Lin Ruo Niang was struck by thunder, and the thunder was so intense that it was tender inside and out. It turns out that in the eyes of the other party, I'm just a Chinese cabbage!

Anyway, they saved themselves once. There's no reward. At least you should know the name. It's better to say hello when we meet later.

"Just a moment, please." Lin ruonang ran to Chen Qingyun and stopped him with open arms“ At least let me know the name of the benefactor? "

Chen Qingyun scratched his head. He just wanted to be Lei Feng. Why does the other party refuse to give itself this opportunity?

"Elder sister, what's the age of this? I don't want you to commit yourself. " Chen Qingyun spread his shoulder and said helplessly.

What is it? By example? Lin Ruo Niang felt dizzy. She didn't seem to have said that she wanted to make a promise! Look at each other's expression, very helpless. Is it really hard to see such a beautiful woman in front of him? Is it too shocking?

"Well, you don't have to worry about it. Anyone who sees a beautiful woman like you being bullied will help. I have something else to do. I'll go first. " Chen Qingyun smiles and plans to leave around Lin ruonang.

Lin Ruo Niang turned her eyes and thought: "that's not right! You just told that man you were my boyfriend. But what if he comes to me again? I don't even know your name. How can I find you! You'd better tell me your name and phone number! "

Chen Qingyun has a big head for a while. This girl is very smart! Brain turns so fast, look at this posture, if you don't tell her name and phone number today, you don't want to leave here.

When there is a time, if the man's popularity is prosperous, it can't be stopped!

In Lin ruonang's eager eyes, Chen Qingyun had to honestly hand over his name and telephone number.

"Thank you, you are a good man!" Lin ruonang salutes Chen Qingyun and turns away with a smile.

Chen Qingyun is speechless. I have to get a good card!

Sitting on the garden bench for about 20 minutes, I feel almost recovered. Chen Qingyun finds peach blossom and takes her back to the ward.

Came to the door of the ward, heard the ward inside the bright laughter and crystal singing.

A father and daughter at the door immediately stopped, looked at each other, and then took out the mobile phone at the same time. There's that kind of smile on my face before I do something bad. You can see the two J's at the door ǐ The guard has straight hair, especially the one who just took peach blossom out to play ǐ The guard. But I know the power of the little devil.

The door of the ward was gently pushed open a small seam, and two mobile phones were put in at the same time.

At the moment, crystal forehead from the silk sweet sweat, face red. In order to take care of Shuihu, she didn't have any leisure for half an hour. In my heart, I scolded Chen Qingyun all the time. She asked herself to do so many things. How could she do it all by herself.

In addition to fanning, wiping sweat and feeding water tigers, they also need to tell jokes, sing songs and dance to make water tigers laugh. Although in the heart some do not believe Chen Qingyun, but dare not take Shuihu's illness to joke.

This meeting, crystal is standing in front of the bed singing and dancing, the performance of the program let people laugh and cry. It's peach blossom's favorite Korean children's song "three bears".

If you sing those popular songs, how can you make Shuihu laugh. In order to make Shuihu laugh, crystal also hollowed out the mind. These three bears are her last magic weapon.

Singing while dancing, but also with the action of the bear, pretending to be cute. I'm afraid she seldom sees crystals in this state?

There are three bears living together; Father bear, mother bear, baby bear; Father bear is strong, mother bear is slim and baby bear is cute; Growing up day by day!

Crystal would never dream that performing in the ward would be secretly photographed!

"Peach blossom! Let's hurry in! My grandfather is anxious to see you! " Chen Qingyun put the mobile phone away, deliberately raised his voice at the door.

The crystal in the room immediately stopped all movements and ran to the bedside with a handkerchief to wipe sweat for the water tiger. Good guy, if this is seen by that big hooligan, he may not know how to laugh at himself.

Chen Qingyun went into the room and pretended that he didn't see anything. He went directly to Shuihu's bed and asked, "grandfather, how do you feel?"

"It's a little hot."

Chen Qingyun nodded and pulled out the silver needles that had been inserted in the water tiger.

"It's hot because the blood is flowing too fast. Now, Grandpa, take a look. "

The water tiger tried to move his feet and found that all his toes could move. Although a little hard, but can feel the touch of the foot. Not like before, not at all.

"Why does grandfather seem to recover immediately after the first treatment. And then it won't happen again? " Crystal doesn't know anything about medicine, and now she can't help being curious.

