When the alien knight saw someone helping him, he immediately launched a counterattack, regardless of who it was.

When Geiz stood up, he launched a knight kick.


When Geiz was caught by two energy lines that looked like curved lines, he realized that something was wrong and struggled hard, but it was too late.

The Alien Knight didn't waste any time and attacked decisively, kicking with his right foot along the energy curve, kicking him out.

Geiz took a full blow of the Knight's Kick, causing serious damage, and was knocked out of his transformed form on the spot. After killing one, the Alien Knight looked at Zi-O and rushed over to attack. Now the situation was reversed. It was one against two just now, and now it is also one against two, but there are two enemies.

Zi-O looked at Blood Dive, then at the Alien Knight, and felt that he was in big trouble.

"Tsukuyomi, you take him away first!"It's difficult to deal with two people at the same time, so Zi-O asked his companion to leave first.

The woman who was watching the battle nearby nodded quickly and helped the companion who was beaten into a transformed state up.

"You still have the time to care about others at this time, can't you just care about yourself?" Xue Qian's tone was ironic, and then he also launched an attack.

In the distance, Xiang Yan found that Xue Qian's speed seemed to be faster than last time, and guessed that this guy should be adjusting his own danger level.

Facing the attacks of two enemies, although Zi-O wanted to switch forms, he had no time at all.

This time he had a mission, and with Xue Qian's rich combat experience, how could he give his prey time to breathe.

The endless attacks made Zi-O almost unable to parry, and he couldn't find a chance to use the control meter.

Suddenly, the white dotted and solid lines of energy clamped him, and Zi-O realized that he had focused all his attention on the Red Knight and forgot that there was an alien knight!

When a huge force fell behind him, accompanied by an explosion, he immediately flew out.

After landing, the armor on his body dissipated and he fell into a coma.

Compared with Geiz who was taken away by one shot before, Zi-O was beaten by Xue Qian, and then he was hit by the big move, and suffered more damage.

"It's time to call it a day~"

Seeing this, Xiang Yan whistled and said to Aura beside him comfortably:"You can take the alien knight away now."

Aura frowned and looked at the direction of the battlefield. Just as he was about to finish speaking, a hand patted his shoulder.

"Don't think about killing Zi-O, you won't succeed, let's just leave it at that for today."

Remembering that this guy next to him was not a good person, Aura had to swallow his words and chose to leave.

Looking at her back, Xiang Yan looked up at the sky, where a black bird was circling in the sky.

"This is it." Xueqian took the Zi-O driving meter off Tokiwa Sougo's space-time driver and looked at it in front of him.

"That’s right, this is it. Now it’s time to test it."

"You seem to value this thing very much."

Xue Qian turned around and faced the approaching black knight:"They are also from other time and space, right? Do you want to gain the power to travel through time and space?"

"You sound like you don't want to. Don't waste time, let's get started."

The power of time is one of the mysterious and terrifying powers.

If you have the chance to get it, you naturally can't miss it.

Because energy needs to be extracted, Pandora's Box was also brought.

Xue Qian put the control dial into Pandora's Box, and then began to control it.

The control dial began to shake, and the energy inside was slowly extracted, gradually forming the shape of a bottle.

Two pairs of eyes stared at the gradually formed full bottle, and at the moment of formation, both sides attacked at the same time.

But Xue Qian, as the user of Pandora's Box, grasped the timing more accurately and successfully grabbed the full bottle.

But Xiang Yan snatched Pandora's Box away

"Tell me! Do you want full bottles or Pandora's Box?"Robber Pandora's Box, Xiang Yan immediately distanced himself to avoid being attacked.

Xue Qian never thought that the opponent's target was not full bottles.

As for which one he wanted, he wanted both!

Pandora's Box can maintain his existence, so he must not give it up, so he had to force it.

"I knew you were a sinister guy!"

Seeing that he was going to snatch the magic box, Xiang Yan snorted coldly, flapped his wings and retreated, and after keeping a distance, he canceled the transformation and received the driver and auxiliary props in the red envelope.

The moment he heard the sound effect, Xue Qian suddenly stopped his action and looked at the opposite side in disbelief. Xiang Yan looked straight ahead and smiled slightly:"Transform!"

The red spider web immediately moved closer to the middle and wrapped him up.

Spider! Spider! KillbusSpider!

"Who are you?"At this moment, Xue Qian finally began to take the human in front of him seriously. The name mentioned in the sound effect when he transformed forced him to take it seriously.

When the mother planet was destroyed, Mr. E escaped with Pandora's Box, and has been hunted down by Mr. K ever since. In the process of being hunted down, he has been constantly absorbing planets to strengthen himself.

It can be said that this is the existence that he fears the most.

"Just a Kamen Rider."Xiang Yan grasped the golden hammer in the air, and felt the surging power in his body. His fighting spirit also rose:"Then, I'm coming."

The next second, he turned into a red afterimage and rushed in front of Xue Qian. The hammer fell with a sound of breaking through the air.


The earth trembled, and the vibration and loud noise made the unconscious Tokiwa Sougo's eyelids tremble, as if he was waking up.

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