Two people turn on the computer, dragonfly Ye quickly opened the "magic continent" client. But what happened next almost made the girl run away.Your account number or password is wrong!Once... Twice... Three times"Can I swear?" Dragonfly Ye's hand pressed the keyboard hard and turned to ask Chen Qingyun.Chen Qingyun gave a wry smile and said, "it seems that you don't need to ask my opinion! You are welcome. " With that, in order to cooperate with the dragonfly, she covered her ears with her hands.But left wait right wait, also don't see leaf Dragonfly have what movement, on the contrary is eyes straight at oneself. Chen Qingyun's heart clapped, this kind of look is very unfriendly! There's definitely something bad going on."What are you watching me do?" Chen Qingyun has no bottom in his heart. This Ni Zi won't be suddenly in love, planning to violence herself in this private room, right?Dragonfly Ye Teng stands up and forces Chen Qingyun to lean against the wall. Her hands block both sides of Chen Qingyun. Her face is closer and closer, and her smile is more and more evil."What are you going to do? I have a wife." Chen Qingyun hugged his shoulders and said: how can women be so fierce now. It's getting worse and worse to be a hooligan. Instead of molesting people, they are always molested by women. Suddenly I thought of the video website named "big brother, rob a color!" I feel sad in my heart. Nowadays, it's hard for hooligans to live!"I remember you said to me that you are a very powerful hacker, right? I think you must have a way to help me steal my account back? ""Er... I'm a boaster, OK? Don't you have a secret account? " Chen Qingyun speechless, even hackers, do not want to steal back ah! Besides, it's not suitable to practice those things in Internet cafes!Leaf Dragonfly white Chen Qingyun one eye, will face closer, breath spray to Chen Qingyun's face."If I have password protection, can I steal it with you? In a word, can you steal the account back? "Chen Qingyun is going to cry. Don't take such a bully!"Well, I'll try."Dragonfly Ye got a satisfactory answer, and then she let Chen Qingyun go and sat down to watch each other.Chen Qingyun shows that he searched a simple Trojan horse and then entered the game. Fortunately, dragonfly Ye's account is online.Because they are good friends, Chen Qingyun sent a secret message as soon as he went online."Honey, I'm here."With this sentence, Chen Qingyun feels that his sweat pores stand up. It is estimated that this sentence is the most disgusting one in the past two years. I hope the other party is a sex wolf, otherwise the sacrifice will be in vain.Dragonfly Ye sits on one side and roughly guesses Chen Qingyun's intention. However, this is too fake, how could the other party be deceived?"Will that work? You're too fake. You don't know this game can get married. We're just friends. Haven't we got married yet? ""Now there is only a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and there is only an experiment."Just after a few seconds, the other side sent a whisper, the tone is very flat."What's the matter?"Dragonfly Ye sees each other's Secret Language and despises Chen Qingyun's practice“ Look, I said no! He won't believe it at all"Not necessarily. You'll see! " As long as the other party replies, Chen Qingyun will have confidence. What I'm afraid of most is that if you send a secret message, people won't give you a bird."That... That... Don't you want my picture? How can I forget so soon. On QQ! I'll send you photos. " Chen Qingyun hit a shy expression by the way.The other side was silent, after a few seconds, still did not send a message.Chen Qingyun is happy. It seems that the other party is a little excited. I guess I am hesitating in my heart this time. Do you want to see this picture or not? And the bottom of my heart is still thinking, the original account of the people in the end do not know each other's QQ number, if random answer, then everything is revealed."Tell me your QQ account number." Chen Qingyun said to the dragonfly.“98xxxx。” Said the dragonfly.Chen Qingyun quickly sent the number in secret“ This is my QQ number. I'm sorry, we've known each other for so many days before I told you! ""It doesn't matter. You go online! I'll add you now! "Dragonfly leaf faints, this year's sex wolf is really everywhere. If you steal the number, just steal it. What else do you do?Chen Qingyun on the leaf dragonfly's QQ number, will steal the number after adding, the other party immediately sent a message."Wife, send me photos quickly!""Don't worry, a lot of photos? To give you a surprise, I took many photos of the temptation of uniforms. There are nurses and students? ""Wife, you are so kind!"It is estimated that after Chen Qingyun's temptation, the computer is going crazy!Chen Qingyun will download the Trojan into the dialog box, the other party immediately point to receive."This idiot, you've been fooled?" Dragonfly ye can't believe it. Is he brain damaged! Can't see through such a simple scam?Chen Qingyun pushed the other side's forehead with some grudges and said, "he's not an idiot. How can we steal back the account?"Now what women are thinking in their heads, Chen Qingyun really can't understand.Soon the other party accepted it, and Chen Qingyun asked the other party to decompress it. Login to the Trojan control port, the other party's QQ account and various accounts logged in on the machine are all displayed."Hey, hey, it's done." Chen Qingyun chuckles, it seems that the other side is not a master. It's probably a fluke to get the account number of dragonfly Ye."Get out of the way, I'll do it!" As soon as dragonfly ye saw so many accounts, her anger burst out. Push Chen Qingyun away, sit in front of the computer and start to operate quickly.Chen Qingyun stands behind the dragonfly to see what she wants to do. But when he understood what the dragonfly wanted to do, he touched his forehead in a cold sweat. I swear in my heart that I can offend anyone, but I can't offend women. The consequences are terrible!The first step is to change the other party's QQ password. Online, all the people in the group scold once, and then change the name to human demon. Do all this well and change the password to the original one again. Next, the boy goes online, waiting to be whipped by the public!The second step is to open each other's mailbox, and all contacts will send a virus file.The third step, the game account login, to the square free money, a dime is not left, a piece of equipment is not left.Step fourStep fiveLooking at the dragonfly leaves very cool will each other's account disaster again, this brow stretch, stood up and patted his shoulder, said with a smile: "well done." Chen Qingyun is confused. What is the student union taught by this kind of evil teacher?Chen Qingyun clapped his forehead and was speechless. Isn't peach blossom a student of dragonfly ye now? This combination of teachers and students is really invincible!

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