The big snake pill did not disclose his age, and asked rhetorically: "The name Uncle Snake is very strange, why do you call me that." "

Zhuge Dalian: "How to say, your story is widely circulated, although you are a big villain, your popularity is very high, so you have this title." "

Orochimaru: "What happened to me?" "

Zhuge Dali deliberately tentatively asked: "When did it start later~?" "

Orochimaru: "Suddenly I don't want to know, I joined this group, the trajectory of my life has changed, I am going to know that, what is the meaning - meaning..."

That's very clear – and philosophical.

The golden retriever lion king Xie Xun was not convinced:

"This friend, that's not what I said.

"To know the future and change is a great opportunity.

"Just like me, there was a disaster of annihilation, but it was avoided because of Zhuge Xiaoyou's reminder.

"Your future, if there is a similar disaster, it is not better to avoid it."

Orochimaru: "My existence is a disaster."

"The ones I just learned.

"I have decided that I have finally chosen the path in my heart.

"It's not hard to speculate about what kind of life we will have in the future."

Looking at this,

Zhuge blinked vigorously and made a clear judgment,

According to the information found, the parents of the big snake pill died, and when he was a child, he saw the white snake molting, thinking that it represented luck and regeneration, planting the seed of longing for immortality, and wanted to study forbidden arts to obtain immortality,

For this reason, he did not hesitate to use living people for experiments, and was discovered by the village, so he defected.

"Uncle Snake, haven't you defected to Konoha Village yet?"

Orochimaru: "Yes, now that the wars in various countries are non-stop, too many people have died, and human lives are so fragile, which also makes me more sure of what I think in my heart." "

The war in which Orochimaru participated should be the second ninja war.

Zhuge vigorously guessed, and continued to test the timeline of the Great Snake Pill, "Uncle Snake, is your apprentice Rope Tree dead?" "

Another world,

A pale and gloomy face flashed a hint of hesitation, knowing what would happen if he answered this question, or asked, "How did the rope tree die?" "

Zhuge Dali learned the exact information,

During the Second Ninja War, the rope tree did not die,

Knowing these two points, you can basically lock the timeline of the big snake pill,

At this time, the big snake pill had not yet gone to study the forbidden technique and seek immortality.

"It seems that he was killed by the detonator on a mission, the day after his 12th birthday..."

Orochimaru: "That's really unfortunate. "

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "It's unfortunate, but if you learned it, it's lucky, you hurry up to stop it." "

Orochimaru: "Why stop it, there are many reasons for a person's death, during the war, stopping this time, you can't stop the next time, and why do it in vain..."

The chat in the group is very lively,

Li Luo dived and watched for a while, and chatted privately about Li Feiyu.

"Li Feiyu, brother, do you need resources?"

In this Immortal Cultivation World where Li Feiyu is, there is a Han Old Demon,

Han Lao Devil, there is a mysterious small bottle, which can ripen everything in the plant system, including elixirs, and he has advanced step by step by relying on drugs, and has become the ultimate boss.

This Li Feiyu is Han Lao Mo's friend at the end of his life,

Li Luo recalled and remembered that Li Feiyu was very moralistic and ambitious, because he was not qualified to learn martial arts, he did not hesitate to take jackal medicine to cut his life, and he was tortured all the time, and he also had to live vigorously.

In order to get ahead as a big brother, he would rather have a short life than a wolf.

Right now

Li Feiyu is still alive, which also means that Old Demon Han is still faint.

If you can pass, there is a chance to snatch the small bottle, which is also a supreme opportunity.

"How much do you want?"

Li Feiyu pulled himself up and asked.

Taking pulp pumping pills, in exchange for a great increase in strength, but to bear the inhuman pain of cramping and suction.

I just joined the chat group in this pain, and I thought that because of the pain, I was hallucinating.

Determining that everything is true, what Li Feiyu wants to buy most is the Spirit Herb Pill, hoping to relieve the pain.

"How many percent does it cost?"

Hearing this question, Li Luo understood, just this meeting, Jiang Yuyan and Yue Qiluo must have chatted privately about the big snake pill and Li Feiyu selling resources.

