Chat group.

Peach Blossom Island Daughter:”Group Master Sister, what is the group task?”

Tony is not the richest man:”Chat groups have group tasks, it’s really strange.”

Ordinary Zhang Zhiwei:”Haha, is this similar to group homework? In the world where I live, chat groups are a function of social software.”

“Of course, it is very different from the chat group we are in.”

Tony is not the richest man:”I understand, I understand. It seems that we are all in the modern technological world.”

Ordinary man Zhang Zhiwei:”Haha, the world I live in still has extraordinary powers. People with extraordinary powers are officially called aliens.”

Tony is not the richest man:”Is my world the only ordinary technological world?”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Tony, your world is not ordinary. You are involved in various events and become a hero. Of course, you died in order to save the world in the end.”

Tony is not the richest man:”I died in order to save the world in the end? What happened? Can you tell me first?”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Let’s talk about your things later. The most important thing now is to complete the group task.”

“Otherwise, I’m worried that Wuming will be killed by Jue Wushen!”

Wuming, the legend of martial arts:”Will I be killed by Jue Wushen? Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

In Wuming’s mind, how could Jue Wushen, that little character, possibly defeat him?

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Wuming, you have to believe in this group leader’s intuition.”

“There are many types of chat group tasks. One type is that group members can post tasks themselves, and other group members can choose whether to accept the task based on the amount of reward.”

“For example, Wuming may be killed by Jue Wushen, so you can post tasks and ask for help from other group members.”

“Of course, this requires compensation, otherwise the task mechanism of the chat group cannot be triggered.”

“As for the reward, it depends on what you have. For example, martial arts secrets, natural treasures, etc.”

“The second type is private tasks. For example, when you are in your own world, you will be triggered by various private tasks at any time. After you complete them, you will also receive various rewards.”

“The third type of group task is a team task. This task requires several group members to work together to complete it.”

“Now, Wuming has triggered a group team mission. It seems that Wuming is in a dangerous situation.”……”

I am a legend in the martial arts world, how could I be in danger?

Ahem, although I only have one-tenth of my strength left.

Zhang Zhiwei, a common man:”Haha, group task, isn’t this a team fight?”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Hey, the old master also knows how to fight in a team?”

Zhang Zhiwei, a common man:”I am not an antique, I still play games. Otherwise, it would be so boring to stay in Longhu Mountain all day!”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”……”

Su Xuan:”Group leader, if you say so, if you participate in the group mission, you can go to other worlds?”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Yes, yes, does Brother Su Xuan want to participate?”

Su Xuan:”I’ll think about it first.”

After all, Su Xuan is still very interested in the lucky draw of the chat group.

If he is lucky enough to draw a fairy weapon, wouldn’t he make a fortune?

Peach Blossom Island Huang Rong:”Since Brother Su Xiaoxiao has considered it, I will also consider it first.”

The Saint of the Spirit Hall:”I can’t leave the Spirit Hall for the time being, otherwise I would like to go and take a look.” The Demon Queen:”

Damn, what are you hesitating about? Group leader, Queen, I’m participating!”

Liang Bing is not really interested in going to another world.

However, if you complete the mission, you can draw a lottery!

Liang Bing can’t help but be tempted.

If she can draw the fifth-generation divine body or something like that, won’t she be able to beat Kesha?

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Then count it as one spot for Liang Bing. Do any of you want to join?”

Tony is not the richest man:”Sorry, I don’t want to go to other worlds for the time being. What if I die?”

Master Jiushu of the Ten Thousand Worlds:”I was invited by Master Ren, and I can’t leave Renjia Town for the time being.”

I want to fight ten:”Uh…My strength is low, so I can’t help.”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”You really can’t help. One of Jue Wushen’s minions can kill you.”

I want to beat ten of them:”……”

What you said is a bit hurtful!

“Old Taoist priest, are you going to participate?”

Su Xiaoxiao tagged the old Taoist priest.

“Sorry, the Luotian Grand Ceremony is about to begin, and I can’t leave for the time being!” The old Taoist priest also declined.

“Well, that’s a pity.”Su Xiaoxiao felt a little disappointed. She still wanted to take the old Tianshi, a high-level fighter, with her.

After all, she didn’t know if Liang Bing would be able to stand up after going to the Fengyun World.

“Group leader, after going to the Fengyun world, can we stay there for a while?” Su Xuan thought about it and couldn’t help asking.

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Of course you can! As long as you don’t stay there for a long time.”

Su Xuan:”Okay, I’ll participate in this mission too.”

In addition to the mission rewards, Su Xuan is also very interested in the various skills and treasures in the Fengyun world.

Perhaps, those wonderful skills can increase his perception.

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Great! With brother Su Xuan here, this group mission is stable!””

Demon Queen:”Damn, am I, the queen, unreliable?”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Hehe, Liang Bing, you are of course reliable, just don’t poke me in the waist when the time comes.”

Demon Queen:”……”

Stab in the kidney? You have something else to say!

Liang Bing thought back to tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, she broke away from the angel civilization and stabbed Holy Kesha in the kidney.

Therefore, the two sisters broke up completely.

Over the past tens of thousands of years, the two have been fighting each other’s brains.

The daughter of Peach Blossom Island:”Oh, sister, I want to participate in the mission too!”

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”No, you are too weak.”

The daughter of Peach Blossom Island:”No way, I broke through recently! If you don’t believe me, just look!”

After that, Huang Rong uploaded a video.


An elf-like girl slapped out with her white palms.

A small hill in front of her exploded directly.

“How is it? With my strength, I should be able to protect myself, right?”

Huang Rong said in the group.

Group leader Su Xiaoxiao:”……”

Finally, Su Xiaoxiao agreed to Huang Rong.

Peach Blossom Island Daughter:”Hey, that’s great! Brother Su Xuan, we can really meet!”

Demon Queen:”Damn, so this is your real purpose!”

Group Leader Su Xiaoxiao:”Okay, Wuming, get ready. We’ll be there soon.”

Wulin Legend Wuming:”……”

What should I prepare?

Should I prepare prison food for you?

Wuming looked at the environment of the dungeon and could not help but be a little speechless.

In the end, the quota for going to the Fengyun World was determined.

Group owner Su Xiaoxiao, group members Su Xuan, Huang Rong, and Liang Bing.

The first group battle of the chat group officially began

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