Chen Qingyun said: "that's because the first treatment, the disease is not immune to the treatment, so the effect is the best. This is the same reason as taking medicine. Always take a drug, for a disease, a long time, the effect will be worse and worse, because of the drug produced resistance x ì ng. That's roughly what happened to my grandfather's health. Therefore, the first time there will be false healing phenomenon

Crystal nodded as if he knew nothing. In fact, the so-called anti drug x ì ng is not important to her. She just wants to know when her grandfather will get better. After all the acupuncture treatment, can grandfather stand up?

Chen Qingyun's R ì Zi has a thorough understanding of crystal. As soon as she looks at the other person's expression, she knows what she is thinking in her heart. She says with a smile: "after the acupuncture treatment, with the help of others, grandfather should not be a problem. Because the illness took a long time. After some western medicine and some training to strengthen the body function, we will stand up soon. "

Here two people are discussing the illness, but Shuihu is lazy to manage two people, already holding the peach blossom's small hand in the chat? From time to time on the issue of happy laughter.

Crystal is very depressed, he just spent so much effort, also did not see Shuihu smile so happy.

Because of the peach blossom, Shuihu kept them. And stayed for a long time, until peach said hungry want to go home. Water tiger this just can't bear to part of think two people take peach blossom to go home.

Out of the hospital, in view of the late weather, Chen Qingyun let peach blossom and crystal ride. And he'll just go back on his bike.

"You're tired. Let's put the motorcycle here first. Let's go back by car with me! " Although crystal is still a little resentful to Chen Qingyun, it's not the time to get angry. Although Chen Qingyun behaves normally, she can feel Chen Qingyun's fatigue.

"Yes! Dad, let's go back by car together! " Peach blossom also said.

Just then, Chen Qingyun's phone rang.

Connect the phone, simply said two words to hang up the phone. I'm afraid I can't go back now.

"I have something to deal with, you go back first!" Chen Qingyun also explained that he jumped on the motorcycle and drove away immediately.

Crystal looked at Chen Qingyun's distant direction, touched his chin, pondered for a while, squatted down and asked peach blossom: "peach blossom, what does your father always go out to do at night? Is he going to see his girlfriend? "

"I don't know," he said! Dad never told me these things. But dad is a man. It's better for women not to get involved in these things. "

The crystal is completely speechless.

Xingtian calls and says something that surprised Chen Qingyun. Feng is injured.

In order to get to the river's Lake bar as soon as possible, Chen Qingyun gave full play to the speed of the motorcycle. It used to take him half an hour to get there in 13 minutes.

Jump off the motorcycle, Chen Qingyun directly into the bar.

The bar didn't have any guests today. I asked a waiter before I knew it was closed today.

When a bar is closed for one day, it means a lot of money is wasted. If it is not for something serious, it will not be closed at all.

Because the matter was urgent, Xing Tian said only a few words, but did not make it clear. Isn't Feng injured for the sake of torture? Isn't he on a mission today?

A gang member takes Chen Qingyun to the private room.

Pushing open the private room, Chen Qingyun has an impulse to get angry. There was no tension in the room, but it was very happy. There's smoke, there's wine, there's women.

There is a cigar in the mouth of the wind, and a cigar in the arms. It looks very windy ā O's woman is drinking with Xing Tian and Lu Shengfeng.

That's an emergency, isn't it?

Chen Qingyun's face ī Standing at the door, the lively atmosphere in the room immediately cooled down.

"Ha ha, boss, you are here at last. Come and sit down

As soon as Xingtian saw Chen Qingyun's expression, he immediately got up and came to Chen Qingyun and said respectfully, "boss, it was brother Feng who just asked me to say that."

Chen Qingyun glanced at Xingtian and found that his hand was injured and wrapped in gauze. He nodded and said, "I see. How did you get hurt? "

Xingtian saw that Chen Qingyun didn't blame him, so he felt at ease. Although Chen Qingyun laughs all day, the pressure on him is stronger than the wind. You know, this man can clean up the wind.

"Sit down first, boss! There's something trivial in the gang. I'll explain it to you later. Brother Feng is really hurt. "

Chen Qingyun sits down and takes a look at the woman in Feng's arms. The latter understood immediately and said to the woman seriously, "OK, go out! My boss doesn't like the presence of women. "

When the woman went out, Feng came to Chen Qingyun with a smile and said, "Hey, boss. I bet with Sheng Feng just now. As long as Xingtian calls to say that I'm injured, you must arrive as soon as possible. Ha ha

"Cut the crap. What happened? Aren't you on a mission? Why do you have time to run out again? " Chen Qingyun looks at the wind helplessly and sees the blood stains on the wind's trousers.

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