. Xiao Ping squints. She never drink an alcohol, but she guesses that it has alcohol in it.

"I don't like it," Xiao Ping says then turns the glass back to A Dao. The man shrugs then drinks it with a gulp. Xiao Ping feels more uncomfortable when A Dao crams him self to fit on the sofa. It forces a person, not the kissing ones, to stand and leaves. A Dao spreads his arm around Xiao Ping's shoulders.

"I.. I better go home," Xiao Ping says while releasing her shoulder from A Dao's arm. A Dao looks at her. "Why is it so early ?" he asks. "It's late already," Xiao Ping answers. A Dao glances at his watch. "It's only half past seven. You usually leaves Yu Jin's apartment at nine, right ?" A Dao firmly says to make Xiao Ping has no word to say.

"Let's dance," Xiao Ping invites. Xiao Ping weakly shakes her head. A Dao pulls her arms to make her stand. Xiao Ping just stand and lets A Dao holds and plays with her arms while his body starting to wiggle following the music rhythm. Their dance becomes the signal for others to start dancing.


"Here," A Dao once again handing a drink. Xiao Ping suspiciously looks at the glass. "It's an apple juice," A Dao confirms. In doubt Xiao Ping takes the glass and sniffs it with her nose. No alcohol smell. Xiao Ping sips it. It is an apple juice.

"Tired ?" A Dao asks while grinning. He has sat beside Xiao Ping. His hand moves to wipe sweat on Xiao Ping's cheek. "A little," Xiao Ping answers after her second sip on the apple juice. She glances to her right. The couple is still kissing. Xiao Ping quickly moves her sight in shy.

"You are not used to dance, aren't you ?" A Dao asks her with a restrained smile. "Huh ? Oh.. right, I barely dance," Xiao Ping says then wipes her sweat. "It's very hot in here," she says it again. While one of her hand fanning her self, she drinks her apple juice. It may because most people inside the room is dancing in the middle of the room, the air of the room becomes warmer.

"Let's go outside, It's cooler there," A Dao makes a suggestion. Xiao Ping agrees and lets her hand pulled by A Dao, breaching the crowd toward the door. "It's cooler, right," A Dao says after they are out.

Xiao Ping nods. She follows A Dao to stand and leans her back on the wall. It is a little quieter here though the techno music is still clearly heard. Xiao Ping looks at the crescent moon that half covered by cloud. Her hand is still moving to fan her neck. Her body still feels hot. Even hotter than back then inside. Xiao Ping does not realize A Dao's sight that is aiming to her exposed collar bone due to the V-neck t-shirt.

"Xiao Ping," A Dao hisses. "Hmm ?" Xiao Ping responds turning to A Dao. Once again she feels uncomfortable with the way A Dao looks at her. "I like you," A Dao whispers to tell her his feeling. Xiao Ping frowns. But her mind can not focus. A Dao strokes Xiao Ping's cheek then turns his body so he is now in front of Xiao Ping.

Xiao Ping just understands what A Dao's movement meant when A Dao's lips has already touched her lips. "A Dao !" Xiao Ping screams in muffled while her hands are trying to push the young man's body away. But that just makes A Dao tightly clings his lips onto Xiao Ping's lips while Xiao Ping keeps on struggling to let loose.

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