By the window,

Li Luo looked at the dead silence of the street, a little out of his mind, a little bitter.

A day ago,

I went to the bathroom in the morning and somehow crossed into this world.

As far as the eye can see, it is all zombies.

Li Luo panicked, was chased by the zombies, ran to the roadside shop, closed the door and hid.

But temporary life is not a sign of safety.

This shop sells clothes, two floors above and below

I searched all over, I didn't have food, I didn't have water, and I couldn't last for a few days.

Li Luo also wanted to go out to find food, but he couldn't go out.

Right now, a large group of zombies chasing are still hovering at the door.

More on the streets.

Isn't it a food delivery when you go out!

I'd rather starve to death

That's at least decent.

[Ding, invitation to the Wanjie chat group, do you want to join?] 】

Li Luo was stunned, rubbed his eyes, made sure that the character in front of him really existed, and immediately clicked to join.

Immediately, a chat interface appears.

[Li Luo, ordinary urban world, join the chat group. ] 】

[Liu Bei, Three Kingdoms World, join the chat group. 】

【@诸葛大力, welcome new members! 】

【@云霄, welcome new members! 】

【@金毛狮王谢逊, welcome new members! 】 】

【@宫若梅, welcome new members! 】

Liu Bei: "Where is this?" Is it the legendary Immortal Blessed Land? "

Zhuge Dalian: "This is the Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group, with people from all worlds. "

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Your name is Liu Bei?" From the Three Kingdoms, do I know that Uncle Liu Huang? "

Zhuge Dalian: "If the word Xuande, it's almost the same." "

Chat messages scroll one by one.

It's all bizarre,

But as a modern man in the age of information explosion,

Li Luo quickly adapted, and found that each group member of the chat group had a world label.

[Zhuge Dalian, science fiction urban world. 】

'It should be the super student from "Love Apartment". ’

[Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, martial arts world. 】

'It could be 'The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer...'

Li Luo thought secretly, looking at the next member, the person was numb.

[Yunxiao, the world of floods. 】

The legendary Cloud Fairy?

Apprentice of the Heavenly Saint?

'The gap between the world and the world is too great...'

Li Luo took a deep breath, eased his mood, and looked at the last group member

[Gong Ruomei, Republic of China World. 】

Gong Ruomei?

Li Luo thought about it and didn't think of any information.

Noticed his world label, but couldn't help but complain

In particular, in the zombie apocalypse, this can be an ordinary urban world!

Another world,

In front of the computer, there is an eight- or nine-year-old loli, searching for keywords

At this time, her delicate and cold little face was very puzzled

"Why can't you find Li Luo, no matter, probably the same as Gong Ruomei, a character in an unknown novel, first fool Uncle Liu..."

In the chat group,

As soon as Liu Bei heard what Uncle Liu Huang was, he hurriedly said:

"Although I am a descendant of the royal family of the Great Han Dynasty and Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan Jing, our branch has already been defeated, and the title of imperial uncle cannot be helped."

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Don't be modest, don't talk about the imperial uncle, you can still be the emperor in the future." "

Liu Bei: "How is this possible, I am loyal to the royal family today..."

As far as you are still faithful!

Zhuge vigorously rolled his eyes and answered:

"Uncle Liu, your future is indeed to become an emperor, not the emperor of the Great Han, the Great Han perished, you established the State of Shu, and Cao Cao's State of Wei, Sun Quan's State of Wu divided the Great Han, and the Three Kingdoms were established."

Liu Bei was excited, and clenched the straw shoes that were being braided, he couldn't believe that he had such a creation, but he was extremely looking forward to this day.

"If it's true, how do you know that you are immortals?"

"Not a fairy..."

Zhuge vigorously introduced the speculation

Probably meaning, there are similar flowers in the world, the world is similar, the historical development is roughly the same, although it is not a world, it can also be used as a reference.

In Zeze, the heavens and worlds influence each other, and what happens is perceived by people in various worlds, used as inspiration, and recorded in the form of stories and legends.

But this is a story after all, and what can be understood is also a fragment

Today, we are facing a real and huge world.

Therefore, the information known is also only a reference.

Introducing the approximate, Zhuge Dali asked again:

"Uncle Liu, what are you doing at this stage, has the Yellow Turban Rebellion happened, have you made any meritorious achievements..."

Liu Bei looked at the straw shoes in his hand, as a royal clan relative, how can he say that weaving straw shoes for a living has beautified hundreds of millions of points

"I haven't heard of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the clan uncle is sponsoring, I am studying, working hard for Kuang Fu Han Room..."

Before the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Bei seemed to weave straw shoes for a living....

Zhuge Dalian's eyes blinked, and he did not expose it

In history, the ancestor Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei create the state of Shu, leaving a thousand-year legend.

Now that he has encountered Liu Bei in other worlds, Zhuge Dali also wants to follow suit, offer advice, and help unify the three kingdoms.

"Uncle Liu, what is the specific year number over there, you have heard of Zhang Jiao's name..."

In the chat group,

Zhuge Dali kept asking Liu Bei questions

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun occasionally participated, bubbling.

Gong Ruomei and Yunxiao never appeared.

Li Luo dived for a while and inquired:

"Does this chat group have any other purpose besides chatting?"

It's amazing that chat groups connect members from all worlds

Li Luo hoped to solve the current dilemma, but it was obvious that only the chat function was useless.

"Don't underestimate the exchange chat..."

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun bubbled to mention the point,

"Zhuge Xiaoyou's world is special, and there are stories about our various worlds.

"Even the legendary flood famine is known.

"Thanks to Zhuge Xiaoyou's reminder, I escaped a catastrophe.

"Li Luo, you can ask Zhuge Xiaoyou about you and predict the future..."

Listen to this

Li Luo was in a strange mood.

In turn, it helps Zhuge vigorously predict the future, which is almost the same.

But all bizarrely crossed, the Ten Thousand Worlds chat group also appeared, who can guarantee that it is not a story circulating in another world.

Li Luo thought about it and inquired:

"@诸葛大力, my name, have you heard it? Know something about me? "

How do I know....

Zhuge vigorously held his forehead with his small hand, very distressed

Ask Du Niang, nothing was found

But the omniscient character cannot collapse.

Zhuge Dalinnu small nose, clenched his fist and cheered, and immediately made up

"Li Luo, your name is too much, I found several, all of them are characters in romance stories, and the introduction is not much, but they all have good endings..."

"If you want to know more, you can tell me some details in a private chat, and I'm sure which story you're in..."

It is clear that Zhuge is pulling the calf vigorously.

Of course, it is also possible that it is really A B C in a certain story.

None of this matters.

It is important to solve the dilemma at hand

Li Luo chatted privately with Zhuge Dali and asked

"Are there any special features in chat groups? Can I go to another world? "

What Li Luo hoped most was to leave this ghost place.

Who wants to stay in the zombie apocalypse?


Zhuge vigorously replied: "Join the group for one month and become a full member."

"With the consent of other group members, you can spend 50,000 points to go to..."

It really could....

Li Luo couldn't help but shake his fist excitedly, and quickly asked

"How do you get points..."

"There is a mall in the upper right corner, if you want to get points, you can sell valuable items or knowledge to the mall.

"It is currently known that gold is 10 pounds, 1 point.

"Silver, 500 pounds, 1 point.

"Copper, 2000 jin, 1 point.

"Aluminum, 500 pounds, 1 point.

"Iron, 10,000 catties, 1 point ..."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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