The next morning,

Chen Yuanyuan was asleep and was woken up by Li Yueya's shout

"Sister Yuanyuan, Sister Yuanyuan..."

Last night's experience was so bizarre

Chen Yuanyuan and Li Yueya chatted until late before falling asleep

The two also exchanged ages

Chen Yuanyuan is 18 years old, is his older sister, and Li Yueya is a few months younger.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Yuanyuan rubbed his eyes lazily and confusedly.

"Aren't you hungry after eating..."

was reminded by Li Yueya

Chen Yuanyuan really felt hungry.

Get up and wash up

Chen Yuanyuan wore a dress that Li Yueya found, and her hair was simply tied up by her.

"What is it?"

When tying your hair in front of the mirror

Chen Yuanyuan noticed a small box with many paper-cut villains inside.

These villains, very delicate, cut out their eyes, noses and mouths, one by one.

Chen Yuanyuan was curious and picked up one to inquire from Li Yueya

"I don't know..."

Li Yueya shook his head and introduced:

"I met a witch before, controlled and unconscious.

"Waking up in this world.

"These little paper men were found in my clothes the first night I came here.

"It should have something to do with that witch, but there is nothing unusual.

"It's just me and Li Luo here, and I'm afraid that he has bad intentions, so I want to scare him."

"As a result, he really treated me like a witch and avoided me every day..."

Speaking of this, Li Yueya was aggrieved and hugged Chen Yuanyuan's arm

"Sister Yuanyuan, you don't know that Li Luoduo hates it.

"In the beginning, I lived alone and was too scared to sleep at night.

"If you want to go to the second floor, go to the room next to him, he is not happy..."

Listen to this

Chen Yuanyuan felt some worries, some worries, as if he was thinking too much.

Li Yueya had been here for many days, and Li Luo had not done anything to her, and there was no overstepping move.

On the contrary, he also avoided Li Yueya, and did not seem to be a bad person.

Chen Yuanyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the whole person was lighter.

Strangely came here, the only worry is Li Luo's unstable factor.

"Sister Yuanyuan, let's go, go to dinner..."

After they all packed up, Li Yueya and Chen Yuanyuan held hands and went to the restaurant on the second floor

Got to the second floor,

Li Yueya pointed to the innermost room

"Sister Yuanyuan, that's the room where Li Luo lives.

"On weekdays, Li Luo cooks.

"He cooks a lot and cooks a lot every time.

"Just keep some and it'll be enough for us to eat..."

Chen Yuanyuan glanced at the room, listened to Li Yueya's introduction, and walked to the restaurant together

As soon as he arrived at the door, Li Luo walked out.

"Li Luo, are you going out?"

Li Yueya greeted cheerfully.

"Yes..." Li Luo replied and looked at Chen Yuanyuan.

Yesterday, Chen Yuanyuan, who was dressed in ancient costume, had a gentle temperament and was as beautiful as a fairy.

Today, a simple dress has a little more pure and clear temperament.

This is going to take a picture and kill the Internet beauty in seconds.

"My lord..."

Chen Yuanyuan saluted slightly

She was not as panicked as Li Luo as yesterday, and looked at him quietly.

Yesterday, I didn't look at all.

Now, Chen Yuanyuan found that Li Luo was unusually handsome, and his figure was also unusually burly and straight, as if it only reached his shoulders, like a bird.

Such tall and strong makes people feel inexplicably safe.

But in this place where there is no law.

Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help but panic, and his body was soft.

Li Luo really has a bad heart, can he bear it?

"Let's eat, I'll be back in the afternoon..."

Li Luo said hello and went downstairs to leave.

"Be careful, pay attention to safety..." Li Yueya instructed with concern.

Chen Yuanyuan was a little more relaxed because Li Luo left.

"Sister Yuanyuan, Li Luo went out to search for supplies..."

Li Yueya introduced: "Li Luoke is powerful, such a high wall, he jumped over it at once.

"His strength is also very large, and these metal walls are built by Li Luo.

"It's full of beasts like people, and it's dangerous.

Li Luo said that as long as he is scratched and bitten, he will become a walking dead.

"It's these walls that cut this place off as a shelter..."

Listen to these

Chen Yuan's round eyes lit up

The environment in which she grew up has made her have a clear mind and clarify reality.

In this shelter, everything depends on Li Luo.

and Li Yueya, who was raised by Li Luo.

Without Li Luo, there is no way to survive in this world.

This is a dependency relationship.

If Li Luo had any ideas, he couldn't hide at all.

The worst result is so, but it is only Li Luo's plaything.

Better than the previous fate, it was sent around as a gift.

But if Li Luo is a decent gentleman and lives in this isolated place, it seems to be good.


Republic of China World,

A large mansion, lying on the horizontal, seven vertical and eight people lying on the ground, dead silence as quiet

Yue Qiluo was dressed in a red hooded cape and stood in the courtyard

Countless small paper figures flew in the air, searching for gold and silver, and threw them in front of her.

[The mall has accumulated a maximum of 10,000 redemption points, continue to sell items, will not earn points, can be purchased for free within three days, more than three days, restore the original price...].

"Upper limit, Li Luo!"

Yue Qiluo's eyes were cold, thinking that he was deceived by Li Luo with 4,500 points, he couldn't wait to make him into a puppet and torture him forever.

And the difficulty of gathering resources.

It also made Yue Qiluo couldn't help but be discouraged, robbing dozens of big households before he could make up a thousand points.

If you want to learn from Li Luo to sell resources in the group, I don't know how troublesome it is.

But it's the easiest way to earn points.

Since you know 50,000 points, you can go to other worlds.

Yue Qiluo wanted to leave

The first time he escaped from the seal, he sensed the changes in this world, and the aura was thinner, as was the vitality of heaven and earth.

It will soon enter the apocalyptic period.

If you don't go, all spells will be invalid.

The soul is immortal, but there is no way to protect the way, it will only become meat to be slaughtered on the board

There is no difference from these two-legged beasts like chickens and ducks, like cows and sheep in front of you.

Therefore, even if it is difficult to obtain resources, you must collect them and earn points.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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