Maoshan Lin Jiu:"Zhang Xilan, you are such a genius!"

Tianxiahui leader:"He is shameless!"

Xiongba had a bad feeling.

Zhang Xilan's operation is likely to get a high vote.

Daqin Zulong:"Zhang Xilan is a talent."

Shengtian Banzi:"Unfortunately, the trial plan cannot be changed after it is submitted."

With the inspiration triggered by Zhang Xilan, more than a dozen similar punishments instantly emerged in his mind.

Yihua Palace Master:"I wonder what kind of trial plan the great god will submit?"

Not only Yaoyue was curious, but other people in the chat group were also very curious.

"I should also upload the trial plan."

After seeing that everyone in the chat group uploaded the trial plan, Ye Hao also uploaded his own ideas to the chat group.

【Ye Hao uploaded the trial plan】

【The judgment of the gods!】

【The Jade Emperor, God, Zeus and other gods sentenced the Umbrella Corporation executives to death during their lifetime.】

【The gods such as King Yama, Hades, and Satan will impose capital punishment on the top executives of the umbrella after their death.

Ye Hao will leave professional matters to professionals.

Let the top executives of the umbrella enjoy the punishment of the gods while they are alive.

Whether they live or die, their ghosts will continue to punish them.

Maoshan Lin Jiu:"Only the Great God can do such a big thing."

Daqin Zulong:"Even if others can think of it, they can't do it."

Professor Snape:"The judgment of the gods! I wonder how the gods will punish the top executives of the Umbrella Corporation?"

Empress Changsun:"It is certain that the Great God's trial plan will definitely get the most votes."

Zhang Xilan:"I have a question now."

Zhang Xilan:"If all the survivors in the biochemical world vote for the Great God."

Zhang Xilan:"The Great God is of course the well-deserved first, there is no doubt about it."

Zhang Xilan:"The others all got zero votes, are they all tied for second place?"

Zhang Xilan:"The chat group said that there will be rewards for the top three."

Wudang Taoist priest:"This is really possible!"

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and nodded subconsciously.

Wudang Taoist priest:"These survivors not only want to see the top executives of the Umbrella Corporation being judged."

Wudang Taoist priest:"I am afraid they also want to see the gods."

Raccoon City workers:"Will the chat group not admit it?"

Chat group:""

【Ding Dong! The voting for the trial plan has officially begun. 】

The chat group vibrates


At the same time, a huge black light curtain appeared across the sky above the world of Resident Evil.

No matter where in the world, whether inside or outside the room, whether awake or asleep, everyone can see the black light curtain covering the sky.




"Miracle? Is this a miracle?"

"All the zombies suddenly died. Is it related to the black light curtain?"

"Or was the zombie crisis created by the black light curtain?"

"Look, there is an image on the black screen.

The survivors of the biochemical world all looked at the black screen with doubts.

Soon, everyone's attention was focused on the image on the black screen.

【Umbrella High Command Meeting!】

【Time: 17 months before the zombie crisis】

"We are here today not just to discuss the future of this company, we are here to discuss its fate"

"We are here to discuss the end of the world."

In the video, Dr. Isaacs is talking to Umbrella executives.

"I suggest ending our world."

"Depopulating the Earth"

"The means of cleansing the earth, the T virus."

The video is not long, only a few minutes.

However, it explains clearly the reason why the zombies broke out in the world of Resident Evil. The reason why the zombie crisis broke out on the earth is because the Umbrella Corporation used the T virus to cleanse the earth.

Except for the top executives of the Umbrella Corporation, the other 700 million or 800 million people are all the targets of cleansing.

"Ah~ I want to kill them, they killed my parents, killed my husband, killed my son"

"He is James MP, I remember he supported Umbrella Corporation, kill him"

"I know a nearby branch of the Umbrella Corporation. I want to kill all the people in the Umbrella Corporation."

"He is the head of Handong Province. He is the one who brought in the Umbrella Company branch. He is not dead. I want to skin him alive."

"He is the former Prime Minister of Sunset Country. He had dinner with the top executives of Umbrella Corporation. I am going to chop him up now."

As soon as the video ended, the entire Resident Evil world was plunged into great anger and pain.

It also set off an endless killing.

All the politicians who had supported Umbrella Corporation, the wealthy businessmen who had invested in Umbrella Corporation, and the experts and professors who had spoken well of Umbrella Corporation were purged!

Every branch of Umbrella Corporation was surrounded by thousands of angry and murderous survivors.

"How did the Umbrella Company disappear?"

However, the survivors could only see a huge black pit.

Not only could they not find any one from the Umbrella Company, but even the Umbrella Company's buildings had disappeared completely.

【All members of the Umbrella Corporation are now on trial】

【Trial Scenario 1: Cruciatus Curse】

【Trial plan 2: Lingchi first, then deep-frying】

【Trial Option 3: Impalement】

【Judgment Plan 12: Judgment of the Gods. 】

(Hint: All survivors can vote, and the members of the Umbrella Corporation will be judged according to the plan with the most votes.)

On the black light screen, not only are there fonts displayed, but a mysterious voice is also resounding throughout the Resident Evil world.

At the same time, on the black light screen, there is also a demonstration of the corresponding punishment

"God level!"

"This is a miracle��!"

"The gods saved us!"

"Now the gods are going to punish the people of Umbrella Corporation!"

The survivors of the Resident Evil world are crying and laughing


Black chains fell from the black light curtain, hanging up tens of thousands of Umbrella Company members in the hive.

Even though they were thousands of miles apart, they could still clearly see the pale faces and frightened facial features of each Umbrella Company member.

【The trial will be carried out in ten minutes! 】

The mysterious voice sounded again.

A countdown appeared on the huge black screen.

