Chasing My Dream Lover

Chapter 87:Resentful

Xiao Ping turns to cashier desk where Mr. Bai, A Lin, Han Han, and Tian Tian gathers. "Why does it need to be closed, Boss ?" Xiao Ping asks while approaches them.

"Oh, Xiao Ping, what a coincidence," Mr. Bai says, letting Xiao Ping joins them before answering the question, "Yu Jin called yesterday. He told me that tomorrow is visit day. Poor him, first week at the training camp must be hard. I was planning to visit by my self but apparently A Lin and Han Han want to come to. So I think, we better just close the cafe since there is no one to stay. You will be joining us, won't you, Xiao Ping ?"

Xiao Ping's expression is tense to hear the offer. "Eh..," Xiao Ping is confused to answer. "I.. I may not be joining," she finally answers. "Really ? Why ?" Han Han asks.

Xiao Ping rolls her eyeballs to the left to search for a reason. "My father is out of town. I'm not allowed to go far while he is not home," Xiao Ping murmurs. A frown on A Lin's forehead is shown. To her Xiao Ping's reason is far-fetched. But as always she decides to stay silent.

"Come along, Xiao Ping. The next visit day will be another three months," Han Han tries to persuade. Xiao Ping turns to him and shrugs. "What can I say," she says shortly. Suddenly the atmosphere become silent, even almost awkward. Tian Tian then breaks it. "Then, tomorrow we can still open, Boss. We can open rather late, maybe after eleven. I think my brother's school meeting will be over by then. What do you think ? We usually has a lot of customer on Saturday."

Mr. Bai doesn't answer immediately, but turns to Xiao Ping. "Are you sure you won't come with us ? I can ask your mother's permission," Mr. Bai says. Xiao Ping weakly shakes her head. "Maybe next time," she refuses.

Not willing to pursue further, Mr. Bai makes a long sighs. "Alright. Then tomorrow you still be able to work, right, Xiao Ping ?" he then asks. One being asked nods. "Well, problem is solved then. Remind me to give you the key later," Mr. Bai decides. Once again Xiao Ping nods.


A day after Xiao Ping is in the cafe that is still dark. Her hand opens the curtain that covers the big glass wall, letting the sun shine in. She then walks to the cashier desk to turn on the server. while wait for it booting, she grabs a broom then starts sweeping the floor. Only silence accompanies her since Tian Tian hasn't come. Her sweeping that energetic in the beginning getting slower when she remembers other people of the cafe go to visit Yu Jin. Unconsciously Xiao Ping sighs while already stops sweeping. Her father is out of town, but actually it is not hard to get a permission from her mother. It's just...

"You've come already," Tian Tian lightly chats surprises Xiao Ping. "Good day," Xiao Ping greets and puts a smile on her face. "Have you eaten ?" Tian Tian asks while entering the kitchen. "I have," Xiao Ping answers with a little loud voice so can be heard by Tian Tian. "How's you brother's school meeting ?" Xiao Ping asks.

Tian Tian comes out from the kitchen with a duster on his shoulder. "Well, it only discussed about donation for school building construction," Tian Tian answers then smiles wryly. "Education is getting more and more pricey," he adds after having a heavy breath.

Xiao Ping nods to agree. Her father is now often out of town to have an extra income.

"A customer comes," Tian Tian tells her. Xiao Ping turns her body around right when a customer opens the glass door. "Good day," Xiao Ping greet the customer friendly then follows him to a desk.


"I see." That is all Yu Jin's response when Han Han tells him the reason Xiao Ping doesn't come with them "Her father is fierce," Yu Jin says then throws a smile to reply A Lin's pity sight to him.

Mr. Bai who sits next to Yu Jin pats his shoulder. "Your are getting more muscular," Mr. Bai says. Yu Jin grins. "No way. You got to be kidding. I only have been a week here. All I earn is sore all over my body," he says.

"But you look handsome being bald," Han Han teases him. Yu Jin rubs his hairless head. "Well, I have always been handsome," he replies jokingly. In an hour ahead Yu Jin tries to hide his disappointment with joking and having a light talk. He is grateful that his uncle, A Lin, and Han Han seem to understand and don't mention Xiao Ping to not let him even more sad.


"Why didn't you visit him ?" Takeshi writes on the chat window. Xiao Ping doesn't answer.

"I thought you are best friends," Takeshi pursues knowing Xiao Ping didn't respond.

"Still upset to him ?" Takeshi asks again, this time together with Xiao Ping's sentence, "Let's not talk about it." Short after Xiao Ping answers No, then Yes.

Takeshi sighs. Before, Xiao Ping told him about Yu Jin's joining to military service. After being persuade finally Xiao Ping admitted that she was upset to Yu Jin.

"Why can't you forgive him ? It's his obligation. He must do it. If he didn't tell you in the first place, I think it's because he didn't want to make you sad," Takeshi asks and gives her understanding at once. A sign that says Xiao Ping is typing appears at Takeshi's window. Takeshi waits patiently, thinking that Xiao Ping will tell him everything. But turns out his girlfriend only repeat her last sentence, "Let's not talk about it."

Takeshi deeply frowns. as if she knows how Takeshi reacts, Xiao Ping adds, "It just ... this is a rare opportunity. I don't want to waste it with telling my problem. Beside, you're already have enough problems." Takeshi grins. To be able to meet in the chat room like this indeed is a rare moment. For that, he has to arrange his schedule tightly. Fortunately, a week before his departure to USA, his schedule is not too busy. "I don't mind to hear your problems. In fact, they're one of the things that makes me love you."

Unfortunately Takeshi can not see Xiao ping's eyes that are already wet. Their chat room is idle for a few minutes. Takeshi knows, Xiao Ping doesn't want to discuss it further. Doesn't want to force, Takeshi sighs before writes, "So, how is school ?" Xiao Ping is a little stunned to read it. Then with a smile full of relieved she answer that question.

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