Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 77:Will You Catch Me When I Fall ?

"Takeshi !!"

"Ichi !!"

"Aaaaa !!!"

"Takeshiiii !! Aishiteru !!!"

The hysterical shouts and screams are roaring in almost every inch of road of Taipei's shopping district that has been fulfilled with thousands of fans. Sit next to Ichba Sato, Takeshi leans closer to the microphone and greets his fans, "你们好嗎? (Ni men hao ma ? - How are you all ?)" Of course that short Chinese greeting triggers more hysteria. Likewise when it is Ichiba Sato's turn. Both are changing sight and smile in satisfactory.

"Takeshi-kun !!"

A calling scream spontaneously turns Takeshi's head to the left side of the stage. He wanders his sight to find the source of the calling. "Takeshi-kun !" the same scream. Takeshi shifts his sight a few degree to the left. A girl with a bang widely smiles at him. Takeshi throws her the same smile.


While serving a customer who pays, once in a while Xiao Ping's eyes looks at the television. The thing that hung almost two meters from the floor is now showing crowd of fans who queueing for autographs. One by one they shake hands and take a picture with their idols. Xiao Ping exhales with the pass of the customer from her front, then she makes busy her self by wiping the table.

The tinkling of bell hanging above the entrance is heard. Xiao Ping puts a friendly face and turns to the door to greet the customer. Turns out, it is Yu Jin.

"下午好 (Xia wu hao - Good afternoon)," Xiao Ping greets. "Is it still afternoon ?" Yu Jin replies. Xiao Ping glances at the clock. "Well, it's almost evening," she answers with a funny mimic to know it is already pass 6 PM. Yu Jin chuckles. "Why haven't you taken a leave ?" he asks. "A Lin hasn't come yet," Xiao Ping answers then turns her head back to the television. Her movement attracts Yu Jin to follow her stare.

A female reporter is reporting an event. "The fans meeting of Japanese drama Scar Face just finished few minutes ago. The event that had been held for almost five hours was successfully gathered almost ten thousands people here at the shopping district. While both Japanese idols has gone to their hotel, now there is a huge traffic jam around the area. The police ..."

Yu Jin turns to Xiao Ping. "Wasn't it at Taipei ?" he asks in curious. He's getting even more curious when Xiao Ping nods. "Why are you here ?" he then asks again. Xiao Ping shrugs. "I have to work," she says.

Yu Jin walks right in front of Xiao Ping thus to blocks out Xiao Ping's view. He also bends his body to see Xiao Pig's eyes so she can't avoid but to look at him. "What's wrong ?" Yu Jin asks. "Nothing," Xiao Ping answers short. Yu Jin's eyes even stare deeply. "One could only go to the event if they had the VCD. I don't have it," Xiao Ping explains briefly, hoping it is enough. But Yu Jin still stares at her with the same sight.

"Where are we going ?" Xiao Ping asks when her hand reflexively accepts helmet that handed by Yu Jin. "To where he stays," Yu Jin says while putting his own helmet on, "Ride on." Xiao Ping is rigid. Yu Jin sighs. He puts out his helmet making his hair disheveled.

"What are you afraid of ?" Yu Jin asks. He waits for almost a minute before Xiao Ping finally answers in stammered. "What.. What if.. all.. this.. were.. were.. lies ?" She sighs then continues, "What if all this were only my imagination ? What if turns out he doesn't know me ? He doesn't even says anything about the event nor about his wish to meet me." At the end of the sentence Xiao Ping's head looks up, to stare Yu Jin with teary eyes. "I'm afraid," Xiao Ping confesses. She bites her lower lip to hold her sob. "I'm not ready if my dream is broken," she hisses.

Yu Jin makes a step closer, raises his hands beside Xiao Ping's ears and holds her head while wipes dry her tears with his thumbs. "You know, often reality is more beautiful than dream," Yu Jin gently says, almost whispering, "and it will be twice beautiful, because it is real."

Now Xiao Ping's shoulders is shaking in cause of sobbing. "What if my reality is bitter ?" she asks. Yu Jin in silent for a while then smiles. "If it is bitter.. I will help you finish it. I like bitter taste anyway," Yu Jin answers with a little joke. Xiao Ping is smiling in her cry. Soon after, her cry is completely stops.

"Let's go," Yu Jin urges her again while pulling her hand to come closer to his motorcycle. Reluctance is clearly seen from Xiao Ping's eyes. "If you don't want to meet him as his girlfriend, at least meet him as his fan," Yu Jin says while puts his helmet on top of his head after sitting at his motorbike's saddle. "How could a loyal fan not chasing her idol ?"

His last sentence definitely hits the right spot. Xiao Ping turns to him, sucks her snot then weakly smiles. "You're right," Xiao Ping finally agrees. She then rides on his motorbike. Half way to sit, she stops. "Was your saying serious ?" she asks, halts Yu Jin's way to click his helmet. "Will you catch me when I fall ?" Xiao Ping adds and reminds him at once. Yu Jin doesn't expect Xiao Ping remember his promise.

"I will catch you.. and carry you until you can walk again," Yu Jin confirms his promise. Xiao Ping settles her seat. After putting her helmet, she hugs Yu Jin's waist tightly. "Thank you so much," she whispers on Yu Jin's back.

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