Yuntian everyone's reward and monthly ticket. When you are tired to death, you should also insist on making efforts

Chen Qingyun was angry just now. Li Xueping really forgot his accomplice.

He turned his head and looked at the partner standing in front of the whiteboard. The latter was looking at him anxiously and immediately cast a reassuring look. The latter just sighed, and his expression became better.

"Good. In order not to delay the precious time of your parents, let's start checking tickets again now! " The headmaster called out with the microphone.

Li Xueping snorted and came to the side of the ticket box. He began to read the tickets one by one.

Every chapter will be read to Chen Qingyun to see, whiteboard teacher over there statistics.

In fact, everyone is curious. Now the parents also want to know if there is any activity?

As time goes by, the number of votes is still the same, and there is not much difference.

As like as two peas, the two men voted the same number, and Li Xueping held the last one. At this time, who is the last one?

If it is a dragonfly, then Li Xueping is in bad luck. If it is Wang Tao, then Chen Qingyun will have bad luck.

No matter what the result, there will be someone who has a hard time today.

The last ticket was finally issued. Li Xueping shook the ticket in front of Chen Qingyun, with a proud face: "hum! Are you clear? "

"Wang Du!"

There was an uproar under the stage. There was no suspense about the vote this time. That parent just got shriveled“ It seems that I underestimate you. " Chen Qingyun chuckled, not too nervous.

Li Xueping's face became insidious, and he hummed coldly: "you can still be happy now. It's your bad luck later. You've been performing just now, and now it's my turn. "

As soon as Li Xueping turned his head, his face became very sunny. He just came to the stage with a little anger and said in a loud voice, "dear parents. Now the truth has come out. I can solemnly declare that although my control mood is a little worse, I am definitely a good teacher! I don't need this parent to apologize to me, but he has defamed the whole school. Therefore, he must apologize for the bad influence on the school! "

It's quiet. Everyone looks at Chen Qingyun. Is it stupid?

Chen Qingyun happily went to Li Xueping's side, grabbed the microphone: "cough" that, OK! I admit I was wrong! In order to show my sincerity, I want to do something to satisfy the school. And also to delay the precious time of parents compensation. I will bow for everyone present once. Please sit in the first row. The first parent will start to count. Please be accurate. Don't leave anyone behind. "

The headmaster is sweating again. This parent is really a constant master. Play one thing and play another. Anyway. You can't do that at this time! Schools should be generous at the right time.

The headmaster came on stage again and said, "this parent, you don't have to apologize. After all, you are also for the good of the children. Dear parents. Are you right? Besides, Mr. Li is not so fussy. " With that, he gave Li Xueping a wink.

In fact, Li Xueping should give up at this time. After all, he should be generous, but he really hates Chen Qingyun. It's not easy to find an opportunity to vent. How can we let it go easily. However, the headmaster has said something. It's time to give him some face!

How good is it? Fortunately, bad people's mouths are not very stupid. In the blink of an eye, they think of the best words.

"From my personal point of view, I really appreciate this parent's practice. Because parents are the first teachers of children. Compared with education, parents should set an example for their children. However, today's situation is a bit special. I don't care about your fault. Wu, let's just let it go! " Li Xueping said very flatly.

Hum, don't you always talk about education? Good. I'll talk to you about education this time. I'll see how you end up. If you don't do what you said before, you'll slap yourself in the face and be despised.

Li Xueping is very insidious to pull Chen Qingyun into the trap, completely forget everything. At the moment, his fellow teachers can't stand any more. He winked at Li Xueping. But now Li Xueping is eager for revenge and forgets him.

Chen Qingyun took a step forward and said in a loud voice, "this teacher is right. Please cooperate. We should let our children know that if we do something wrong, we should know how to take responsibility. "

There was silence for a few seconds, and the first call came out.


3 ",

The process of counting is very fast. Chen Qingyun is very relaxed on the stage and always keeps a cheerful look.

Li Xueping's accomplices saw that everyone's attention was not on them. They quietly went to Li Xueping's front and whispered a few words.

Li Xueping's face immediately changed. "No?" he asked in a low voice

"Not necessarily! I don't think we should continue. If he really mainly goes to this place, it's bad. Stop it

"It's too late.

