"Secret room?"

Hearing these two words, Bibi Dong suddenly turned around.

The person who came turned out to be Yueguan, the elder of the Wuhun Palace, and also one of the Pope Qianxun's henchmen, 94 Title Douluo, title Ju Douluo.

If it weren't for what happened in the exchange group before, she might have gone to the secret room where Pope Chihiro retreated unsuspectingly~.

But now it's different.

Although she believed that her teacher would not do anything out of the ordinary, she would pay some attention to it in her heart, and it would be vigilant.

"Why go to the Chamber of Secrets, is there anything you can't say here?"

Bibi Dong asked with a frown.

Because she has now reached level 93 Title Douluo, her strength has changed drastically compared to a few days ago, so she doesn't have any intention of panicking in front of Ju Douluo.

"You have to ask His Majesty the Pope about this, I'm just here to be in charge of delivering the word, please, Holy Maiden of the Martial Spirit Palace. "

Ju Douluo bent down and made a gesture to invite someone.

However, the corners of his mouth showed a bit of playfulness, because Pope Chihiro had just instructed him to catch the secret room directly if Bibi Dong resisted, and that tone even carried a little longing.

"Lead the way. "

Bibi Dong's face was calm, and no one knew what she was thinking.

A moment later.

The two of them came to an underground secret room in the depths of the Martial Spirit Palace.

This is one of the secret rooms where Pope Chihiro retreats and cultivates on weekdays, surrounded by smooth rock walls on all sides, and several bronze ancient lamps emit a faint glow.

Makes the chamber look a little dark.

There is also a stone bed in the center of the secret room, which is used for rest during retreat.

Da! Da! Da......


A slow sound of footsteps sounded.

The Pope of the Martial Spirit Palace, Chihiro, walked out of nowhere, he was wearing golden armor, and there was a bit of majesty between his eyebrows.

After Qianxun appeared, he turned his head to look at Ju Douluo and said, "Go down, before you get my order, you can't trespass in here no matter what happens, understand?"

"Yes, His Holiness the Pope. "

Ju Douluo hurriedly lowered his head and replied.

Then quickly leave the chamber and close the stone door.


After getting out of the lost.

Ju Douluo didn't leave in a hurry, but stayed outside the passage and whispered to himself: "His Majesty the Pope is really not old, and he still has to do bad things to the Holy Maiden when he is old, and he won't even let go of his own female apprentice." "

As soon as the words were finished.

A cold voice sounded in his ears.

"Lao Ju, it's not good to speak ill of the Pope's crown behind your back. "

Followed by.

Ghost Douluo's figure separated from the shadow and transformed into a real person.

"Old ghost, you really scared me just now. "

Ju Douluo patted his chest and said with palpitations.


At the same time.

In the secret room where Pope Chihiro is located, some quarrels are taking place.

Pope Chihiro first asked Bibi Dong if he was dating Yu Xiaogang of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and was directly angry after receiving a positive reply.

"Bibi Dong, this seat orders you not to have any contact with Yu Xiaogang from now on, do you know?"

This sentence came out of Chihiro's mouth, and it didn't mean any negotiation, but with an unquestionable tone.

"Teacher, who to associate with is my private matter, you shouldn't care, right?"

Bibi Dong said with some dissatisfaction.

She felt that the teacher seemed to be a different person today, and she always felt that something was wrong.

"Hmph, you have been able to get to where you are today because of the cultivation of this seat, as the holy daughter of the Martial Spirit Palace, you must listen to the arrangement of this seat, understand?"

Chihiro snorted coldly.

"Teacher, this matter is not negotiable, I don't want you to interfere in my private affairs, if you even have to take care of this, I can only go to Xiao Gang and leave the Martial Spirit Hall together. "

Bibi Dong was also very unhappy in his heart.

Because at this time, Yu Xiaogang is the reverse scale in her heart, no one can touch it, and even her most respected teacher can't stop the matter between her and Yu Xiaogang.


