After Chen Qingyun and others returned to century film, they immediately began to prepare for the news conference. Because the reporters were informed of the accident last night, they don't have to prepare anything now. As long as the venue for the press conference is ready.

At 2 p.m., the press conference was full of reporters.

Crystal, Zhai Lingwei and Chen Qingyun three people sit in the position, as the boss of the company, Long Feng naturally also sits on it.

When the time came, the master of ceremonies at the scene presided over the order of the venue and handed the right to speak to crystal.

"Thank you very much for coming to today's press conference. Before coming here, I believe everyone knows the purpose of this trip. First of all, I would like to thank you for your concern for me. Now I have nothing to do, thank you. Many people don't know what happened last night. First of all, I'd like to tell you what happened last night

In the face of the camera, crystal generous and decent, leisurely will happen last night about the side.

"Today's press conference just wants to tell you two things. First of all, it was reported last night that I was poisoned by assistant Chen, which is nothing. Please do not believe in slander. Second, it's up to assistant Chen to tell you. "

All the spotlight fell on Chen Qingyun. Everyone wanted to hear what he would say when he was stigmatized. Some reporters who showed up last night know that this guy is a very angry person. It seems that there must be big news today.

Chen Qingyun specially chose a black s è suit of European version in the company, which is a white s è shirt, an absolutely eternal black-and-white match. Originally, he had a strong figure, which was the shelf of clothes. Today, wearing this kind of high-end cut suit, it is even more handsome.

Sitting there, but no weaker than those big stars.

"Hello everyone, maybe a lot of people don't know me. First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm crystal's new assistant. My name is Chen Qingyun. First of all, I would like to express my sorrow for what happened last night. Du Zhexing, the second generation of Du's group, has fallen on the bed and can't open his eyes because of food poisoning. I'm very happy with the grief. " Chen Qingyun's serious face suddenly became very happy.

This guy is absolutely the best. He dares to say that he is very happy in such a public place when others are bedridden.

However, some of the reporters of the Taoist guards are not willing to listen to Chen Qingyun. Immediately someone began to fight back: "as far as I know, the person who slandered assistant Chen was Du Zhiyuan, the leader of Du's group. Your anger is understandable. But it's not right for you to base your happiness on each other's pain in public? "

Long Feng is quite strong. As the boss of an entertainment media company, he hasn't seen this kind of scene a thousand times, even 800 times. No matter what happens, he feels capable of dealing with it. But today's situation has given him a headache. This assistant Chen doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick! No matter how reasonable he is, I'm afraid these reporters will turn their backs now.

People's followers are very strong. The first person asked questions, and several people asked some very sensitive questions in succession. Obviously, he is very dissatisfied with Chen Qingyun's remarks. It's like how honest they are, but they don't think that what they report everyday is that they also base their money on the pain of others.

Chen Qingyun sneered at the monkey like behavior of several reporters and asked: "is it not worth our pleasure that our Miss crystal and miss Zhai Lingwei escaped by chance?"

Quiet down in the meeting, just those who are still chattering immediately closed their mouths. Obviously, they are a little too anxious to find a breakthrough for Chen Qingyun and rush to attack. They didn't expect that the other side turned around and killed him.

Long Feng wiped a cold sweat for Chen Qingyun in his heart. Ya, you have nothing to play with. Calm down, he found that Chen Qingyun is different. He's a talented person with quick thinking and great wit!

"I'm just crystal's assistant. To put it bluntly, I'm a runner and a part-time worker. Maybe in some people's eyes, even a mole ant is not as good as grinding to death. However, I want to tell you that even a mole ant has his own dignity. When I do something wrong, I dare to take responsibility. But I didn't do it. Some people wanted to slander me, even if they were celebrities ǔ VIP, I'd like to ask for an explanation. People can be bullied, but their dignity cannot be trampled. For nothing else, just because I'm a man with a handle! "

Chen Qingyun stood up with the microphone, with a very serious expression on his face, high pitched voice, very infectious. Awesome language is spoken in public, but it gives people a feeling of great strength, without any vulgar feeling, but shows the most incisive mood of him.

Some of the infected journalists even clapped for this.

In fact, what Chen Qingyun said was just the voice of the public. They are the same people of Yanhuang, but they are treated differently. Some people enjoy special treatment, while others live a life worse than dogs. Take journalists for example. Sometimes they don't want to do things that harm others but not themselves, but they also want to live. It's all a son of a bitch's life. When people don't understand it, they are often insulted and insulted.

The best way to win over comrades in arms is not to bribe them, but to stand on the same front with them, which is enough.

After a lot of provocative remarks, Chen Qingyun added a lot of impression points for himself in front of reporters, and also added a lot of weight to his later remarks.

"Everyone is familiar with the name of Du Zhiyuan. A reporter just mentioned him. And the second thing I said is about him. In the absence of any evidence, he kept saying that it was me who poisoned him, instead of thinking about whether he had eaten unclean food in the restaurant. Here I want to say, please use your brain for this big boss with a fortune of more than 10 billion. Even if it's poisoning, I'll find an alibi. Although my mouth stinks, my heart is not bad. I don't care with him because of his illness. As long as he is willing to apologize in front of the media, it will be deemed that it has not happened. Otherwise, we'll have to meet in court. "

At this moment, a burst of s appeared at the door ā O chaos, I don't know who yelled: "here comes Du Zhiyuan!"

All eyes were on the door.

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