Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 64:Dirty & Disgrace

"Yu Jin ?" Mrs. Yuan greets as she saw the tall man in front of her house door.

"Good day, Aunty," Yu Jin replies and nods his head. "Has Xiao Ping come out of her room ?" he asks calmly but is failed to hide worry in his eyes. Mrs. Yuan can help but smiles to see his eyes sight. "Not yet. Do you want to try to persuade her ?" Mrs. Yuan offers, immediately responded by a hopeful sight of Yu Jin. "Can I ?" Yu Jin asks. Mrs. Yuan answers by opening the door wider and invites him to goto in front of Xiao Ping's room.

After having a permission from Mrs. Yuan's sight, Yu Jin knocks on Xiao Ping's door. "Xiao Ping, it's me," Yu Jin says facing the door. Mrs. Yuan watches with three steps distant. There is no replies. Only a weak sob, too weak that Yu Jin can not be sure is it really a cry. "Xiao Ping, can I come in ?" Yu Jin asks again.

"I'm fine," Xiao Ping finally answers. "Really ? Then why do you cry ?" Yu Jin asks another question. Xiao Ping doesn't reply.

"Xiao Ping.. Xiao Ping," Yu Jin calls again. This time he lowers his voice but loud enough to be heard by Xiao Ping. "Would you sit in front of the door ? I want to tell you something, but if I tell it loudly, your mom will hear me," he continues. Yu Jin then turns to Mrs. Yuan to ask her understanding. Mrs. Yuan nods and walks to the kitchen, to leave him alone.

"Your mom has left," Yu Jin whispers. Soon he hears inching sound followed by foot step. Yu Jin peeks from the key hole. "Hi," Yu Jin whispers through the key hole once Xiao Ping has sat behind the door.

"I met him and saw your handsel. Pretty nice," Yu Jin whispers again. Xiao Ping chokes as she cries and chuckles at the same time. "How can you figure it out ?" Xiao Ping whispers. Yu Jin shrugs, forget that Xiao Ping can't see it.

"He didn't.. You.. He said he didn't do anything to you. Is it true ?" Yu Jin can not decide how to open the conversation. He was nearly dragging A Dao to the police station, but that guy swore that nothing was happened last night.

"He kissed me," Xiao Ping answers faintly and immediately followed by sob. "Pssst..," Yu Jin hisses to calm her down. He wants to embrace her. "But.. he didn't.." before he finished his question, it is answered by a No.

A Dao's lip crushed Xiao Ping's lips meanwhile his hands went under Xiao Ping's shirt, guerrilla on Xiao Ping's sensitive spots. "Stop it, A Dao !" Xiao Ping refused between A Dao's kisses attack. Her hand tried to brush A Dao's hands away. A Dao who was stronger quickly took Xiao Ping's both hands, grasped them with one hand and pulled them upon her head. His lips and his other hand kept on groping. A Dao pushed his body closer by widened Xiao Ping's legs apart. Xiao Ping gasped to feel the harsh thrust and tried her best to escape, but it seemed useless because A Dao locked her so she couldn't move much. Xiao Ping hoped someone heard her scream. But the loud music fainted her hope. Xiao Ping's breath was getting faster as A Dao's getting fiercer.

Suddenly Xiao Ping remembered a television show she had seen. With all her power, Xiao Ping raised her leg, slammed her knee right in the middle of the A Dao's crotch. The effect was fast. A Dao suddenly stopped his attack and got back in reflex, cast loose his grasp on her hands to hold his lower body that was just kicked. Wasting no time, Xiao Ping escaped with her bicycle. But she still gave a handsel which was a hard punch on A Dao's left eye.

"You are great !" Xiao Ping praises her, "So brave and fierce." He hears Xiao Ping sucks her snort. "But I don't feel great," Xiao Ping denies. "I feel so ashamed. I feel dirty. I feel disgrace," she continues then starting to cry again.

"Hey.. hey.. you are not dirty, even less disgrace. You don't have to be ashamed. He forced you. You didn't want it," Yu Jin hisses to calm her.

"That's precisely. I.. I wanted, Yu Jin.." Xiao Ping breaks down her cry though not to loud. Yu Jin perplexes. Xiao Ping continues her words in stammer, "When.. when he kissed me.. I... I.. unconsciously.. kissed him back. I didn't know why. Then.. when he.. when he.. groped.."

Xiao Ping unable to continue. What she wanted to say is when A Dao groped her, she actually kinda enjoyed it. Yu Jin's hands are clenched tightly in anger. "I'm so ashamed, Yu Jin.. I'm only a child, but how could I have that kind of thought ?" Xiao Ping curses her self over and over to make Yu Jin's blood boils.

"Xiao Ping, stop it! Stop it !!" Yu Jin shouts. When what left behind the door is a sob, Yu Jin talks again in lower tone, "It's not you, Xiao Ping. You didn't want it. He must had given you a drug. He put it in your drink or food."

"How could you know ?"

"A Dao.. A Dao confessed to me," Yu Jin answers in lie. A Dao has never told him anything about the drug. To be exact, A Dao couldn't tell him anything after Yu Jin punched him on his jaw.

"Really ?" Xiao Ping asks. Her voice is sounded better.

"Believe me. You are a good girl. A Dao must give you something," Yu Jin reassures.

Xiao Ping sucks her snort. "I.. I did drank an apple juice from him," Xiao Ping tries to remember.

"That must be it! He gave drug in it. The drug stimulated your hormone, to increase your lust so you couldn't think clear. That's why.. don't blame on your self for not able to refuse him or to want his kiss. You were influenced by drug," Yu Jin explains. No response from Xiao Ping.

"Thus you don't need to feel dirty or disgrace. Do you hear me, Xiao Ping ?" Yu Jin adds. Xiao Ping is not answering. "And you don't need to imprison your.."

Yu Jin does not need to finish his sentence because Xiao Ping has turned the key and opened her room's door. Yu Jin stands up with a wide smile welcomes Xiao Ping that stands in front of him. "Good girl," Yu Jin praises her while stroking her hair. Xiao Ping hugs him and cries on his chest.

"Why is he so mean ? We are friends," Xiao Ping speaks in between her cry. When his surprise fades, Yu Jin strokes Xiao Ping's hair gentle.

"He said he like me, but how could he hurt me ?" Xiao Ping says again. Yu Jin's hand stops. For him, Xiao Ping's sentence is for him. "I'm sorry," Yu Jin says in regret.

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