"Big Snake Pill, I accidentally found an immortal person.

"Fried up, it can still grow like a plant, is it interested?"

The big snake pill sneered, not believing Li Luo's words.

[Li Luo sent you a paid red envelope...]

The big snake pill nodded, his eyes widened, stunned,

[Contains an immortal lifeform, open the red envelope, you need to pay 8,000 points...]

Immortal and immortal!

The big snake pill is excited, incomparably exciting, the excitement is going crazy,

Li Luo's words are not credible, and the identification of the chat group represents that it is true.

If you can get it, if you can study it, you will definitely be able to explore the mystery of immortality, and it will exist forever.

And what makes the big snake pill care the most is that an immortal existence, the red envelope does not even remind of danger, but also represents low strength, is the best research target,

"Li Luo..."

The big snake pill sent a message excitedly,

"This lifeform, I want, 8,000 points is too expensive, I have at most 5,000 points."

"One point does not fall..."

Li Luo said deliberately: "My side is the world of science and technology.

"Without extraordinary power, you can't study immortality and immortality.

"Because this characteristic seems to have uniqueness, flesh and blood are separated from the body, and there is no immortal utility.

"It's of no use to me.

"Items in red envelopes will not be erased for 15 days.

"If you don't buy it, I won't take it back, just let it be erased..."

"Li Luo!"

The big snake pill gritted his teeth,

He understood that Li Luo did it on purpose.

As the 15-day period shortens,

It is absolutely impossible to tolerate the erasure of the hope of eternal life, and it will definitely be paid for. 08

Realizing this, the big snake pill hated it, and decisively did not delay much time,

One day sooner to study, one day sooner to live forever.

"Li Luo, okay, I promise, give me the resources of five thousand points, I redeem the points, and I will pay."

You want to fart and eat it.

Li Luo mocked: "Big Snake Pill, the resources that sent you 5,000 points last time thought you were a person."

"I also want to make you a friend, you are so not human, there are no free resources for you."

"Resources of 5000 points, 10% cost 500 points..."

Li Luo calculated very clearly for the big snake pill,

10,000 points, absolutely did not spend much, more than 9500 is available.

After removing the 1,000 points that were redeemed by Jiraiya, the Great Snake Pill still has at least 8,500 points.

This time, it is necessary to knock out the big snake pill clean.

[Li Luo sent you a paid red envelope...]

The big snake pill clicked to take a look, and his expression was ugly,

But the situation is stronger than people, and in order to live forever, you can only spend 500 more points.

And when the big snake pill exchanged resources, paid for the immortal life form, the pale face was instantly black,

What the hell is this?

Like a big radish, sure that it will not die?

"Who are you, warn you, hurry up and release me, otherwise when I recover, I won't spare you..."


The big snake pill was strange, "This little thing, even can talk..."

"You are the little thing, your whole family is, the little one is so lost..."

"..." The big snake pill trembled, for the sake of immortality, he couldn't bear it.

Spending 8500 points is not looking for scolding.


[The big snake pill received your paid red envelope...]

[The big snake pill received your paid red envelope...]

Two tips in a row, 8500 points in hand.

Li Luo was in a good mood, and he had a vicious circle with Tsunade again.

Pleasant days pass by day by day.

On this day,

Li Luo was colliding with Tsunade research molecules for nuclear fusion, and suddenly heard her hmm-huh, and also felt her hugging tightly.

Key moments of research,

Although Li Luo knew that the little paper man was invalid, he didn't care, and keenly discovered the mystery of molecular collision nuclear fusion, and recorded this moment perfectly.


Li Luo immediately regained control of Tsunade with the little paper man, but he couldn't help but recall the beauty just now.

Soulless dolls, also very interesting,

But given a soul, with a response, with feedback, it is even more wonderful, with a mesmerizing desire to conquer, wanting to listen to Tsunade's delicate surrounding, wanting to feel the satisfaction of her attachment and hug.

The tighter she hugged, the more she wanted to give her more, stronger, everything.

But it feels good.

Li Luo was very calm and restrained,

Although he practiced the Wu Clan exercises, was nourished by spiritual herb pills, and had the power of tens of thousands of catties with one punch, he was still a mortal fetus in the flesh.

It really gave Tsunade freedom, and it was such an intimate distance that Tsunade hung up with a strangle.

Such a move by Shi Lezhi,

Li Luoke won't do it,

But after thinking about it, Li Luo did it, let Tsunade hold his hand against the wall, and he was supporting her.

This support, day after day, half a month passed quickly.

The chat group has added new members,

[Yue Buqun, martial arts world, join the chat group. ] 】

[Little Joe, Three Kingdoms World, join the chat group. ] 】

This time

Zhuge Dali did not have the first bubbling, make an introduction welcome.

Because of the lesson of the Great Snake Pill,

Zhuge Dali no longer wants to care about this,

She saw that there were some things that no one would be grateful for when they were done, let alone thankful.

On the contrary, I feel that like Gong Ruomei, and Yunxiao, it has not been bubbling and does not have too much intersection with others, which is quite good.

Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, the first to bubble, advertised,

"Exclusive sale of spirit herb pills.

"Exactly the same quality as the store.

"The same is true of medicinal effects, which can cure all diseases, solidify the essence and cultivate the yuan, nourish the body, and improve cultivation..."

Yue Buqun: "This place is so bizarre, what kind of place?" "

Xiao Qiao: "The slave family is also puzzled. "

These two names are familiar to Zhuge Dalian,

Yue Buqun is a hypocrite and does not like it.

Xiao Qiao is from the Three Kingdoms, it should be Jiangdong Erqiao, I don't know if it is Liu Bei's world.

