Therefore, the saint of the Primordial Series is really nothing to Li Wei.

  at this time.

  Li Wei is talking to Du Xiaoluo.


  Li Wei also resurrected his parents on Earth in his initial memory.

  Although, the parents on this earth have died for two chaotic eras...


  Resurrection of them, but only Li Wei's thought. .

Chapter 466

  "Real and unreal."

  "It depends, my perception."

  "If I think it's fake...everything can be fake."

  "If I think it's true, then even if it's false, it can become true."

  "Because... I have mastered this power!"


  Li Wei gradually became clear.

  Everything in the world depends on his cognition.

  Like this weird Earth...

  If Li Wei doesn't think it is true, then it will always be just false, and it will not be true.

  If Li Wei thinks it is real, it can become real in the next second and appear in the real world-.


  It all comes from cognition.

  "Different perceptions, one thing, will have different results."


  "This experiment is not necessary, let's do it again."

  Li Wei sighed.

  He already knew the essence of the [Infinite Addition System] talent.


  next moment.

  This earth, which came from Li Wei's initial memory, turned into reality.

  And Li Wei, is...

  Go to sleep.

  Sleep well.

  In reality, one of the most powerful existences in the highest realm.



  Li Wei went to Anmian, and with a snap of his fingers, he put Anmian into the virtual world.

  Sleeping, just like that, disappeared into reality...

  It is equivalent to being obliterated in the real world.

  In reality, the all-powerful powers mastered by these high-level existences cannot make them walk out of the virtual world...

  Without Li Wei's consent, then, An Mian, it is almost impossible to get out of that virtual...

  will be trapped in the virtual forever.

  "This is how to directly control the use of the [Infinite Addition System]."

  "A casual transition between reality and fantasy."

  "This kind of power... will it be above the supreme realm?"

  Levi's thinking...


  He was rejected again.


  Between reality and illusion, the power of casual conversion, although powerful, still cannot really obliterate an existence of the highest level.

  That An Mian, even though Li Wei was put into the virtual world, in a sense, he still exists... alive.

  and so.

  "What is above the highest?"

  "I have discovered the essence of this [Infinite Points System], but I still don't know... This is the highest."

  "Maybe it doesn't even exist!"

  Li Wei thought about it for a while, and then gave up if he didn't understand.


  Weird Earth.

  According to Li Wei's initial memory, the earth world manifested by Li Wei is the earth that links the heavens and the world...

  The heavens and the worlds were also manifested by Li Wei by the way.


  The earth world that was manifested by Li Wei was really a scourge to the heavens and the world.

  Skinned Ultraman...

  Ultraman being auctioned...

  Ultraman soaked in wine...

  The flower fairy that was auctioned...

  In short.

  "This earth world is really weird."

  "But forget it, I'm too lazy to pay attention to small things."

  The real trouble for Levi.

  It was the trouble after Anmian was smashed into an illusion by him.


  Sleeping, as one of the most powerful people in the real world.

  He suddenly disappeared, and was beaten into an illusion by Li Wei,

  This is of course no small matter.

  This incident caused all the existence of the most advanced numbers to be alarmed in reality!

  The executor Dafu, Yu Tiandi, Xiong Tiandi, the origin of the most ancient...

  The existence of these high-level numbers has therefore come to Li Wei's infinite prehistoric world...


  Li Wei gives an explanation...

  A reason they can accept.

  And Li Wei.

  ...In reality, the existence of these forty-eight to high-level numbers came to his infinite prehistoric world.

  Li Wei didn't panic, he was very calm.

  to be frank.

  Taking the initiative to master the [Infinite Point System] talent, Li Wei is already invincible...

  in reality.

  This is the existence of advanced numbers.

  Levi just thinks.

  You can put them all into an illusion.


  It turns out...

  "The supreme existence in the real world really can't get out of the illusion!"

  Li Wei looked at it.

  That An Mian, who is in the illusory at this time, is doing some meaningless things, constantly analyzing and trying...


  With analysis and analysis, it is impossible to get out of the illusion.


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