Chihiro's eyes were red and bloodshot.

For a while, the two looked at each other, and neither let anyone.

After lasting more than ten seconds.

Bibi Dong saw a touch of madness in the depths of Chihiro's eyes, and that look full of desire.

The teacher won't really be what the group leader said, right?

In a moment.

Bibi Dong had such an idea in his mind.

If it was as the leader of the group said, she really couldn't accept this result.

Sometimes, however, I'm really afraid of something.

Chihiro pounced directly, quickly grabbed Bibi Dong's arm, and forcibly pressed him down on the stone bed.

"Teacher, you ...... What are you doing here!?"

Bibi Dong looked panicked, and almost subconsciously asked such a sentence.

And yet the next moment.

Chihiro's words made her feel like her faith had collapsed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Bibi Dong, since you don't listen to this seat, this seat can only take this step in advance, I originally wanted to slowly cultivate a relationship with you, but now there is no need for that, this seat is better to ask for it directly. Everything about you should belong to this seat, including your body. "

At the end of the day, Chihiro's voice went crazy.

"You !!"

Bibi Dong's face turned pale.

Is this what a teacher should say?

Is this still the Chihiro teacher I know?

Why is this happening?

Why make me accept such a cruel reality!

With this in mind.

Bibi Dong's eyes welled up with tears.


Things have come to this point beyond her expectations.

Looking at Chihiro's eyes full of desire, it seems that this is his truest appearance, and the previous strict and righteous teacher appearance is completely pretended.

It was only at this moment that the man took off his disguise and revealed his truest side.

Bibi Dong was extremely disappointed in Chihiro's heart.

If it weren't for the improvement of his soul power, I'm afraid I would really lose something precious today.

"Let go of me, if you don't let me go, you're welcome!"

"Don't resist, this seat is a level 95 Title Douluo, no one can stop me from what I want to do today, don't worry, when you really belong to this seat, this seat will help you continue to improve your soul power, and find a 100,000-year soul beast as the ninth soul ring." "

Between words.

Chihiro slapped Bibi Dong on the back of the head with a palm.


Bibi Dong, who had been on guard for a long time, dispersed in advance, and burst out with a level 93 soul power breath, and with a "bang", the energy shook the space, and successfully broke free from Chihiro's hands.



There were two bronze ancient lamps on the stone wall of the secret room that were swept away by the tide of soul power and fell directly to the ground.

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly became quiet.

"You...... When did you become a Title Douluo?"

Chihiro's eyes widened, and after a brief moment of shock, there was ecstasy.

In his opinion, Bibi Dong became a Title Douluo at a young age, and his talent is absolutely amazing, so if he gives birth to the next generation with her, he will definitely be able to pass on the Angel Martial Spirit gene perfectly.

No matter what today, you have to get her body!

"Chihiro, don't force me, because I'm really going to kill you. "

Bibi Dong's face was ashamed.

After seeing her teacher's true face, the faith in her heart has collapsed, her three views are shattered, and all kinds of anger are combined, which makes her emotionally unstable.

It's like a time bomb that can explode at any moment!

However, Chihiro was unmoved, and even took off the armor of the lower half of her body, and turned into an afterimage and pounced on her.

He wanted to use his "hard sword" to stab Bibi Dong's body, forcibly establish energy communication, and complete the inheritance of the genes of the angel martial spirit.

"Get out!"

Bibi Dong's anger exploded directly.

One after another, soul rings manifested, and there was a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.



Buzz –

When the ninth soul ring manifested, the dazzling golden light dispelled the darkness of the secret room.

Then Bibi Dong used the seventh soul technique, the martial soul true body.

On the spot, he turned into the true body of the Death Spider Emperor, and several bone spurs as sharp as spears stabbed at Chihiro's crotch, too fast.


"You ......"

Chihiro's face changed drastically.

Although he narrowly avoided Bibi Dong's attack, two clear blood marks also appeared under his crotch, and he was scared of impotence on the spot.

... Small....

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