The first one is coming. Let's vote!


Zhai Lingwei stands in front of the door and sees Chen Qingyun coming. She pulls him to the dressing room.

"Why did you come! Crystal has an activity to attend in the afternoon. Don't waste your time. Go and make up quickly

Chen Qingyun touched his chin and said with a smile, "do I still use make-up like this? Don't you think that's pretty? "

Zhai Lingwei gave a wry smile and said, "don't be so talkative, young master. It's really urgent. Let's go

Chen Qingyun is assigned to a makeup artist by Zhai Lingwei. The phone rings immediately. After two words, he runs out to answer the phone.

Why are women so busy now?

The performing arts circle has always been the place with the strongest sense of mystery. It's hard to be clear without being involved. Since contact with crystal, Chen Qingyun also has a deep understanding of this mythical career highland.

The lighting in the studio was bright and the staff were walking back and forth. Crystal, who had been ready for a long time, was sitting on the chair and playing with his mobile phone. After playing for a while, Chen Qingyun didn't come over, so he asked Zhai Lingwei, who was walking around and calling.

"Sister Lingwei, why hasn't he finished it yet?"

Zhai Lingwei covered the phone and said with a wry smile, "I've just gone to urge it. It will be ready soon."

Crystal is how big, when waiting for others, others are waiting for her. Today is a good day. It's an eye opener for everyone.

Most of the people in the studio know some news. One of today's leading roles is crystal, and the other is a little assistant who is not famous.

What's the sacred of this assistant? It's amazing! You can make crystal wait for such a long time, it's definitely the first person in ancient and modern times.

"Well, who is the hero today! So arrogant, let Jingjing wait so long? "

"It's said that he is a very handsome man, and he was appointed by Jean Dong?"

"Wow... That means handsome and rich! No wonder Jingjing didn't show impatience after waiting so long. "

Chen Qingyun's delay in his appearance has made him more and more popular in the studio, and more and more people speculate about him.

Zhai Lingwei put down the phone. It's estimated that Chen Qingyun is almost there. Why hasn't she appeared yet? With a crystal said, ran out of the studio came to the dressing room.

Push open the door, eager to ask: "not yet?"

"Sister Lingwei, it will be ready soon." The make-up artist replied quickly, and at the same time, he didn't have a spare hand, constantly drawing on Chen Qingyun's face.

"How did it take so long?" Zhai Lingwei felt strange and came near. Want to know this make-up artist but oneself bring over, the technique how, in the heart very clear. It should not take so long.

Finally, the makeup artist filled the powder twice, straightened his waist with satisfaction, and said with pride: "of course, it's to show his most perfect side. Look, isn't it perfect? Such a pretty face, I don't know how many crazy people I'm going to be fascinated by when I go out! "

Zhai Lingwei looked at Chen Qingyun carefully. She was startled. The face that looks very lazy originally takes on a new look.

Sword eyebrows, big eyes, high bridge of nose, sexy lips, modified cheeks become a lot of mellow, no domineering and more sunshine.

Originally wheat skin has become white, wearing a white tuxedo, he is more like a prince than a groom.

Zhai Lingwei knows that she is definitely not a flower crazy woman, but she has to admit that she was in a trance when she saw Chen Qingyun just now. She is a flower crazy for this man.

"Sister Lingwei, I feel like I'm going to get married. How did you take a wedding picture? " Chen Qingyun stood up, looked at himself in the mirror and touched his chin. Handsome is more handsome, but it does not conform to their own character ah! It's not the image of a man.

"How many themes are there? The wedding is the first. Well, don't be narcissistic. Get dressed and get out Zhai Lingwei is afraid to see Chen Qingyun again.

The guy's weird smile when he was looking in the mirror made her feel uneasy.

This is the true portrayal of Chen Qingyun. It's just that some people have already complained. They can wait for crystal, because crystal is a big star, but why wait for a little assistant?

The door of the studio was opened, and people looked at the door. Everyone wanted to see for the first time. Who is the man who made crystal wait for nearly half an hour?

However, we are disappointed. Two women came in. Ran Tiantian came with her secretary Luo Wanyu.

Crystal also thought it was Chen Qingyun, looked up, did not think it was ran Tiantian.

Ran Tiantian nodded with a smile and came to the crystal“ Miss crystal, I just have time today. I'll come and have a look at the shooting. It won't affect you, will it? "

"Of course not. Please have a seat, Mr. ran

In front of outsiders, the two also appear to be very formal, a few simple chat. Ran Tiantian's sight has been wandering around, looking for a long time also did not find Chen Qingyun's figure.

"Why hasn't our hero appeared yet?"

Crystal shrugged helplessly and said: "the hero! Of course, it's going to take a back row. "

"Ha ha, it seems that the card is really big, so that our crystal lady can wait." Ran Tiantian responded with a smile.

The two women were chatting with each other. They seemed to be absent-minded. Luo Wanyu stood behind ran Tiantian and saw all this in his eyes. I can't help but wonder about Chen Qingyun. What does this man do? Crystal can be allowed to wait for it, and his boss had a full schedule today, but also all pushed off, specially to see the shooting. Although the boss didn't say it, she could feel that the purpose of Ran Tiantian's coming here is not to watch the shooting, but Chen Qingyun.

Think about the last meeting with Chen Qingyun, it seems that there is nothing too special? Is this the power of love, can let the workaholic ran Tiantian give up work. This is nothing. The question is, does that man seem to have something to do with crystal? It's said that the boss may be deeply involved now. Do you want to remind him?

Just then, the door opened again. Chen Qingyun came in wearing a white tuxedo.

Quiet down in the studio!

"This is the hero? What film has he been in? "

"Wow... My God... How so handsome!"

"Well, are you just lying? Does he look like a little assistant to you? It's more handsome than Leonardo! "

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