When Bernard was sleeping comfortably, he turned over and fell off the bench. All he heard was a scream of "ah" from the quiet corridor. Several nurses ran out to see how such a sound could appear on the corridor at this time.

When several nurses stood not far away and saw Bernard get up from the ground, they couldn't help laughing. But because they were afraid of bad influence on the hospital, they covered their mouths and ran away to do their own work.

Finally, he left Bernard alone, got up slowly and sat on the bench. After a while, he found that he was not at home, but in the hospital. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was already seven o'clock in the morning. There was a regular meeting to be held at eight o'clock. He went to the company like this.

Bernard went to the emergency room door again. The red light on the guard door had gone out, proving that the girl had left. Bernard went to the nurse station and asked, "Hello, where is the girl who came to the rescue last night? And who is the doctor in charge? "

Because the scene of Bernard falling from the chair just now still lingers in front of the nurse's mind. Coupled with his poor Chinese, the nurse forced herself to smile and said to Bernard, "she has been transferred to the ward, but she can't visit at present. She hasn't passed the critical period. As for the doctor, of course, he is in the doctor's office. You can go straight to him. "

Bernard also knew that his Chinese was quite nonstandard, so he didn't dare to say much. He just answered "thank you" and went to the doctor's office.

When he came to the office, the door of the room was closed. He knocked on the door and said, "Hello, I'm the one who sent the female patient. Can I come in?"

Behind the desk in the door sat an older doctor. Knowing that Bernard would come, he said, "Oh, Hello, please come in."

Then Bernard pushed the door in and came directly to the doctor. The first sentence asked the doctor, "doctor, she's OK. Can I go now?"

The old doctor really didn't understand the irresponsibility of the young people. He said to Bernard in displeasure, "you can't go yet. I've just informed the police. They will be there in a moment. You listen to their arrangement. I'm not in charge of the future. "

As soon as Bernard heard that he was going to pass by the police, it seemed that the matter was a little big. He asked the doctor suspiciously, "what's the matter? I just sent her to the hospital. Why can't I leave? I have nothing to do with her injury. " Bernard is really wronged. He didn't expect to be wronged like this before he came to Tianhai city. It's really bad luck.

What else can Bernard say now? He can only listen to the doctor. As for what the police said, he is not in the mood to think, so he is ready to call Han Mufan for leave.

He took out his mobile phone again, dialed Han Mufan and said, "Hello, manager Han, it's me, Bernard. I'll take a leave first. Maybe I can't attend the regular meeting in the morning. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me

In the morning, Han Mufan received a call from Bernard asking for leave. He immediately felt that something had happened to him, so he quickly asked Bernard, "what's the matter? What's the matter? Can I help you? "

Bernard said in embarrassment: "manager Han, you don't need to do it now. If I can't handle it here, please come here." Because Bernard doesn't understand our country's legal system and doesn't know whether he will break the law in this way, his worry is understandable.

Then Bernard and Han Mufan said something about their separation yesterday. Han Mufan complained: "last night, I might as well have sent you back. Look at the trouble, but it's OK. I've heard it clearly. It has nothing to do with you. You just need to cooperate with the investigation. You can deal with it well. I'll just talk to Xiao Hun in the company. You don't have to worry too much. "

Bernard felt very warm because of Han Mufan's understanding. After all, in a foreign country, how happy it is for someone to understand such a bad thing. Bernard thought that maybe he and Han Mufan were already friends. Han Mufan was Bernard's first friend in Tianhai City, so Bernard's mood improved a little.

Until the police arrived, Bernard didn't drink a mouthful of water. It was killing him. The police took Bernard to the police station and obtained the surveillance video of the road at that time. They knew that Bernard was not the perpetrator, but also a good man who did his best for a just cause. The police poured him a glass of water and let Bernard drink it in one gulp.

The police officer said to Bernard with regret: "I'm really sorry that yesterday was our negligence. We didn't check the video carefully, which led to the traffic accident on the road. We didn't send the police to follow us in time. Led to a misunderstanding, let you be wronged, I closely on behalf of our team, to apologize to you, I hope you can forgive

Bernard had no information at all to listen to them. He just asked, "can I leave you now?"

With an apologetic look on his face, the policeman said to Bernard, "yes, sir, you can go now. Thank you for your cooperation with the police. "

Before the police finished speaking, Bernard left anxiously, because he wanted to catch up with the regular morning meeting and had ten minutes left.

