Since living together, Shizuka Hiratsuka feels that her ability to complain has been increasing.

She obviously didn't know how to complain before, but she didn't know when she got used to it.

When encountering certain things, she can't help but want to say something, just like now.

Yulia's face turned a little red under her gaze, and although she felt embarrassed, she didn't say anything.

However, after the attention was diverted, Xiang Yan ate lunch more seriously.

After lunch, rest for a while, you can go back.

Although it's not hot yet, the ultraviolet rays of the sun in the afternoon are still quite strong.

Because there is no need to take commissions, there is more time on weekdays.

In his free time, Xiang Yan also practices the basics of swordsmanship and Bajiquan.

The daily fighting practice is still going on. In the process, he can also take the opportunity to check the status of the holy light seed implanted in Shizuka Hiratsuka's body.

""Huh~ Let's stop here for today." Wiping the sweat off her forehead, Shizuka Hiratsuka let out a long sigh.

She originally thought that Xiang Yan wanted to learn martial arts just for the sake of novelty, but she didn't expect him to stick with it.

And his progress was very fast. Now it can't be said that he is teaching, but only sparring.


In terms of strength, Xiang Yan has a greater advantage, so when practicing, he didn't use his full strength.

Otherwise, how could he hurt someone? Therefore, he only compared skills, not strength.

"I have something to do this afternoon, so I might not be able to get through on the phone."

"Got it." Sometimes it is true that he can't be reached on his cell phone, but Shizuka Hiratsuka is used to it. Besides, he is not a child, so she doesn't need to care too much.

At this time, sweat soaked her white short-sleeved shirt, and her flesh-colored skin was faintly visible when it stuck to her body.

Xiang Yan also looked at her without hesitation and gave a thumbs up with satisfaction:"What a figure!"

"Have you seen enough? Go make breakfast, I'm going to take a shower first."At first, Shizuka Hiratsuka felt a little embarrassed, but after so many times, it didn't matter anymore.

Besides, which woman doesn't like others to praise her good figure?

So she said calmly and turned to go to the bedroom. She was sweating all over and felt very uncomfortable. She just wanted to take a shower quickly.


At first, the other party was a little shy, but after so many teasings, she was too lazy to cover up now.

Xiang Yan walked to the kitchen and sent a message to Sato Kazuma, saying that he would be there later.

After having breakfast, he also went to take a shower, and then while Hiratsuka Shizuka was drying her hair, he returned to the room, closed the door, and set off directly to the other world.

When Hiratsuka Shizuka came out of the bedroom, she found that there was no one outside.

"Are you going to defeat the giant frog again?"

When I arrived in the other world, I happened to meet Sato Kazuma and Aqua who were going to do a mission.

It seemed that Aqua was very reluctant. After all, the monster to be defeated this time was a giant frog, and she had a dark history related to giant frogs. The dark history that everyone in the group knew, and when Kazuma complained, he attached a photo

"Do you want to go together?"It would be much easier if we could bring a helper, especially a very powerful helper.

But Xiang Yan came here for something important this time, so he shook his head and refused:"No, I have something to do, I'll come to you after I'm done."

He remembered this town. There was a lich, one of the eight cadres of the Demon King's army. He was an expert in the soul.

Maybe he could help him. No matter if he could, there was no harm in asking first.

Since he had something to do, Kazuma set off.

It was not that they did not want to take other monster missions, but there were only giant frog missions.

Recently, it was the breeding season of giant frogs, so they became quite active. They had to be eliminated, otherwise they would be rampant.

After all, during the breeding season, giant frogs would attack livestock and humans to obtain nutrients to cultivate the next generation.

Even low-level monsters would cause a lot of trouble if there were too many of them.

So during the breeding season, the Adventurer's Guild would issue a lot of cleanup missions.

In fact, monsters like giant frogs are easier to deal with for novice adventurers.

Because they are slow in action, have a single attack method, and even if they use their tongues to wrap around the target, they will be unable to move when swallowing.

Two or three people can easily solve it, which is basically equivalent to a practice monster.

The reward is a bit low, and basically some experienced adventurers will not want to take it, unless there are no suitable missions left.

"Then you guys should do your best, I'm leaving~" After saying goodbye to the Kazuma duo, Xiang Yan started looking for magic items in the town.

He remembered that the Lich Wiz's shop was located in a slightly remote place, but fortunately the novice town was not very big.

After asking around along the way, he finally found the magic item shop.


When he pushed the door open and entered, the doorbell rang.

""Welcome~" Before anyone could be seen, a female voice sounded in the store.

Xiang Yan looked at the counter. A few seconds later, a woman with long brown hair stood up from behind the counter and said with a smile:"What do you need to buy? Magic tools? Or potions?"

"I need your help with something."

""Huh? What do you need my help with?" Weiss asked in confusion, with a gentle tone, sounding like someone who was easy to talk to.

"I seem to have split into another consciousness, can you help me confirm it?"

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