However, although he was confused, Zhuge Dali did not introduce much, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

She knows that many members of the group sell resources, and if they have doubts, they will naturally help answer.

And so it is,

Yue Buqun and Xiao Qiao both received different private chats and learned a lot about the chat group.

At this time,

Li Luozi also noticed the new member of the group,

Needless to say, Yue Buqun was a ruthless person who practiced the evil sword spectrum from the palace, and he was also a great acquaintance.

See Little Joe's name,

Li Luo came out of Hei Zeling's coquettishness, which really brought a sense of weakness that made people feel pity.

It belongs to the type that wants to study at first sight,

I don't know what this little Joe is like, but beauty is certain,

Therefore, Li Luo was the first to chat privately with Xiao Qiao,

"Little Qiao, do you have a sister named Big Qiao?"

Xiao Qiao: "Well, you also know about the slave family?" "

At this moment, Xiao Qiao was extremely surprised and a little unbelievable,

From Jiang Yuyan and Zhu Yuyan, I learned that he and her sister are legendary beauties.

It is precisely because of beauty that he and his sister have become trophies of Eastern Wu,

Her sister Da Qiao was robbed as a concubine by Sun Ce of Eastern Wu, and she became Zhou Yu's concubine.

Xiao Qiao understands that in the era of war, it is normal to commit to the strong, but he still sighs that his sister is such a fate.

"Little Joe, I've heard some legends..."

Li Luo asked bluntly: "Are you married to Zhou Yu now?" "

Getting married is a flickering mode.

Not married, it's another.

"No, I haven't seen Zhou Yu..."

Xiao Qiao asked curiously, "Do you also want to sell resources?" How much is it charged? "

Under the introduction of Jiang Yuyan and Zhu Yuyan, Xiao Qiao has understood the importance of points, which is the currency of chat groups.

10 pounds of gold can be exchanged for 1 point, which shows that it is precious.

"If you have resources, don't worry..."

Li Luo determined Xiao Qiao's timeline and flickered:

"Do you know that according to rumors, you and Da Qiao were robbed by Eastern Wu, and later robbed by another strongman, and kept in Tongjakutai, that is, kept in a cage, to entertain guests;

"But the official and dignitaries of Vanda are all your and Big Qiao's guests..."

This is deliberately stimulating Xiao Qiao and fooling Xiao Qiao,

"Xiao Qiao, do you want to change this fate, do you want to obtain the invincible power of the world."

"Want to..."

Xiao Qiao was in an agitated mood and bit his lips,

I have learned some future things from Jiang Yuyan and Zhu Yuyan,

Unexpectedly, there was an even more tragic fate.

Such a fate, Xiao Qiao could not accept, but also wanted to change, anxiously asked: "How can I obtain this power?" "

"It's simple..."

Li Luo waited for this sentence, and flickered:

"The Cloud Fairy of the Flood Barren World is an extraordinary existence.

"Find her to buy the "Heavenly Demon Dafa", 1200 points.

"After buying a few Spirit Herb Pills, you will become a martial arts master in a short time.

"Well, buy a copy for your sister."

"In this way, you sisters will have the power to protect yourself in troubled times.

"Even thousands of troops can't stop you.

"Since I will not be raised in the Tonjakutai..."

Is it really that powerful?

Xiao Qiao's heart was pounding fast, hoping that it was true, but he also wisely understood that he might be deceiving 663 people.

Because a 1200 points, plus my sister's share, is 2400 points, where there are so many points.

This is not only to redeem points, but also to buy resources.

Xiao Qiao was so skeptical, and soon his face was hot with self-blame.

[Li Luo sent you an item red envelope...]

"Here is the resource of 5,000 points, free to send you, the mall can only exchange 10,000 points, the other 5,000 points, if necessary, you have to charge, two percent of the fee..."

The resource business is too competitive.

Li Luo plans to change the model, set up a good persona, and gain trust first.

As we all know, free is the most expensive.

"Thank you..."

Xiao Qiao sincerely thanked him, thinking of suspecting that Li Luo had a bad heart, his face was dry and he felt very guilty.

"You're welcome, Ten Thousand Worlds can come to a group, this is a fate, if there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time..."

Li Luo finished the scene and looked at Yue Buqun again.

This Yue Buqun is a hypocrite, gentle on the surface, righteous and awe-inspiring, but in fact he is cruel and vicious, scheming and ambitious.

Dealing with such people is intrigue and really troublesome.

Li Luo thought a little, didn't say much nonsense, summoned Hongyue to give advice, and simply and directly issued 50,000 catties of gold, plus a storage necklace.

[Li Luo sent you an item red envelope...]

This will,

Yue Buqun was very proud.

As soon as they joined the group, Jiang Yuyan, Zhu Yuyan, and Yue Qiluo contacted to sell resources.

Yue Buqun still didn't understand, now it was Xiangbun, and this shelf was going to be laid out, so take a look.

Suddenly, Li Luo's red envelope prompt popped up,

Yue Buqun saw it and was puzzled,

Especially those two eye-catching dangers, Yue Buqun was also surprised, but a little curious, saw the details, clicked,

[Contains 50,000 jin of gold and a storage necklace, please get it as soon as possible...]

In an instant, Yue Buqun was agitated, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly received it.

[Yue Buqun received your red envelope...]

Li Luo's eyes were bright, and his mood was so leisurely,

The gamble is that Yue Buqun has just joined the group, does not understand anything, and has greed.

But whenever you ask about the situation, you will find a supplement and say, send a mistake, and get the red envelope back.

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