Winter is coming, we will be enthusiastic!

Bi Yuntao in the hospital by a stomach of gas, swollen face back to the emergency room. What's wrong with being asked? Until the Scorpion King asked, this just said yes.

At that time, scorpion king didn't think much about it. Since the other party dares to deal with his subordinates like this, he can also call out his taboo directly. It should be my friend. It's just that Bi Yuntao was nervous at that time and didn't ask each other's name. It's really hard to investigate.

In any case, if there is no trouble, the Scorpion King will not pursue. After bandaging, Bi Yuntao invited Scorpion King to eat hot pot in order to atone for his exploits.

When I came to the hot pot city, I met Dragonfly ye in the toilet. And then it happened in the toilet ī Dialogue.

You know, it's a chance to do something. Bi Yuntao estimated that the efficacy was almost there. He volunteered to ask the Scorpion King to tie the dragonfly to him.

It's such a powerful thing to pretend to be forced by my younger brother. With the Scorpion King in front of him, Bi Yuntao has no such chance.

It's very powerful to kick open the door and greet several brothers to rush in. However, when he stormed into the private room with awe inspiring manner and saw clearly that Chen Qingyun was sitting in the room, he was immediately dumbfounded.

It won't be so bad! How come you're the boss's friend again?

"Bi Yuntao, do you think your face shape is not beautiful enough, so you come to me specially to have a face lift for you?" Chen Qingyun sat upright on the chair, motionless, with his eyelids half folded.

Bi Yuntao immediately bent over and showed a smile. Today, I've already done something that makes the boss unhappy. I don't know which friend of his has been offended. Now it's good. It's in someone's hands again. It's just, is the boss's friend a stallion? Today, I met two beauties. How could they all have something to do with him?

"That, big brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

Chen Qingyun raised his head, lit a cigarette, his face full of Y ī Shen said, "what's wrong with her?"

Bi Yuntao personally experienced what happened in the Jianghu bar last time. At that time, he knew that this woman's identity and background were not simple. Scorpion King's friend, then certainly is also Scorpion King level character, even stronger.

It seems that the boss doesn't know who this woman is. Otherwise, I won't tease my friends last time. You know, this is the most shameless thing on the road.

Bi Yuntao is aware of the seriousness of the matter. If this matter is not solved properly. I'm afraid the last black pot will have to be carried by myself.

I didn't dare to hide it at this time. I told you about the medicine. By the way, I will focus on the pharmacodynamics.

Chen Qingyun's tendons are all jumping up. Son of a bitch, let's go ū N medicine, no wonder I don't feel it!

"Say, how to solve?"

"Big brother, if the medicine doesn't work out, there may be a way to go to the hospital. But... "Bi Yuntao took a look at the leaf dragonfly with red face and blurred eyes. His stomach was full of bitter water“ Your girlfriend's condition seems to have broken out. In fact, the best solution is to share your room with her. "

Chen Qingyun according to his own pulse, fortunately, his strong resistance. At present, the drug x ì ng has not yet attacked, so we should immediately find a place to treat Dragonfly ye before the attack.

"I see. Get out of here, all of you Chen Qingyun's face ī He said in a deep voice.

"Don't be angry, then we won't delay you. Let's go now. " Bi Yuntao wants to leave immediately. When he hears Chen Qingyun telling him to roll, he feels as if he has heard the sound of nature and is ready to leave with his friends.

The people who came with Bi Yuntao were still a little puzzled. They just rushed in so hard that they were scolded and left in frustration. Who is this man?

At this time, outside the door, came the voice of Scorpion King impatient.

"Xiao Tao, what are you talking about? It's not done yet? "

Everyone separated, Scorpion King swaggered in. He had known for a long time that there was a man and a woman in the room, and the other party had taken the fruit of the medicine, which should have taken effect. Even if there are men, I'm afraid they have no strength to resist. But after waiting for a long time, Bi Yuntao didn't come back. Can't wait for him to come and have a look, but see the situation in the room a little puzzling. Behind the crowd, I heard Bi Yuntao apologizing to the people inside.

When the Scorpion King came, Bi Yuntao immediately had the backbone.

"Scorpion. There seems to be some misunderstanding. This woman is your friend's girlfriend. " Although he didn't want to admit it, Bi Yuntao whispered to the Scorpion King who just came in and said: "today, it's him in the hospital."

"My friend?" Scorpion King looks at Chen Qingyun. He doesn't seem to know this man, does he?

However, if you don't know each other, the other party will never talk nonsense under normal circumstances. In addition, so many people stand in front of the man, the other side is not red, heart does not jump, a look is very confident.

Can ordinary people be so calm? The answer is No.

Chen Qingyun knows Scorpion King, but scorpion king doesn't know Chen Qingyun. The reason why Chen Qingyun knew King Scorpion was that he saw King Scorpion on the second floor of Jianghu bar at that time.

