I don't know how long I slept,

Chen Yuanyuan woke up and looked at the strange room, a little confused

Wait to remember last night, think of this morning,

Chen Yuanyuan's shy heart was flustered, and full of sweetness.

It was a shame at that moment

Li Luo's heat, Li Luo's domineering, but also means that he likes it and cares.

Especially the unparalleled domineering made Chen Yuanyuan feel a full sense of security.

Shame for a while,

Chen Yuanyuan felt that the discomfort of last night had disappeared, got up and dressed, and left the room.

Heard movement in the restaurant,

Chen Yuanyuan thought that Li Luo was there, blushed shyly, and walked over.

When I arrived at the door, I didn't see Li Luo, only Li Yueya was busy.

"Crescent moon..."

Chen Yuanyuan called out to her softly, and inquired, "What about Li Luo?" "

Li Yueya glanced at her coldly, turned his back and ignored her.

And somehow too,

Thinking of Chen Yuanyuan and Li Luo together.

Li Yueya was uncomfortable, and he felt even more deceived by Chen Yuanyuan.

"Crescent moon..."

Chen Yuanyuan shouted again

Seeing that she ignored her and was very indifferent, how did Chen Yuanyuan not understand, Li Yueya learned about the matter with Li Luo and was angry.

"Crescent, I..."

Chen Yuanyuan wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to say it

Li Yueya and Li Luo knew each other before, and they also had a good impression of Li Luo.

I was with Li Luo last night, and it seems that I robbed Li Luo, how to explain this.

Chen Yuanyuan knew better that he was given to Li Luo by Chongzhen to come here strangely.

How could Li Yueya appear for no reason.

The identity is all the same, it is Li Luo's gift.

Li Luo did not take it apart, did not disassemble it.

Chen Yuanyuan didn't want to break it, and told Li Yueya that this was a bit cruel fact.



Li Luo came back and when he ate, he noticed that Li Yueya and Chen Yuanyuan were estranged.

However, did not pay much attention.

After the meal, he dragged Chen Yuanyuan back to the room and listened to her sing.

Such a comfortable life, day after day, after three or four days, new members joined the chat group.

[Mo Rongfu, martial arts world, join the chat group. ] 】

[Xiao Wei, fantasy world, join the chat group. ] 】

"Welcome, welcome, you must be curious where this is, after reading this, you understand..."

Zhuge Dali was the first to bubble up and sent what you need to know to join the group.

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun second bubbling:

"Welcome, welcome, the spirit herb pill sold in the mall is too expensive, if you need it, you can chat with me privately to buy it."

"The small Spirit Grass Pill has 100 points, and the Spirit Grass Pill that is exactly the same as the mall only costs 150 points..."

Looking at this information,

Zhu Yuyan almost crushed her silver teeth, which was originally her wealth, but was robbed by Xie Xun.

Good for a while,

Mo Rong Fu asked, "If there are legends and stories circulating in other worlds, you must have heard of my Murong Fu's name!" "

Asking this, Murong Ming was proud, he was confident that he would be successful in restoring the country in the future, he was the Ming monarch of Dayan, passed down through the ages, and there were legends in all worlds.

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "I haven't heard of it, Zhuge Xiaoyou's world is special, maybe I know." "

No, I haven't heard of it!

Zhuge Dali naturally knew who Mo Rongfu was, but he didn't like it very much

Unfortunately, it was not Qiao Feng who joined the chat group.

Zhuge Dali was very regretful, bubbling and pretending to be dazed: "I haven't heard of anything Mo Rongfu, that Xiao Wei, I haven't heard of it..."

About Xiao Wei, Zhuge Dali is not pretending, I really don't know, Du Niang didn't find out.

At this point,

Li Luo also had some doubts about Xiao Wei

This name is very familiar, I remember the fox demon with beautiful and moving skin, it seems to be called Xiao Wei.

Whether it is or not, there is no way to know for sure

Li Luo chatted with her privately, and did the resource business first

"@小唯, hello, it is difficult to collect resources for redeeming points, I am a resource merchant, do I need resources to redeem points?"

In the boundless desert,

A white fox is lying on the sand dune, basking in the sun, looking at the chat group strangely, and there are many doubts

Seeing Li Luo's private chat, he asked, "Can I really go to other worlds?" "

"Yes, after joining the group for one month, the group members agree to consume 50,000 points and go to..."

After Li Luo introduced, he tentatively asked, "Are you a white fox spirit?" "

In the desert, Xiao Wei stood up in shock

Zhuge Dali mentioned that there were stories and legends circulating in other worlds, and Xiao Wei saw it, but did not believe it much, because Zhuge Dali had never heard of Mo Rongfu and her name.

Now at this moment, this Li Luo knew whether it was a fox or a white fox, Xiao Wei believed it, and his heart was pounding faster.

"You know the legend about me? In the story, what am I like? "

It's really that Xiao Wei!

Li Luo was sure, thinking back to the plot

Fortunately, because the fox demon is so beautiful, I have seen it many times and roughly remember it.

Xiao Wei is a fox spirit who has cultivated for thousands of years, but the world where he is located is very special, and the cultivation of the demon is high, and he can only transform into an adult, and cannot become a real person.

Xiao Wei's dream is to become a human being, to fall in love like a human being, and to find a man to love.

"The stories and legends are all one-sided, I have only heard some of them, I don't know if it's right..."

Li Luo said deliberately vaguely

"In the legends I have heard, your dream is to become a real person, yearning for human love, and always looking for a way to become a human being..."

Really know!

Xiao Wei's whole body froze, even more excited, and asked anxiously: "What later..."

Later, naturally, he took the opportunity to make a request!

Li Luo smiled and said bluntly: "I am a resource merchant, excuse me, do you need resources to exchange points?" "

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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