The next moment.

The beast Mark stood up, and the power of the king-level devourer exploded.

With the sound of gold and iron ringing, the mechanical arms and chains that bound him all shattered, and all the electronic equipment in the biological laboratory failed.

The interior lighting has become flickering on and off, and the display values on the various instruments have turned red.

"Hurry up and close the cage !!"

"Good, good ......"

Click, click, click

The two city guards looked panicked, and in a moment of scrambling, finally closed the cage before the beast mark rushed out.


They sounded the alarm, and the patrolling Lighthouse City Guards rushed towards this direction with weapons in hand.


That's when it happened.

The beast Mark was already on the edge of the cage, and with his backhand he broke the alloy steel bar, and in a few steps rushed in front of the two city defenders.


"Don't ...... Don't kill me......"


Before the two finished speaking, one of them was slapped on the head by the beast mark, and it exploded like a watermelon, and fresh 07 blood splattered, shocking!



Before the other could finish his screams, he stopped abruptly and was beaten into pulp by a punch from the king-level beast mark.

This is the terrifying power of the King-level Eater of Extremes!

After receiving a thousandth drop of Emperor Blood Life Essence supplement, the true strength of the beast mark reached the peak of the monarch level, and if it weren't for the restriction of life genes, he might even break through the limit of the monarch level.

Tuk tuk!

At this moment, a dense and neat footsteps sounded outside the lighthouse, and General Victor, the commander-in-chief of the city defense army, led a large number of soldiers to support.

With the beast Mark's current hearing, he naturally captured all the sounds, but he had no intention of leaving, and there was no need to leave.

During this time, he had long been strongly dissatisfied with the three [big] survival rules of the lighthouse, especially after being tortured in various ways, his mentality had changed, and he saw clearly the injustice and domineering faces of these law enforcers on the lighthouse.

Therefore, after having king-level strength, what he has to do is to resist and kill all the people on the lighthouse who should be killed, only in this way can he have clear thoughts and make his heart feel refreshed!

In short, it's all over the place!


The bestial mark roared in the sky, and even the sealed biology laboratory could not shield him from his voice.

Then he turned to look at the thickened bulletproof glass behind him, and when he sensed that there was a group of people staring at him behind the glass, he decisively rushed over and smashed his fist on the glass.


A punch was smashed, the sound was shocking, and the thickened special bulletproof glass was directly cracked.


The second punch was smashed, and the cracks on the glass spread out like spider webs, and this terrifying power shocked many scientific and technological personnel in the laboratory.



When the third punch is smashed out.

The entire surface of tempered glass was all shattered, the glass fragments splashed out, and the energy tide overturned the dozen or so scientific researchers in the research room, smashing them one by one on the iron plate.

At the same time.

The beast Mark crawled out of it, his Hulk-like body full of explosive power, and he stared at everyone like a monster, quickly focusing on Dr. Carrie.

"Protect Dr. Carrie. "

At this time.

General Victor led a [large] group of city defense troops into the research room, and surrounded Dr. Carrie and a group of scientists.


The bestial mark snorted coldly, and his actions stunned everyone present.

Could it be that Mark, who was possessed by a mutant vertebral Gu worm, could still retain human wisdom?

But the data just showed that his genes could no longer be considered human.

Why is this happening?

While everyone was in shock.

Dr. Carrie plucked up the courage to walk out and said, "Mark, do you still retain human wisdom?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

When she asked this question, Dr. Carrie looked excited.

She is known to be a science maniac who has put too much effort into studying the Pole Eater.

In fact.

The reason why Mark was able to be successfully possessed by the Spine Gu and survive until now is directly related to Dr. Carrie, otherwise he would have been killed by the others in the lighthouse.

"Yes, I do retain human wisdom, do you still want to study me?"

The bestialized Mark did not hide.

The moment he became a king-level devourer, his memory and IQ were completely restored.

The only thing that didn't recover was its appearance as a human, instead it looked more like a mutated limb metamorphosis devourer.

"I know you're angry, but for the sake of the lighthouse's scientific progress, I can only wronged you first, after all, I am your savior, and I don't know about other ways to treat you. "

Dr. Carrie explains.

For a science madman like her, life and death have long been put on the line, but in order to find out what happened to Mark, she can only find a way to stabilize the latter's emotions first.


The beast Mark let out an angry roar, and then spat out, "I know, that's why you can live until now, as for the other city defenses, you should die." "

Mark has long known a secret, these city defenses have been controlled by Charles, the leader of the Church of Light and Shadow, and thinking of the various actions of the yellow-haired Charles in recent times, he is obviously extremely angry.

"Kill this monster!"

"Even if he recovers his senses, he will die if he offends the head of the guild!"

"I'll hang his body outside to deter other hunters, hehehe. "


Dozens of soldiers armed with submachine guns were shooting wildly, and if it had been before, the beast Mark would have been beaten into a hornet's nest, or even died.

But now it was not the same 140, and when the dense bullets landed on the beast mark, there was a dull crashing sound, and the field was full of fire, and not a single blood flew out.

Obviously, normal bullets are no longer able to deal damage to the King-level beast mark.

In the past minute, the soldiers' magazines have been emptied, and a layer of deformed bullets has appeared under the feet of the beastly mark.

"How could it be ......"

He ...... He actually blocked ......"

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this......"

"The beastly Mark is more terrifying than the Eater of Extremes......"


"Go tell the head of the guild ......"

Dozens of city defenders threw away their weapons, their faces turned pale, and they scrambled to flee the place.

After escaping from the corridor outside, some of the soldiers collided with the deserters before they could figure out what was going on, and some of the soldiers fell straight down, letting out a scream before they died.

In just a few moments, the lighthouse was in a panic centered on the biology laboratory, and it was spreading out at an alarming speed.


Beast Mark didn't care about thirty-seven twenty-one, his whole body exuded a golden wave of qi, like a fierce beast rushed out, killing the city defense army everywhere he went, leaving no armor behind, and the bright red blood stained the ground.

Even if they are dead, they will leave their bodies in the lighthouse.


Xiang Qing, who snapped his fingers at the world, received a settlement prompt from the investment return system.

【Dingdong ......】


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