This resource business is getting harder and harder.

Looks like it's going to be a different way.

"Li Feiyu, brother, I like to make friends.

"You just joined the group, you may not know that the upper limit of points exchange is 10,000.

"I'll send you 5,000 points of resources first, and you need to contact you later..."

Li Luo's eyes flashed,

This is the world you want to go to, Li Feiyu this anchor, worth investing in a wave.

[Li Luo sent you an item red envelope...]

Li Feiyu opened it, saw a large area of resources, and was reading Li Luo's information, feeling a kind of kindness, and also felt a long-lost warmth.

"Li Luo, thank you, brother, in the future, I will be rewarded with a strong rain."

"There is no need to mention what is thick and rewarding, it is a rare fate to be able to know here from the world..."

Li Luo took the opportunity to fool, no, continue to invest,

"Li Feiyu, in this group, there are a few points to pay attention to.

"Spirit Herb Pill can save lives and improve skills.

"If you need a better elixir, chat privately about Yunxiao Fairy to buy.

"It was an extraordinary existence, with countless elixirs.

"As long as there are points, prolonging life is not a problem to live for hundreds of years."

"If you are here, you can also find Yunxiao Fairy to help you understand the secret of the exercises.

"With understanding, there are no obstacles in the realm.

"By taking the Spirit Herb Pill and improving your internal strength, you can quickly become a martial arts master, and have the power to protect yourself..."

Listen to this,

Li Feiyu was too excited, the reason why he took the Pulp Pumping Pill and cut down his own origin also had to improve his skills, and he was vigorous, not because his qualifications were too poor and his understanding was too poor.

Join this group and fate changes,

There is a perception, the realm of martial arts has nothing to do with cards,

With elixirs, it is okay to have poor qualifications.

Most importantly, there is a elixir that increases lifespan.

At this moment, Li Feiyu saw a bright future, full of ambition and pride.

"Li Luo, thank you for the reminder, thank you so much, I won't say more about anything else, everything is remembered in my heart."

Li Luo smiled, this is just a look, will not take it seriously.

I don't want Li Feiyu to have any big reward,

In the future, to go to the world of immortal cultivation, it would be good if Li Feiyu could help open the door.

This is also the biggest purpose of investing in him.

It's done here.

Li Luo looked at the name of the big snake pill again,

This is a ruthless person, much more ruthless than Li Feiyu. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Li Feiyu is flying yellow, so he cut himself.

In order to study immortality, the big snake pill is ruthless and ruthless, and it is everyone else who cuts down.

Li Luo also knew that the big snake pill had high wisdom, and his mind was full of scheming, so it was not easy to fool.

However, as long as there is something to ask for, it is a weakness.

Knowing that there is a possibility of being deceived, I also want to try.


Li Luo thought of Xiao Wei and invested 6,500 points in order to go to the Flood Barren World.

This is a trick of fooling the big snake pill,

For the sake of immortality, for eternal existence, the Great Snake Pill can do anything.

"Big Snake Pill, Uncle Snake, are you interested in making a deal?"

Orochimaru: "What deal?" Want to sell resources too? "

Who still sells that thing now,

Li Luo arrogantly directly sent the resources of the Great Snake Pill 5,000 points.

"Big snake pill, uncle snake, these 5,000 resources, take and use them first, it can be regarded as my sincerity."

[Li Luo sent you an item red envelope...]

The big snake pill clicked,

A large resource appears,

The big snake pill's gloomy eyes, very puzzled,

Have experimented and know how difficult resources are to collect.

10,000 catties of iron, 2,000 catties of copper, 500 catties of silver, and 10 catties of gold are exchanged for 1 point.

It is that 1 point cannot be redeemed, let alone 5,000 points.

The big snake pill was hesitating whether to sell some ninjutsu, Li Luo directly 5,000 resources, was smashed a little confused.

"Li Luo, you called Uncle Snake, it seems that you have also heard my legend, what is the purpose of wanting to learn the cultivation of Chakra?"


