Close the character attribute bar.

Ye Ming went to the chat group again and took a look.

The first two days of the group were particularly quiet, and everyone seemed to be busy in their respective worlds.

Even Zhang Dacang, who usually chats blindly in the group, has not shown up in the past two days.

But today.

As soon as Ye Ming opened the chat group, he saw the barrage of Zhang Cannon.

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): Hahaha~ Brothers, I have successfully developed a microcontroller with its own nuclear reactor, and putting this thing on my body can not only make your speed exceed the speed of sound, but also instantly explode after being attacked, making your opponents defenseless! 】

[Wang Lei (Pirate World): Lying groove ~ nuclear explosion when attacked? You're here to kill for money, right? Who would want you to do this? 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): Brother Lei, I can't say that, my thing is specially for those who have learned the doppelgänger technique, you don't know the doppelganger, but it doesn't mean that others won't either! ] 】

[Wang Lei (Pirate World): Who said I wouldn't? I just exchanged the shadow avatar with Jiang Tong's sister last time, but this shadow avatar wants to take away half of the energy in my body, and it is not touched, and it is really not easy to use. 】

[Jiang Tong (Hokage World): That's too little energy in your own body, the shadow avatar of the Hokage world has always been this setting, sometimes think more about your own problems, have you practiced well recently, have you worked hard to improve yourself, don't always keep your eyes open, the ninjutsu skills in the Hokage world are very difficult, I'm really going crazy. 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): See Brother Wulei? You can't do it yourself, doesn't mean that others can't do it, sister Jiang Tong, do you want this nuclear reactor? 100 points a piece, Tong Suo no deception! 】

[Jiang Tong (Hokage World): Yes, that guy from Payne is going to Konoha to sell rice soon, I will go with him then, so I can make more preparations. 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): How many do you want?] I've just developed 10 of them here, and this thing is pretty slow to make! 】

[Jiang Tong (Hokage World): Give me two first, 100 points one is a little expensive, too much to buy! ] 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): Okay, no problem! 】

The two quickly completed the deal.

At this time, the others also began to move.

[Chu Yanran (Tomb Robbery World): Cannon, what is the power of the nuclear explosion produced by your nuclear reactor? 】

[Zhang Da Cannon (Biochemical World): According to the three-dimensional simulation, the explosion area is similar to the little boy who detonated in the island country that year, but the power is 3~5 times that of it! ] 】

[Chu Yanran (Tomb Robbery World): This is okay, I also buy 1! ] 】

[Zhang Dacang (Resident Evil): Sister Yanran, you can buy it if you want, but I said in advance, this thing has been sold, and it will not be returned, are you sure you can use it? ] 】

Chu Yanran is a good person, and Zhang Dacang doesn't want to lie to her.

This microcontroller, which has its own nuclear reactor, was specially developed by him for use by those traversers with powerful doppelgangers.

And the tomb robbery world where Chu Yanran is located is similar to his biochemical world strength level.

Everyone has no cultivation system.

You can't learn those doppelgangers.

He was worried that the other party would play himself to death after buying it.

So a warning was given in advance.

[Chu Yanran (Tomb Robbery World): You don't have to worry about this, I learned alchemy on Xiao Yan's side before, next time I can put your controller on those rice dumplings, that's it. ] 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): This is no problem, then I will send it to you immediately! ] 】

[Cao Xiaoyan (Zombie World): Cannon, I also want 2! ] 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): Okay ~ Sister Yan, take a look, I'll send it to you! ] 】

Looking at the chat content of these people, Ye Ming also became a little interested in Zhang Dacang's new invention!

The power of a nuclear explosion that is 3~5 times stronger than that of a little boy may not be able to deal with the Yuan Infant Cultivator.

But it should be fine to deal with the cultivators of the Golden Pill Period.

[Ye Ming (Xiuxian World): I want the remaining 5 nuclear reactors, and in the next part of the world, if you develop more of this kind of thing, I want them all. 】

[Zhang Da Cannon (Biochemical World): Okay Brother Ming, Xiao Cannon, I will give you overtime production, I just don't know what your payment method is...].

Seeing Ye Ming appear, Zhang Cannon suddenly became extremely enthusiastic.

Since the last time I took the pill given by Ye Ming.

He has now become a dragon spirit!

At night, I have to find a dozen girls to accompany me.

Happy like a fairy!

It would be even better if I could change to some of those pills this time!

Of course.

The kind of thousand-year-old spirit grass that the other party gave Yun Shanshan last time is also good!

In short, the materials in the world of immortal cultivation are all good things!

To make a barter deal with these crossers, he will definitely not lose!

[Ye Ming (Immortal Cultivation World): What do you want? Spiritual herbs and elixirs are all available. 】

[Zhang Dacang (Biochemical World): Lying groove ~ Brother Ming, have you become rich again in the past two days? ] 】

Zhang Cannon's face was full of shock.

Years of experience selling goods told him.

This little brother Ye Ming can say such words, it is definitely the rhythm of windfall wealth.

And it's the kind that gets rich overnight.

[Ye Ming (Immortal Cultivation World): It's okay, I killed two Foundation Building Cultivators and a Jin Dan Cultivator two days ago, and snatched the storage bags on them. 】

As soon as the words came out.

Those people in the chat group suddenly exploded!


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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