Bernard didn't care to wash and gargle. He was still wearing yesterday's suit and was ready to come to the company. He came to the unit in a hurry, so people don't know what he went through last night.

When Han Mufan saw Bernard for the first time, he felt as if he was several years old. He could really see how hard it was to stay up at night.

Bernard apologetically nodded to Han Mufan and said, "I'm really sorry, but the regular meeting is about to start. I'd better not wash my hands and talk about it after the meeting."

Han Mufan looked at the time and said to Bernard, "OK, or there are many important things that need to be confirmed once today. If you are not here, some things are not easy to do. Go to a meeting first. Later, go to Xiao Hun's office. There are toiletries prepared by his sister-in-law in his bathroom. You are cleaning them up."

Because the company approached the cooperation with Bouygues, everyone did not dare to take it lightly for fear that there would be any mistakes. Han Mufan was no exception. He knew the importance of this project to Xiao Hun and Xiao, so he did not dare to let Bernard have a rest, so he took him directly to the conference room.

As soon as I entered the meeting room, everyone had taken their seats, including Xiao Hun. They all took out the information they had and were ready to start the meeting.

Han Mufan and Bernard also went straight in, sat in their seats, took out their own things, and were ready to start.

As soon as Bernard came in, Xiao Hun saw his tired face. With his unrepaired beard, he felt that he was very tired. Xiao Hun thought, is it because Bernard just came here recently, he can't accept so much work content and feels very hard, so he will work overtime, which leads to the current mental state and image are not very good.

Xiao Hun was also very worried about Bernard. Although he was worried, he was just about to have a meeting. Xiao Hun couldn't ask about Bernard alone, so he had to finish the meeting first. After that, I'll have a good talk with Bernard sometime. I hope he can do what he can and don't force himself too much.

The meeting had been open for more than two hours. It was already more than ten o'clock in the morning. Bernard didn't have breakfast and his face was very ugly.

When everyone was out of the room, Bernard relaxed, leaned back and reclined on the chair in the room. At this time, Bernard didn't arrive first. Xiao Hun would come back with a box lunch in his hand, which surprised Bernard.

In fact, seeing Bernard like this just now, Xiao Hun has been blaming himself, thinking that he has put too much pressure on him, which leads to Bernard's bad state.

I guess he didn't wash and eat breakfast when he came to the company, so he told his secretary to buy breakfast for Bernard at the break of the meeting.

As soon as the meeting was over, Xiao Hun went to get breakfast for Bernard himself. By the way, he wanted to have a good chat with him. He was afraid that Bernard would be tired and run away.

Bernard watched Xiaohun bring breakfast to him. He was so moved, but the man couldn't shed tears easily. He just said to Xiaohun: "thank you, thank you."

In fact, Bernard's hard work has always been in the eyes of Xiao Hun, but he did not expect that he would be so tired that he could not sleep or eat.

On Bernard's side, he thought that when he came to Tianhai city and encountered problems, it was incredible that Xiao Hun would take care of himself and buy breakfast for him.

I'm just a small wage earner, and now it seems that I don't have any contribution to Xiao. What he does may be able to be done by a senior clerk, but the workload is a little heavier recently.

His current state is caused by the girl he met yesterday, not because of the hard work. Isn't Han Mufan doing the same job? Others are all right, but their perseverance is still too bad.

In Bernard's heart, he felt that he owed Xiao soul a lot.

At this time, Xiao Hun looked at Bernard's expression and couldn't guess what he was thinking, so he directly asked Bernard, "what's the matter? Is it that I'm putting too much pressure on you, which makes you feel unbearable? It seems that you are working very hard now. It's better to take a break. I'll let others take the place of you for a while. When you recover, I'll come back. "

Bernard looked at Xiao Hun and knew that he must have misunderstood that his present situation was caused by hard work. He quickly explained: "no, Xiao Dong, I'm all right. I just didn't sleep well last night, and I didn't have time to wash up this morning..."

Bernard told the story of yesterday to Xiao Hun again. Xiao Hun understood it very well after listening to it. He joked with Bernard and said, "I didn't expect that your women are so lucky. It's really amazing that you can meet women who are in hot pursuit on the street." Xiao Hun's teasing just didn't want Bernard to be so nervous. It seemed that every time Bernard talked to himself, he was very nervous and didn't know where to put his hands.

Is Xiao soul so terrible in Bernard's heart? He doesn't want to be a rigid boss. He hopes that since we work together, we should do our work happily and easily. Only in this way can we improve more work efficiency and make everyone willing to work hard for this job.

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