As soon as Er Qingyun opened his mouth, he was charged with "Du Zhiyuan was doomed immediately."

Huang Shan coughed two times and said to himself, "this guy is really cruel. No wonder Li Anshan fell into his hands.


"I think Du Zhiyuan is also worried. The information he may get is not accurate and has not been verified in time. I will handle this matter and give you a satisfactory answer. " Without the presence of reporters, Huang Shan lowered his tone slightly. Now I don't have much confidence. Zhai Lingwei is OK. Is crystal more likely to be ok?

I thought I would take advantage of this opportunity to get a promotion, but now I'm in an awkward position. Maybe I shouldn't have been interested in the person's condition at the beginning.

Ah. So far, it's too late to go back. Huang Shan sighed in his heart and said, "I think I'd better let Miss crystal out as soon as possible! This matter can also be solved as soon as possible. "

Several people are talking, crystal with a handkerchief rubbing hair out of the bathroom, see the room actually have police startled, asked: "what happened to stripping love?"

Zhai Lingwei had to say it again.

"Nonsense. I'm not good. How can I be intoxicated. Director Huang. It seems that someone maliciously slandered assistant Chen. It is also possible that this matter is aimed at me. Anyway, this matter has caused adverse effects on us. I hope the police can give us a reasonable explanation. "

Huang Shan's forehead exuded sweat again. Crystal's spirit is better than Zhai Lingwei's. This time, she was fooled. The door was jammed with reporters. As soon as the door is opened, his career will suffer. Of course, he can find a scapegoat. This German opponent is an ordinary person. For this kind of crystal super influential person, it is difficult for him to maintain his position.

"We will never blame a good man or condone a bad man. Don't worry, Miss crystal. The police will give you an explanation. " At present, Huang Shan has no good way to solve the immediate problem, so he has to drag on. How can we reasonably solve this matter.

Qiu Xiaojiu saw Huang Shan's shriveled appearance and turned his lips. I didn't expect to lose so soon. If she doesn't say anything at this time, it won't make sense. Huang Shan's bad luck will damage the reputation of the police. She can ignore Huang Shan's life and death, but she can't ignore the prestige of the City Council.

"Miss crystal, why not. Would you like to tell me all about your calendar this evening and let's analyze it? " Qiu Jiu said in a voice.

It's always easier for women to communicate. Crystal did not object, seriously said all that happened tonight. I just changed the poisoning into food poisoning. After I got home, my stomach was aching all the time. As a result, I fainted. Finally Chen Qingyun was sent to the hospital.

As for why doctors say that. She doesn't know.

Qiu Xiaoai after listening to crystal about, also feel something strange. From beginning to end, she didn't believe that Chen Qingyun would poison, but she knew they were husband and wife. What's more, will a vicious person go to save an old woman in danger? Although I don't like to see Chen Qingyun very much. However, as a police officer, she still believes that Chen Qingyun is a good person without bringing her personal feelings into her work.

"It seems that we have caused some trouble for you. On behalf of the leaders, I apologize to you. Miss crystal is a public figure. Such a thing will certainly have an impact.

Let's make a compromise. Put it down as soon as possible. "

Huang Shan is very depressed. Qiu Xiaowen suddenly helps him speak, but he is very moved. But just a few words made him uncomfortable, so quickly admit his mistake. It's not about admitting that you're wrong. And it's not settled yet. How to say that Du Zhexing is really poisoned. Maybe there is room for maneuver!

Most importantly, it seems that there is a breakthrough for doctors?

Just at this time, an old doctor came in.

"Doctor, you are just in time. We have something to ask you? " Chen Qingyun pulls the doctor and presses him on the chair. Pointing at Huang Shan, they asked, "how do you say crystal is poisoned?"

The old doctor frowned: "did I say that? I'm sorry. Maybe I'm confused. I have a bad memory when I am old. I'm so sorry. Miss crystal, are you feeling better? "

"It doesn't hurt now. Thank you, doctor." Crystal said gratefully.

"You're welcome. Remember, don't eat unhealthy food in the future. Try not to eat in those restaurants outside. It's safest to eat at home. Since it's OK, have a good rest! You can leave the hospital tomorrow morning. " With that, the old doctor got up and walked out of the ward slowly.

Huang Shan completely cool heart, did not expect to be able to make such an episode. No matter what the old doctor said was true or false, now everything that was good for him was gone. Did he recommend to torture the old professor who was about to enter the coffin?

"I think director Huang should have something to say now?" Chen Qingyun gives a cigarette with a smile, which is not gloomy. I'm very close to Huang Shan, like a pair of bad friends.

Huang Shan took the cigarette and the other party lit it for him. He was really flattered! This living Father will also light cigarettes.

"Assistant Chen! It's really a bit reckless of the police. But our starting point is really good. And from the perspective of our police. Some of you are still under suspicion. however. Basically, there's no big problem. In the future. Further investigation is needed. A few of you have to cooperate a lot. On behalf of the police, I once again apologize to the three of you for this incident. We, the police, will make some compensation. "

Chen Qingyun took a puff and said with a smile: "Mu" Huang Ju, where are you talking about? That's not true. After all, you have good intentions. Although we were wronged, we were innocent after all. We don't need rewards. "

Huang Shan almost choked by the smoke. Is this guy transsexual? Just now, I'm still making things difficult. After a while, I'm talking to myself again?

Qiu Xiaoai does not think so, light ask a way: "have what condition to say directly!"

Chen Qingyun laughs and scratches his head. He wants to pat Qiu Xiaoai on the shoulder, but the other party seems to have seen through his intention and evaded him. Chen Qingyun can only pat his thigh for a while.

"There's really no need for rewards. We just want to be treated fairly. I hope you will come forward and apologize to us publicly for slandering us. also. The root of this is that hateful restaurant. If their things are clean, how can we get food poisoning. I don't think that would happen to Du Shao. If I am not wrong, he should also be food poisoning, but deeper than crystal two. Huang Ju, seal up this son of a bitch's restaurant! "

Mouth: the fifth watch is here. Let's vote for the monthly ticket! Endless updates! I can see that you are still very powerful!

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