It's a small bottle that's thumb thick, with R ǔ White s è liquid.

Chen Qingyun played with the little bottle and said with a smile, "do they want to play more? Let's have a good time with them! Otherwise, I'm really sorry for their good intentions. This thing is very good. Take it back and have a good test to see if it has any use value. "

Chen Qingyun throws the bottle back to Feng, drops the cigarette end and stands up.

"Go ahead with the plan! Remember, once someone knows about my ass, I'll kill you first. "With that, Chen Qingyun turns and walks into the ward.

Wind's face collapsed, it seems that the boss is still very concerned about the buttocks! It is estimated that there is only one person in the world who dares to say something about his ass, that is, the abnormal woman with shoulder length and short head in Longyin.

Chen Qingyun re-enter the room, immediately by two women a left and a right driving Chen Qingyun pressed to the sofa.

"I don't think you have anything to do now?" Asked crystal.

Chen Qingyun shook his head and said: "last night, he lost too much blood. It seems that his head has some pain."

"Don't pretend. Who was going to hit someone just now. I'll tell you, none of these tricks work. You enjoyed the service of my uncle yesterday. Is it time to do something for our sisters? "

Chen Qingyun spread his hands and said, "you are a big bully. ok You can trample at will. Trample me, I will never resist, OK! However, please be gentle. It's the first time for others. "

Crystal and Zhai Lingwei feel the sweat pores expand instantly, and the sweat hairs all stand up. What's in this guy's head! Last night, they were despised as y í n. sluts by this guy. Can this R ì Zi survive?

"Jingjing, do you mind if I bite him?" Zhai Lingwei asked, squinting her charming eyes.

"Bite hard, you're welcome. No, let's bite together! The big hooligan who killed you Crystal hate said.

It's no longer called sister Tongxin, it's called sister Tongkou, isn't it? Chen Qingyun didn't expect that even Zhai Lingwei liked it. Seeing that they had left a piece of "feiyada" on their left and right arms, they had no choice but to smile bitterly and wonder if they would go to the epidemic prevention station to get an injection of rabies vaccine?

"Say it or not!" Crystal with pink lips, threatened.

Chen Qingyun took out his arms and rubbed them with each other. He said in pain, "I've done it. You can stay in Germany! If you have any questions, please ask as soon as possible. We have a lot of serious work to do today? "

"Let me ask the first question first. Why are we poisoned? Is it really Du Zhexing's poison? But why is he poisoned? Do you have any evidence? " Asked crystal.

Because the time was urgent yesterday, Chen Qingyun simply told them some process, but did not elaborate.

Chen Qingyun shook his head: "there is no evidence. I just guess by intuition. As for why he was poisoned, I think it has another purpose. The most direct point is to frame me and get rid of me. "

"Because you played with him these two times? Is there a mistake? " Crystal some can't accept this reality. Although there are some contradictions between them, they are not so far away, are they?

"If my guess is not wrong, he should have an accomplice. He should have been bewitched by his accomplice."

Zhai Lingwei usually does most of her work to help crystal deal with routine affairs. She is very good at analyzing such problems. As soon as Chen Qingyun says that Du Zhexing has an accomplice, she immediately understands.

"You mean the imperial dining room cooperated with Du Zhexing?"

Chen Qingyun nodded with a smile, his eyes showing appreciation.

"No wonder you kept yelling yesterday that Huang Shan had sealed other people's restaurant. It was for revenge." Crystal at this moment suddenly realized.

"Why did you let Huang Shan go yesterday, since you are a person who will repay you. You know, yesterday we insisted that they enforce the law violently. With our influence, he's out of luck. " Crystal feels sick at the thought of Huang Shan's face.

Chen Qingyun laughs, not to mention that the crystal is really like his own x ì ngzi. If she hadn't let Huang Shan go on her own initiative yesterday, she might have taken advantage of her influence to clean up Huang Shan.

"If nothing happens, Huang Shan should be one of them. I'm just paralyzing them. I can't kill them all at once. "

"What? What's going on? How can so many people unite against us. Are you going to seduce other people's wives? " Crystal not angry asked.

"Chen Qingyun said nothing.

Crystal does not know, what are these things! She's on the international super kill list now. However, Chen Qingyun did not tell the other party. On the one hand, it's useless; on the other hand, it just increases the trouble.

"Well, what else can I do for you? If not, we can leave the hospital. "

"Then why did the doctor help us cheat Huang Shan in the end?" Zhai Lingwei asked.

Chen Qingyun said with a smile, "a friend of mine helped me. As long as you don't slip your tongue, you were food poisoning last night, and no one will talk about it again. "

Lu Shengfeng is also the deputy director of the National Security Bureau. It's not difficult to do such a small thing with a little effort. When he showed his work permit in front of the old professors, the old professors who saw this kind of certificate immediately cooperated unconditionally. If you don't cooperate, you will be treason. I have to say that Lu Shengfeng has a way of bluffing people.

Chen Qingyun here for crystal two people solve doubts, mention Huang Shan, the latter immediately fierce sneeze.

"Sorry, Qin Shao, I caught a cold last night. It's not that I don't want to help you. Yesterday's thing is too sudden, crystal two people have nothing, I really have no tricks In the face of the Eastern Emperor of Qin Dynasty, Huang Shan did not have the style of being a leader. Instead, he was like a dog.

Qin Donghuang was still dressed in a white s è suit, and the stubble on his face seemed never to be taken care of. He gave a faint smile: "it doesn't matter. Thanks for Huang Ju's help. It's interesting here. Please accept it. "

Emperor Qin Donghuang drew a file bag from under the tea table and pushed it to Huang Shan.

A thick bag, you can see it's a lot of money. Huang Shan's eyes changed as soon as he saw the file bag. But he also knows how to advance and retreat. Money is a good thing, but if you are in trouble all over because of money, don't worry about it.

"Qin Shao, you are very kind. In fact, Chen Qingyun and I have some problems, which is not helpful. Besides, I didn't help much. I'm ashamed of it. You'd better take it back! " Huang Shan is also an old fox. He doesn't lose sight of money.

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