"Forget it, forget it, I don't need you to do pedicure because of your embarrassment?" Crystal toot up small mouth, some little girl's coquetry, let her lovely side show incisively and vividly.

Chen Qingyun doesn't ask for mercy either. Crystal knows that she can't fight in many ways, so she gives in on her own initiative.

"Thank you for your good wife?" Zhai Lingwei covered her mouth and snickered. In fact, she didn't want Chen Qingyun to do foot therapy. A man is a man, not everything has to be used to a woman. In her traditional thought, men should have a certain position in the family. If crystal had not forced her to sit on the sofa, she would have been hiding in the room.

As you know, crystal is a tough hearted person. In order not to let the situation get serious, Zhai Lingwei specially finds a step for Chen Qingyun.

"I agree. Dad is tired all day at work. How can we get dad to do foot therapy for us. It should be sister crystal who made it for Dad. " In peach blossom's mind, Chen Qingyun is a god like existence. It is absolutely not allowed to suffer any injustice. Even the whole earth has to go around Chen Qingyun.

Crystal speechless, he just said a word. The two accomplices rebelled. What medicine did the best husband give them to defend her? Fortunately, they didn't say anything and said something they didn't like to listen to, but they didn't kill them!

This guy is really magical. It's only been a few days, and Zhai Lingwei has helped him.

Chen Qingyun walked back and forth for two circles, stopped in front of the three, stretched out his index finger, shook it, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "no, no, No. I think the spirit of the contract should be carried out. So, I agree to give you foot therapy With that, he rubbed his hands vigorously, looking eager to try.

Crystal and Zhai Lingwei two people at the same time in the heart of a clatter, at the same time out of an idea. Why is he so enthusiastic?

"So who will start first?" Chen Qingyun felt his chin and looked back and forth in front of two pairs of white feet. It seemed that it was difficult to make a decision.



The two women spoke in unison, pointing at each other with their fingers.

"Ha ha, you are very modest. I'll press whatever I don't need. You just have to choose a representative first. "

"Just give me the crystal. She has to run around every day, perform on stage and attend activities. Her body is overloaded every day. Just because you know foot therapy, help her to recuperate well! You don't have to do it for me. " Zhai Lingwei said quickly.

Crystal shakes her head, grabs Zhai Lingwei's hand and says with concern: "sister Lingwei, you can't say that. Although I am tired, you are more tired than me. When I am free, you are still busy. If you are tired, you are more tired than me. If you press it first, you must press it first. "

"Crystal, I'd better press it for you."

"No, sister Lingwei, I must press it for you first. I don't want to press it all of a sudden. "

The two women were modest to each other, but no one wanted to press.

Chen Qingyun felt his chin, did he suddenly burst out of the gas of bastard, so that two women had a strong sense of guilt in their hearts?

He didn't know that the smile just made the two women feel empty. No wonder, who let him nickname big hooligan.

"All right. Don't be modest. I'll make my own decision. Just give it to sister Lingwei first. " Chen Qingyun directly sat on the tea table, picked up Zhai Lingwei's foot and put it on his lap.

"Ah Zhai Lingwei's face turned red with a shy and slight tone.

You know, this is in front of the crystal, the inner neutral moment slowly rises another kind of stimulating feeling.

Chen Qingyun did not stop, and his hands immediately moved. Although he has no deep understanding of foot therapy, it is not difficult for him to start foot therapy when he remembers the acupoints more clearly than how many hairs he has on his body.

The strength is easy to retract and release, and it is comfortable to press on the acupoints.

Every time Chen Qingyun presses it, Zhai Lingwei's body will tremble. It's not that Chen Qingyun is very comfortable, but that the sensitive part of her body is not her chest, not her neck, but her most rare foot.

What's more, she had a close relationship with Chen Qingyun. When the other person massaged her, a little bit of stimulation in her heart would gradually stimulate her.

Comfort and pleasure stimulate her mind, want to cry. But did not dare, crystal sitting next to her, take a look at her, take a look at Chen Qingyun, if less careless, will make a joke. At that time, it'll be dead.

"Don't be nervous, relax!" Chen Qingyun can see Zhai Lingwei's nervousness and gives a voice guidance.

Zhai Lingwei bit her lip and nodded, for fear that she would cry out.

Five minutes later, Chen Qingyun didn't do regular foot therapy. Instead, he rubbed Zhai Lingwei's feet hot. Only in this case can he do foot therapy best.

The process of preheating is a test for Zhai Lingwei. With more and more friction, she feels more and more hot, and the lingering scenes of Chen Qingyun constantly emerge in her mind.

Finally in the end or collapse, comfortable groan.

The room was quiet, but Zhai Lingwei didn't find anything wrong and was still immersed in Chen Qingyun's technique. And crystal is confused?

Is this guy good at foot therapy? Is it that comfortable? They were so comfortable that they cried out. Looking at Zhai Lingwei's face again, her face flushed, her eyes closed and she was totally intoxicated. She just wanted to give up, which is because Zhai Lingwei's performance is expected.

"How's it going? My technique is good, isn't it? " Chen Qingyun said triumphantly.

"Cut, can only say Ling Wei elder sister is very tired. You're just helping her out. " Crystal mouth is not so easy to admit.

"Wait a minute, you'll see." Chen Qingyun doesn't think anyone can resist the magic of his hands. If you feel the high tide directly, it's bragging force. It's OK to make people fascinated.

After the warm-up, Chen Qingyun began to explore the acupoints one by one. Zhai Lingwei frowned at the trial.

Chen Qingyun sighed: "sister Lingwei, you can't work hard in the future. There's something wrong with your stomach

"Yes." Zhai Lingwei at the moment where dare to speak, biting her lips, squeezed a word from her teeth.

Crystal has been paying attention to Chen Qingyun's expression, just want to see if this guy will take advantage of it. I didn't expect that he was so serious. He had the same expression when he was treating the water tiger. He was completely involved in the identity of the doctor.

Crystal and Zhai Lingwei two women are very strong women, in order to work, the body will have some minor problems. Chen Qingyun regards them as his own, and just takes this opportunity to help them recuperate. Naturally, he won't bring any * * in it.


PS: time flies. It's Thursday. There are still four days left this week. Let's keep our honor!

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