Let's talk about it then! " Li; Ding Er can't live in the warehouse. He hopes that Chen QingWang really intends to apologize. It's really bad to be back to Zhou Xiaozhen. Even if Chen Qingyun heard their conversation just now, he couldn't know the plan he made yesterday. He didn't mention it at all. Before, in the office, just to ensure that everything is safe, a little detail was added temporarily.

Now Li Xueping's heart is in a mess, and Chen Qingbing's ghost is still obvious. Some regret, just overjoyed.

The speed of counting was very fast, and it was finished very quickly.

The total number of parents and students present is one hundred.

If you want to bow, you have to be exhausted.

Mule Lingwei sat under the stage with a bitter smile and said to peach blossom, "look, your father has really set a good example for you this time.".

"Ha ha, my father has a strong nose. It's all right Peach covered her mouth and said with a smile that she didn't mean to worry at all.

The most guilty thing about the whole thing is the dragonfly standing backstage. And she knows that. Chen Qingyun didn't have the heart to lose the honor of being an excellent teacher. That's why he attacked Li Xueping. But I didn't expect that this was the result. Did Li Xueping not act as a ghost? That's what happened?

"Sheng. A lot of people! OK, now that I've said it, I'll do it. I will bow to everyone present. To show my apologies. Chen Qingyun said sincerely.

When Li Xueping saw Chen Qingyun, he really meant to apologize, and his uneasiness was relieved. It seems that the other party didn't see it at all, but how could this guy give up so easily this time?

"Oh, no". Chen Qingyun suddenly yelled. Turning around, he pointed to the whiteboard and said, "the number of votes above is strong, Zhang. We're just... People. What's the matter with the extra ten tickets? "

When Chen Qingyun said that, everyone immediately saw this unusual little detail. If you don't calculate carefully, it's not easy to see this.

There are not so many people, but there are so many votes. It's suspicious“ Ah. It seems that the parent is still trying to quibble. I didn't realize my mistake at all. After such a long delay, one or two parents must have left first. This is very normal! " Li Xueping stood up indignantly.

"Is that true?" Chen Qingyun turned his head and asked.

"I've been standing at the door! No one came out of the auditorium, as I can testify. In front of the auditorium gate, a young man with black glasses leaned against him, playing tarot cards in his hand, and shouting loudly.

"Er" Li Xueping is speechless. Where did this guy come from? The sweat from his forehead came down, and things got a little rough.

With the confirmation of a stranger, it's easy to explain. This time, the vote is really tricky.

Actually, it has nothing to do with parents. However, as Chen Qingyun has said before, it is related to children's learning environment. Moreover, since you want to do this kind of thing, don't treat it as a fool! As an excellent teacher, you can let whoever you want to be. Why do you have to come up with these things, and then let the parents accompany you like a fool!

There was a burst of shouting and swearing under the stage, which was really disgusting.

The headmaster turned his head and asked Li Xueping, "what's going on?.

"Headmaster, I'm Li Xueping speechless. Now what can he say. The problem lies with him and the teacher who checks the ticket. You can see it if you're not a fool.

"Headmaster, the problem at present is not to find out who is responsible. It's to solve the problem fairly. Who is the real excellent teacher? " Chen Qingyun interrupted the headmaster.

The headmaster quickly nodded yes.

Now he can see that this parent is a bad one. Now that the other party is in charge of the reputation of his school, he must be treated like an elder.

Li Xueping stood on the platform with a pale face, feeling that his soul was out of his body. In fact, their second plan is to follow the normal steps for all votes. When the last vote comes out, we can decide whether or not to cheat. If Wang Tao wins, they naturally don't have to go on. If Wang Tao doesn't win, he will add the votes he has prepared in advance. In fact, Wang Tao's disadvantage is not so much as that of dragonfly Ye. It's just nine votes short. You know, he prepared a hundred tickets, but he didn't expect that Chen Qingyun found all the ten tickets.

This asshole, he said an apology just to let his parents cooperate with him to check the number of people. It's careless. It's too late to say anything now.

Since there is fraud, the result must be incorrect. The principal is no fool. Immediately announced loudly: "now I announced that this excellent teacher is Ye Dragonfly teacher!"

Applause! Happy things always excite people.

"On behalf of the school, I apologize for the inconvenience this time. In order to give you a satisfactory answer. Please take a break and give us ten minutes to investigate the story. The truth has come to light. We will take this matter seriously. The headmaster stood in front of the stage and made a solemn promise.

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