I received a large order of 5,000 points.

Yue Qiluo did not rest, collected for two days and two nights, and finally gathered the resources and sent them to Chongzhen Zhu You.

[Yue Qiluo sent you an item red envelope...].

Zhu Youzhen received the prompt, his heart pounded, and he quickly went to an uninhabited palace to try to open it

In an instant, the golden mountain and silver mountain appeared in front of him

Zhu Youzhen laughed, it was almost crazy

"God bless Daming, God bless Daming..."

Wait a little calmer.

Zhu Youjian used the mall sales function to calculate the value of this batch of materials.

Silver is about 17 million taels, gold is about 150,000 taels, and the total value exceeds 30 million taels of silver.

With so much money, in addition to the invincible world's martial arts

Daming is not prosperous,

Zhu Youzhen swept away the haze, full of ambition, and laughed again.

At this time, Yue Qiluo sent a message

"Cost: 1,000 points."

Zhu Youzhen smiled proudly at the message, and replied according to the prepared words in advance;

"Nowadays, my Daming is in an eventful autumn, with foreign enemies in front of the Great Qing Dynasty, rebels from all walks of life rebelling, and in addition to the successive years of disasters, the grain harvest in various places has failed, and many people have no rice to cook, and they urgently need disaster relief.

"@岳绮罗, this batch of materials of yours is mostly gold and silver.

"In the mall, 10 pounds of gold is exchanged for 1 point, and 500 pounds of silver is exchanged for 1 point.

"It's not cost-effective to redeem points.

"These gold and silver, for me, are used for practical purposes, disaster relief, quelling rebellions, and better.

"As for this thousand points, Xu is the Emperor of Daming, the whole world is decaying, and it will not be less of your points.

"Don't worry, I will raise it as soon as possible and give it to you later..."

It's not that you don't give,

Just a little later in giving.

Zhu Youzhen felt that it was nothing.

Now there are 30 million taels of snowflake silver.

There is peerless martial arts again.

Zhu Youjian thinks that he has a pattern and courage, surpassing the previous emperors of Daming, and only some widely circulated holy kings can compare, how can he be reckoned.

The other side,

Yue Qiluo's eyes were gloomy, and his silver teeth were about to be crushed.

I have traded with Li Luo, not that I don't know about paid red envelopes.

But he thinks that Li Luo's little family is angry and his heart is suspicious, so he looks at who will be dirty and is not at ease with anyone.

Moreover, the cost of two percent is so low, only 200 points are charged for a thousand points of resources.

The resource of 5,000 points is only 1,000 points.

Who wouldn't give it.


Yue Qiluo understood how pure and kind he was like a blank piece of paper.

For the sake of these five thousand points of materials, there was no rest for two days and two nights.

Do you know how hard and troublesome it took to collect these supplies!

Chongzhen, you dare to lie to me!

Yue Qiluo: "Emperor Chongzhen, I just heard that during your reign, the situation was difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

"What points, I don't want it, just let me help you."

"My surname is Yue, can't you see that my ancestor is Yue Fei.

"Anti-gold and anti-Qing, they are the same, you must fight back the Qing soldiers.

"Wait a few days, these resources are probably not enough, I'm sending you some..."

This, this....

Yue Qiluo was so kind

Zhu Youzhen was moved to tears

Since knowing that Daming perished three years later,

How stressed, how anxious, how tormented

I couldn't sleep all night, and no one understood.

Even if there is a chat group, there is no one to help, Zhuge Dali will only talk on paper, and Li Luo will only pit people.

At this moment,

Zhu Youjian felt recognition and support from Yue Qiluo.

Life is a confidant, no regrets!

"@岳绮罗, such a great grace, I will never forget it, and when I reorganize the mountains and rivers, I will definitely repay you a thousand times..."

A thousand times!

As you wish!

Yue Qiluo sneered and mocked.

After a few days,

Yue Qiluo really sent some gold and silver.

Zhu Youzhen is in a good mood.

Yue Qiluo: "Emperor Chongzhen, I also found some guns, this weapon is very powerful, ordinary people hold it, and one shot can kill martial arts masters."

"Fighting against the Qing cavalry is even more beneficial, as long as the gun goes off and the horse is killed, the cavalry is useless..."

Chongzhen learned to use it according to the instructions

I saw the power of the gun with my own eyes, and I was very excited

Sure enough, it is a divine weapon.

With these hundreds of guns, it is like a tiger with wings.

What rebels, what Qing army, all are grass mustard.

Zhu Youjian: "Yue Xiaoyou, your great grace, Xu has written it down, pacifying the mountains and rivers, you should be the first meritorious work, Xu will give you whatever you want." "

Yue Qiluo: "Emperor Chongzhen, this is just what I should do as a countryman.

"There are many people like me.

"We are willing to support you, and we are your back."

"In addition to guns, I also have artillery here, and when a cannon is fired, the mountain can be blown to pieces.

"Used on the battlefield, it is even more invincible, I will give it to you immediately..."

Zhu Youzhen is no stranger to artillery

Daming has many Hongyi cannons, all of which are imported from abroad.

There were also muskets, and compared with the firearms sent by Yue Qiluo, those muskets were like burning sticks.

From this point of view, the artillery sent by Yue Qiluo must be more powerful.

Zhu Youzhen looked forward to it, and Yue Qiluo's red envelope also arrived.

[Yue Qiluo sent you an item red envelope...].

Zhu Youzhen opened it for the first time, noticed the danger on the red envelope, hesitated again, and clicked on the details

[It contains a life form and some ammunition and artillery, which has not been received for half a month, or retrieved, erased.] 】

Zhu Youzhen's expression was a little solemn, and he was also very puzzled, and asked Yue Qiluo for information

"Yue Xiaoyou, how can someone also remind the danger?"

Yue Qiluo: "The ammunition of artillery is very powerful, it is indeed very dangerous, you are careful, handle it gently, if it explodes, your palace can be blown up, that person, is an artillery expert, I specially arranged him to help you train the artillery army..."

Hear it said.

Zhu Youzhen didn't think much about it, and clicked on the red envelope

In an instant, a gun larger than a carriage appeared

On the artillery, there was also a person.

Don't wait for Zhu Youjian to see more,

Suddenly, a red light emerged from the man.

As a congenital master, Zhu Youzhen reacted quickly, immediately vigilant to retreat, but did not want to, countless small paper people floated in the air, lightning struck...

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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