Although scorpion king didn't know Chen Qingyun, he didn't say anything rashly. Instead, he asked tentatively, "this brother, do we know him?"

"Yes, and for many years."

Bi Yuntao stands on one side and is confused. Why doesn't the boss know each other! What the hell is going on?

In fact, it's not only Bi Yuntao who is confused, but also Scorpion King. Chen Qingyun got such a positive answer, he spent a lot of brain cells did not think who Chen Qingyun is in the end?

"Ha ha, brother, I really can't remember. Why don't you just tell me? "

"I'm your father!" Chen Qingyun said faintly.


Chen Qingyun did not give the other party any chance to consider. He has just got the information he wants from Bi Yuntao. It's the right way to leave here at once. I didn't expect that the Scorpion King would appear just after drinking Bi Yuntao.

He is not in the mood for chatting now, once his medicine comes up. That's really bad. Not to mention whether the Dragonfly will be spoiled, there is no good end for itself.

After a little distraction, he holds a bottle of wine, steps on the chair with one leg, soars into the air and goes straight to the head of Scorpion King.

Scorpion King just bandaged his arm from the hospital. Even if he was in good health, he could not avoid Chen Qingyun's attack. Let alone in the case of injury, Chen Qingyun was hard hit on the head.

Bang... The sound of popping.

Scorpion King was knocked dizzy, and then felt that the arm in good condition had a sharp pain, half of the beer bottle was inserted in it.


Chen Qingyun is really tough this time. He can't afford it at this time. He must try his best to make a move to defeat the enemy.

In the absence of any weapons, the wine bottle becomes Chen Qingyun's lethal weapon.

After taking the Scorpion King's assassination aside, Chen Qingyun immediately kicks the wine bottle on the table and smashes it at the crowd, making it impossible for them to attack.

Then, he immediately rushed up with two bottles. After the two wine bottles burst on Bi Yuntao's head, they turned into a pair of sharp daggers.



Scream repeatedly, Chen Qingyun eyes do not blink, heart does not jump, with the bottle down 12 people. It only took three minutes!

After inserting the wine bottle into the last person, Chen Qingyun turns around and punches the Scorpion King on the chin.

More than two meters high scorpion Wang Huosheng was hit by Chen Qingyun and flew out. He knocked down the dining table and fainted directly.

"Let's go!" Chen Qingyun pulls Dragonfly ye, who has entered a crazy state, and leaves. Now every second is precious, and it's very likely that something unexpected will happen in the next second.

After all, scorpion king is also a leader of the fire dragon gang. I believe someone will come soon. If surrounded again, Chen Qingyun can't guarantee that he can repel the other side.

He now feels that his body is also starting to heat up, and the medicine seems to be starting to attack.

Dragonfly Ye's fiery body is closely attached to Chen Qingyun's body, and he feels this and that from time to time. If she doesn't touch her, it's OK. Chen Qingyun is also in a rage now.

The effect of this medicine is up, but it's comfortable. Such a big thing happened, as if it had nothing to do with her.

If it goes on like this, Chen Qingyun is afraid that he may not be able to walk out of the hotel, and he will have to be colluded with by the other party in advance.

Squatting down, the dragonfly picked up and quickly ran out of the hot pot shop.

There was a bloody incident, and the hot pot shop was in a mess for a long time. It also led to Chen Qingyun's smooth escape.

Arriving at the door, Chen Qingyun felt dizzy. Originally, he could hold on for a long time, but the fight just made his blood flow too fast, and the drug x ì ng was not controlled by his body function, and it broke out ahead of time.

"Dragonfly ye, I know you can understand more. Now we have two choices. First, follow me to the hotel. Second, let's find a quiet place to die! "

Chen Qingyun yells at the dragonfly, trying to wake him up. The drug effect has been completely absorbed by the body, and even going to the hospital is useless.

Although he can make his own decisions now, Chen Qingyun doesn't want to hurt Dragonfly Ye. Even if they survive, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble!

"Well, if you don't talk, I'll help you make a decision!" Will Chen Qingyun choose to die? Of course not. Even if you want to die, you have to kill those poisoned dogs first.

Opposite the hot pot city is a hotel. Chen Qingyun rushes in with a dragonfly.

Time is life, but now fully reflects this sentence. Chen Qingyun pulled out a handful of money, red eyes to the waiter: "give me a suite, speed!"

The waiter really hasn't seen such a impatient guest, but for the sake of money, he immediately threw it to Chen Qingyun.

"Check in when you come down tomorrow morning! Room 0255. "

The two men entered the room.

At the moment, dragonfly Ye's body is as hot as fire, so is Chen Qingyun. When the drug starts to attack, he can't control it. Will leave Dragonfly rudely on the bed, and then... Jumped up!

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