Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 67:Confession

Yu Jin just came out of the bathroom when his door bell rings. His forehead is knitted. He rarely has a guest on Saturday morning like this. Today Xiao Ping attends a wedding of her mother's family. And even if she came, she doesn't need to ring the bell since she has the key. While drying his head with towel, Yu Jin walks toward the door then peeks on the peephole.

"Eeng.. I once asked you to help fix my laptop," A Lin says awkwardly then lifts a laptop bag on her hand. "Aah, right. I forgot. Please sit and turn it on. I'll take my tools first," Yu Jin asks. A Lin does as he said while Yu Jin is disappearing in his room.

While waiting, A Lin wanders her sight to the table in front of her. A bunny hair tie interests her for a while before her interest is captured by an envelope beside the hair tie. The envelope has Defense Department logo on left top. A Lin takes the opened envelope and turns it over and over with no intention to read what is inside. When Yu Jin comes out of his room, she puts the envelope down.

"Let me see," Yu Jin says after sitting next to A Lin. "It doesn't want to enter to Windows," A Lin reports. Yu Jin nods understand but he wants to prove it himself.

"Are you going to attend the military service ?" A Lin asks since the silence between them feels so awkward. Yu Jin turns to her with wonder sight. "Eeng.. I'm guessing from the envelope," A Lin is stammered.

Yu Jin grins. "I see.. Well, every year they send me the form. Years before I declined it because I still has to finish my college. But now, it's finished, only await for my final project defense and graduation. So I actually can join. But my mom worry about my safety," Yu Jin explain long then back to A Lin's laptop.

"Did you install something recently ?" he asks. "Hmm.. right. I installed a statistic software," A Lin answers after collecting her memory for a second. "There's possibility a problem during installing so it is not properly registered to the Windows. Let me uninstall it first, can I ?" Yu Jin asks for permission. A Lin approves. While Yu Jin is busy with her laptop, A Lin is busy watching Yu Jin's handsome face.

"There it is. Done," Yu Jin says while turning his face to A Lin and catches A Lin's stare at him. "Oh.. eh..," A Lin becomes awkward and drop her head in shy. Yu Jin only smiles to reduce A Lin's shy. After putting her laptop back to the case, A Lin immediately stands and thanks him.

"Going home already ? Don't you want to have a drink first ?" Yu Jin offers. A Lin shakes her head and with stiff but fast steps walks out the apartment, leaving Yu Jin that has no chance to deliver her. Yu Jin shrugs, decides to not be bothered by A Lin's act, then closes the door.

He just turned his body, the door bell rings again. Yu Jin opens the door back and can not hide his curiosity to see A Lin is in front of him. "Is there something left ?" Yu Jin asks. A Lin does not answers but stares at Yu Jin's eyes. For A Lin, the act demands her huge courage. And seems like A Lin's courage is doubled because she suddenly said, " I like you."

For some moments silence is created. It is not only Yu Jin who is dumbfounded, but A Lin is also disbelief of what she just did. "Sorry..," A Lin says full of regret then turns over leaving Yu Jin.

Awaken from his surprise, Yu Jin goes after A Lin. "A Lin, wait !" The girl is pushing the elevator button impatiently. When she knows Yu Jin comes closer, A Lin decides to use the emergency exit. But Yu Jin's wide steps has succeed to catch her.

"Wait !" Yu Jin asks after he grabbed A Lin's arm. "Sorry.. I didn't mean.." A Lin is stammering. She doesn't have the gut to stare at Yu Jin.

"A Lin, thank you," Yu Jin gently speaks. A Lin raises her face that is all wet of tears. "Thank you," Yu Jin says it again, "I am truly flattered. But.." Yu Jin purposely discontinues his sentence. A Lin understandably nods then wipes her tears. "I hope we still can be friends," Yu Jin asks. A Lin forces a smile when she nods once again.

A Lin pushes the emergency exit door that is already in front of her, but the she turns to Yu Jin. "Is it because Xiao Ping ?" she asks. A surprise is shown again in Yu Jin's eyes, but he eventually nods. "I knew it," A Lin hisses then disappears behind the emergency exit door.

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