At the same time, a black screen about three feet long and wide appeared in front of each survivor.

It clearly listed various trial plans.

Whether literate or illiterate, everyone knew every word on it.

They voted for the trial plan based on the punishment they hoped the Umbrella Company members would receive.

"How could this happen? How is this possible?"

"How could there be gods in the world?"

The senior executives of the Umbrella Corporation, who were suspended in the air, were all terrified and trembling.

Many of them were even incontinent.

In front of them, various punishments of the trial were played.

And the objects of the punishment were themselves. Being torn apart by five horses!


Bamboo punishment!

Sitting on a wooden donkey!

The most frightening thing for them.

One of the trials was actually the trial of the gods.

The Jade Emperor, God, Zeus, Odin and other kings of the gods, the rulers of the gods, would judge them when they were alive. The Lord of the Underworld , the Lord of

Hell, the Lord of the Underworld, the King of Hell, the King of Hell, Satan, Hades and other kings of the underworld would continue to judge their souls after they died.

"Thank the gods"

"I will let the gods judge these beasts!"

"I actually want to see Isaacs, Wesker and other Umbrella Corporation executives sitting on wooden donkeys"

"The gods are too serious, they probably won't use such perverted punishments."

With the stunned expressions of the chat crowd, the votes for the trial plan submitted by Ye Hao increased rapidly.

At the same time, the votes for the trial plan submitted by Zhang Xilan also increased rapidly.

The chat crowd was not surprised at all that the votes for Ye Hao's trial plan increased rapidly.

Even if all the survivors in the world of Resident Evil voted for Ye Hao's plan, they would be relieved.

However, the result that shocked them was that the votes for Zhang Xilan's trial plan had exceeded 10 million.....

Even more.

Shengtian Banzi:"Are you blaming me for not being perverted enough?"

Maoshan Linjiu:"I'm afraid only Zhang Xilan can think of such a plan."

Daqin Time Traveler:"Except for the trial plans of the Great God and Zhang Xilan, no other trial plans were voted on."

Daqin Time Traveler:"We only considered cruelty, but not perversion."

Daqin Time Traveler:"Zhang Xilan's thinking is perverted enough."

Tianxiahui Gang Leader:"In terms of perversion, who can compare with Zhang Xilan?"

Zhang Xilan:"???"

Zhang Qilan:"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Qilan:"I am perverted?"

Zhang Qilan:"I am often out of tune with you because I am not perverted enough." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wudang Taoist priest:"???"

Maoshan Forest Nine:"???"

The Qin Dynasty Traveler:"???"

【Ding Dong! Ye Hao's trial plan received the highest number of votes.】

【Ding Dong! The trial begins!

The chat group vibrates, drawing everyone's attention to the world of Resident Evil.


The next moment, projections of gods and spirits appeared in the sky above the world of Resident Evil.

They were all gods from the Blue Star world.

"In the name of the Jade Emperor"

"In the Name of God"

"In the name of Zeus, the king of gods"

"Conduct a joint trial for you"

"The verdict is here!"

"Lightning strikes for ten thousand years!"

"The flying sword pierced the heart for ten thousand years!"

"Bath in heaven for ten thousand years!"

"Under the punishment, you will never die."[]

These gods had a brief exchange, and then spoke in unison, their divine might as powerful as a prison.


As the verdict was announced, thunder struck the top leaders of the umbrella organization.

Their skin was torn, blood was dripping, their bones were broken, and their tendons and veins were severed.


The screams of the Umbrella Corporation executives soared into the sky.

The divine power fluctuated, and the injuries of the Umbrella Corporation executives recovered instantly, as if it was just a dream.

The next moment, the thunder fell again.



Moreover, the speed of time was also increased to a terrifying extreme.

After ten thousand years of punishment, it was only a breath in the outside world.

After experiencing a hundred kinds of punishment,

"In the name of the Lord of the Underworld"

"In the name of the Lord of the Underworld"

"In the name of the Lord of Hell"

"We will conduct a joint trial for you all!"

A gloomy and terrifying, sacred and majestic voice resounded through the sky.

"I will send you to the eighteen levels of hell, where you will spend 100,000 years in each level, straight into the endless hell, where you will never be able to be reborn."

"Tongue-pulling prison!"

"Hanging prison!"

"Skinning Prison 1.2!"

"Intestine Prison!"

"Oil pan prison!"

"Brain prison!"

It was obviously the modified Eighteen Layers of Hell.

Zhang Xilan:"The Umbrella Corporation executives made a lot of money this time. Everyone will live millions more years."

It was not until the souls of the Umbrella Corporation executives were all suppressed that the chat crowd gradually came to their senses, their faces pale and frightened.

The survivors of the Resident Evil world also sat on the ground with exhausted faces.

Many people were even more heartbroken and swore in their hearts that they would never do bad things again.

It was too terrifying!

【Ding Dong! Ye Hao obtained 5 treasure chests】

【Ding Dong! Zhang Qilan obtained 3 treasure chests. 】

The leader of Tianxiahui:"I don't know how to reward next?"

Shengtian Banzi:"We don't have any votes, so what rank do we count as?"

Daqin Zulong:"Everyone should trust the chat group."

Raccoon City workers:"What rank do we count as?"

Although the chat group did not say it explicitly

, they were watching the show in their hearts.

The chat group probably didn't expect that they, who didn't get any votes, could actually rank in the top three.

Moreover, it's not just one person.

It's everyone!

Will the chat group reward them?

Or not?

【Ding Dong! Maoshan���9. The leader of Tianxiahui and Empress Zhangsun received 1 treasure chest in total. 】

The leader of Tianxiahui and others:"???"

One treasure chest for everyone?

Whose is it?

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