Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 8:That's Better

Xiao Ping enters classroom with flagging heart. These few days has been tough on her. It is not only she has to face the fact that she will not be able to watch the concert, but worse, Er Hua is still mad at her. At the class door she glances at their chairs. Er Hua has not come yet. Xiao Pin walks to those chair and sluggishly sits on one of them after putting her bag on the desk. "Hhhh," she heavily sighs before bows down her head onto the desk.

"Xiao Ping," someone calls her in doubt. Xiao Ping raises her head and sees Er Hua before her. Er Hua sits beside Xiao Ping then takes her hands and lightly squeezes them. "I'm sorry,"

Er Hua's apology surprises Xiao Ping, but she quickly smiles happily, "Er Hua, you are no longer mad at me, aren't you ?" Xiao ping still doesn't believe what just happened.

Er Hua stares at her for a while, then moves her view while saying, "Actually I don't have the right to be upset. You're the one who should be more disappointed. I was just really pissed and too emotional." Er Hua turns her head to Xiao Ping, "Would you forgive me?" she asks. "For sure," Xiao Ping replies with no hesitation.

Er Hua smiles and continues her words, "Beside.. after doing some thoughts.. Even if you are able to watch, we would still have to separate since we would have different classes..." Xiao Ping looks down to hear that. It reminds her about the concert.

Er Hua immediately feels guilty to make her best friend sad again. "Xiao Ping don't be sad," Er Hua tries to cheer her, "Although you can't watch the concert, you can still see him, right. We will hunt him together, How ?"

Xiao Ping raises her head and smiles to hear Er Hua's idea. "Right.. I still have a chance to see Takeshi," Xiao Ping energy is pumped. Er Hua nods and smiles and the same time. "No matter what, we will trail him head over heel," Er Hua says it with full positivity. Xiao Ping nods with no doubt.


Once the internet cafe's door is opened, Xiao Ping comes to inside and walks to changing room. After changing, Xiao Ping sees Yu Jin is squatting down on the floor, in progress to fix a computer. Silently Xiao Ping approaches him. "Good afternoon, Yu Jin," she greets him on his ear.

Yu Jin turns his head in reflect and starts blushing as he finds Xiao Ping's face being so close to his. "Eh.. Goo..d afternoon," he replies still in twitch.

Xiao Ping sweetly smile and turns to her cashier desks, followed by Yu Jin's stare. He can not hold to let a smile to see how cheerful Xiao Ping is today. Yu Jin stands up dan rubs his hands on his jeans before he comes close to Xiao Ping. He takes a chair and puts it next to Xiao Ping who is about to do her habit.

"You are so happy today," says Yu Jin while sitting on the chair he just took. He sits on so the seat back is in front of his chest. Xiao Ping turns to him and smile. "It's true. Today I'm so happy," she confirms shortly.

You Jin pays attention to what Xiao Ping does. "Isn't he busy making concert ? Would he have time to check email ?" Yu Jin asks in teasing mode. Once again Xiao Ping turns to him. "Of course," she defends.

A customer comes so Xiao Ping has to postpone her explanation to serve first. "Computer 8," she says to the customer then changes the computer 8's status in the program. After finished, she turns her chair to face Yu Jin who still watches her activities.

"Surely he's not doing it by himself. He has a lot of assistants, it is obvious one of them has the job done," Xiao Ping explains in sure. Yu Jin raises his eyebrow. "How can you be so sure ?"

Xiao Ping shrugs. "My emails have never been rejected after these months. It means that his email is never full, thus there must be someone who cleans the mailbox regularly. Right ?" she explains her reason with full heart. Xiao Ping is always excited to talk about her idol, Takeshi. Yu Jin nods several times with a full smile. He always loves to see her excitement.

Yu Jin suddenly remembers something. "Ah, right.. Have you eaten ? I didn't have time to buy it. We better make delivery order," he then searches for his cellular. "You don't have to, Yu Jin. I have my lunch," Xiao Ping refuses. Yu Jin stops searching and stares at her. "Really?" he asks. Xiao Ping nods. "Er Hua treated me lunch today," she explains with sparkly eyes.

Yu Jin smiles to hear it. "So you girls are good now, right ? That's why you are so happy today ?"he inquires in teasing way. "Exactly," Xiao Ping answers with a wide smile. Yu Jin grins and gently pats Xiao Ping's head, "That's better."

Soon after Yu Jin goes back to the computer we worked on while Xiao Ping goes back typing an email, telling Takeshi her happiness.

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