Li Luo couldn't see it, that thing cut its own life, and between the first generation of Hokage Thousand Hand Pillars, the god-like existence was short-lived.

There is Xiuxian Avenue, who cares what Chakra.

"Orochimaru, I have indeed heard stories about you..."

Li Luo flickered, "I also know that your pursuit is eternal existence.

"For this purpose, you are an enemy of the whole world.

"At this point, we share the same direction.

"However, if it is not cultivating the so-called chakra, that cannot be immortalized.

"The true method of immortality, there is in the group, and cultivators of immortals have immortality.

"The Cloud Fairy of the Flood Desolation World is an extraordinary existence, eternal and eternal.

"Going to that world and embarking on the path of cultivating immortals, there is an opportunity to seek immortality.

"That's my purpose and I've been working hard for it.

"Chat groups can go to other worlds, you should have seen this.

"Specifically, it consumes 50,000 points.

"Actually, when you join the group for a month, you will learn that there is another level called administrator.

"Spend 100,000 points, become an administrator, 1,000 points, you can go to other worlds.

"I'm accumulating points and trying to get promoted to administrator.

"V points, when the time comes, I will be promoted to administrator, I can go to your side and send you to the Flood World in the form of red envelopes."

"It's a lot faster than you can save points.

"By the way, there is also a little addition, the upper limit of points exchanged by each member is 10,000.

"So, this point is very difficult to collect.

"Everyone collects firewood and the flame is high, we crowdfund points together, it is the best..."

Looking at the information,

The big snake pill's cold eyes kept flickering,

From Li Luo's words, he had understood that points were more precious than he thought, because there were exchange restrictions.

According to what Li Luo said, crowdfunding to go to that flood world is indeed a good way.

Unfortunately, separated by a world,

Words are good, sincere, and not trustworthy.

"Li Luo, this matter, I will consider..."

"Yes, wait for your good news..."

Li Luo was in a leisurely mood, and he was not much lost,

After thinking a few words, I fooled the big snake pill and dreamed.

It's a long-term strategy.

Wait for the big snake pill to stay in the group for a while, knowing how difficult it is to obtain points, and determine that the flood world can really be eternal, and it will inevitably take the initiative to contact.

In the group, the big snake pill diving.

Zhuge Dali looked at the other member, Li Feiyu, who was already a mother, and there was no information.

But for the immortal cultivation world where Li Feiyu is located, Zhuge Dali is very curious, and Aite him,

"Li Feiyu, are you also an immortal?"

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Zhuge Xiaoyou, do you know this?" "

Zhuge Dalian: "I don't know, but the world label is the world of immortal cultivation, and it must be a very powerful world." "

Li Feiyu: "I'm not an immortal, just a disciple of the martial arts sect, immortals are rumored existences, I just heard of it, only as a legend, I also entered the chat group, only to know that it is in the world of immortal cultivation." "

Zhuge Dalian: "It's not a simple rumor, the world label is the world of cultivating immortals, and there must be immortals in your place, who can cultivate immortals." "

Li Feiyu: "Is it the kind of immortal cultivator?" "

Zhuge Dalian: "Almost, but your world should be lower than the Flood Barren World where Yunxiao Fairy is located."

"In the Flood Barren World, the lowest level of immortals is already the ceiling of other worlds."

Li Feiyu: "My strength is too low, I don't understand the world, but I can inquire if I have the opportunity in the future." "

At this moment,

Li Feiyu has more ambitions,

If there is no chance, there is a chance to find immortality, who can refuse.

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun: "Zhuge Xiaoyou, that Chakra world, do you understand, how?" Is it awesome? "

Zhuge Dalian: "Compared with the martial arts world, it must be powerful, and the force is super high."

"Individual power can perish.

"However, Chakra consumes physical energy, that is, lifespan, which is equivalent to bloodletting to gain strength and live for a short time.

"In this regard, it is far worse than the prolongation of life in internal strength..."

The big snake pill was diving quietly, and seeing this, his gloomy eyes fell on the three of the flood world.

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